sermon i'm still holding on

Thanks for commenting. I'm still holding on Genesis 40: 14-15 14 And please remember me and do me a favor when things go well for you. 9. Turn your demons over to the Lord. Not only must we see God, we must also seek His goodness. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. The enemy cant go in there. We must learn to actually live and boast in our infirmities not allow the infirmity (weakness) to have the victory over us. Even with that, we need Gods plain path. This message will cause you to look over your life in retrospect,and when you do youll remember to give God the Praise! 6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan also came among them. There are many lessons you will learn in life if you pay attention. (Elaborate on his Damascus Road Conversion-Acts 9) Have a blessed day. read more, Scripture: We must grip tightly to our faith in Christ through prayer and mediation on a daily basis Then, whether our day is like a tried old nag or a bucking -bronco, holding on to our faith keeps us in the saddle until the ride is over. Im quite sorry if you are new to the faith and that surprises or disappoints you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers. When you force yourself to look higher than your problems, you will begin to see God by Gods Light. He had to deliver: messages of the fall of Jerusalem; messages of death; messages of captivity. It is certainly not to focus on the bad things in life. Part 1 in series Getting Free, a series that looks at growth in the Christian life, this message shows that for a while the struggle with sin continues to play a part in the life of a person even after coming to faith in Christ. The spirit of sadness and depression are no different than the demon that possessed that fathers son. And it kept on raging. So, how do we fix our broken heart or the broken-hearted? We drift along, sometimes barely holding on to the hand of our Creator. Apostolic. The sound of it was eerie. It came howling like ten thousand wolves. He saw the challenges that Moses faced with such a stiff-necked bunch of rebellious Israelites. hell can't hurt you. I have come to God so many times with my infirmities that I think to myself, God, I know youre getting tired of me. But the truth of the matter is that God does not grow weary of us and wants to help us with our infirmities. We fall short in our faith we must overcome this failure. Admittedly faith comes to some a lot easier than it does to others. Imagine how sad and depressed Jeremiah and his brethren were in those days. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. His enemies were dogging his every step, but God was with him. March 14, 2021 Sermon Scripture: Genesis 32:22-32 Sermon Topic: I'm still holding on!. Peter and two friends were rock climbing. As a matter of fact, Goodness does not show up alone; it brings along Mercy. You may say, holding on is easy when the problem has not arrived. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. First I would like to applaud the commitment of This brings us to the third lesson: Gods Goodness will show up. I will hold on! Why would God show us His Deliverance if we could not run there in the time of trouble? Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour. He will always be your hand in helping you get back up. Paul was in the same boat that the captain was in. Thus he says in verse 13, I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Seeing election anchor Sarah in the psych ward gave me a fresh perspective on why God has revealed to us that we were chosen by him before he formed the world. TITLE: To LIVE - SHINE IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR A JOB FOR A WHILE NOW, SOMETIME THE PEOPLE WE APPLIED TOGETHER ARE CALLED BUT FOR ME I GET NOTHING NOT EVEN A FLASH. David said that God was the best thing that could ever happen in his life. If you are depressed in spirit today, I present to you a God that is compassionate, powerful, and merciful to those that hold on to His hand. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion. And no one can better testify to that fact than Job. We must also Proclaim God as our Light. Saint Louis Mo. It is so comforting to think that when I lack the power to hold on to God He is still able to hold me. Why desire and seek after to dwell in the House of the Lord? ", "Jesus be a fence all around me everyday! Holding on To My Faith Part 2 But to make matters worse: For this storm didnt just last a few days. David knew where his help came from. Look to the Lord. INTRODUCTION: Good Assembly Of God. Again I quote the Apostle Paul (Ephesians 6:12) in saying that we do not wrestle against the flesh and blood but against principalities! There are three that I think are essential if you are to have any degree of success and sanity in this world. However, if we look to ourselves or at the "beast . I want to focus on sadness and depression in my message today. Im still holding on, If a man die, shall he live again? No doubt at this point in Davids life, he felt overwhelmed by the constant death threats and violent acts directed at him. Pentecostal. In the following decades, Jerusalems insurrection will lead them to war with Rome. Paul decided he would step in at this point and he reminded them that they should have listened to him, for he had warned them before they left Crete not to set sail. God heard Joshuas prayer. Have a blessed day. Jesus, the Righteous Son of God, indeed God in the Flesh, had enemies. Christ has both hands on the reins. The Psalmist recognized that he had enemies. Copyright 2018-2021, Zewalk Encouragement Enterprises, LLC. Peter and the climber were tied into a rope system called a belay. Whether they are the known or unknown, we still have them. Peter and the other friend were below. read more, Scripture: Where in Jesus words do you find comfort and hope that can endure through judgment? Romans 4:20-22 Today I know that Something Good Is Going To Come Out Of This I have struggled with debts for quite some time now and I feel overwhelmed. When they found his lifeless body lying in the rubble, Peter was still holding on, saving his climbers life. I believe my testing time is coming to an end (though the pain is deeper than ever) And these words were such a source of hope to me. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Like all men,God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a saving knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ. Like a horse that bucks off a thief, the natural creation comes undone under our rebellion. If we hold on long enough someone is going to come to our rescue. They sang and prayed until God shook the jail house. I'm Still Standing, Part II (God's Protection) Page 1 of 6 (December 20, 2020) 1 Sermon: The Fight of Holiness: I'm Still Standing, Part II (God's Protection) Lesson Text Ephesians 6:13-18 (AV)13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. The storm is identified in verse 14 of the King James Version says, it was called Euroclydon. All Rights Reserved. If you have been reading, listening, or watching my sermons over the recent years then you know that the heart is very important to me. And when the sun is shining, our spouse loves us, our kids are well-behaved, and work is going better than we ever expected, Gods electing love reminds us that every gift is a gift of grace. Please guys pray with me, i desparately need i breakthrough. Sometimes it is good to only have a few friends versus having people around who are really your enemies. God has to give patience, and He does so through the learning process. Do you see it? We proudly hunch our shoulders and say, thats their fault; no, its our fault. Its alright for somebody else to encourage you but maybe they are not going through what you are going through. And I signed the deed. And to all who trust in Him, He promises, Not a hair of your head will perish. Jesus is not saying nothing bad will happen to us in this mortal life. And for me to have a traumatic brain injury, anxiety and my left eye was botched by a plastic surgeonthat my face would look pleasing again as an ambassador for Christ. died until the redemptions price was paid in full; and died until the debt for sin was satisfied; I tell you this morning, brothers and sisters, many times you see me smiling; but you dont know what Im going through. and cause turbulence for you in your family; to cause an entire congregation to fall apart. What do you do when the problem is upon you? We hold on to the promises that His love never fails; that He will never let us be put to shame; that His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. Too often I saw the doctrine through the lens of debate rather than through the lens of worship and trust. 15 For I was kidnapped from my homeland, the land of the Hebrews, and now Im here in prison, but I He held on because he was holding on to God. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. What we must do is prepare for God as our Refuge. 13. Thank you for your words of encouragement and the reminder that The Lord will hold on to us when our grip loosens a bit. The question we must answer this morning is not will storms come, but how should we respond when the storms come? Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. But we do hold onand, praise His name, even more than that, He holds on to us. I can tell you from my own experience that the problems of life can sometimes come upon us and before we can get one thing straightened out, we are bombarded with another. Because Pauls story ended just the way the Lord had promised. Am going throw a rough time, Ive applying for a job for so long and it seems like God is not interested in me. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see. I am above the storms, I walk above your challenges, and every adversity that's sucking the life and the strength from you, they're now Mine.". Our Story; Our Pastor; Beliefs; Values; Kids; Students Keep on pressing and stay focused on your God given purpose. Our ministry must be about genuinely presenting Christ to those around us. Philippians 3:13-14. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Taking it one day at a time. You will be hated by all for My Name's sake. TEXT: Philippians 2:12-18 The first lesson to learn is that you will have enemies no matter how good you try to live. Yet, I tell you today that there is a spirit of depression and that spirit of depression is growing and spreading like a wildfire in the world today. I just bought a glass company last month, and It was threw reading Gods Word that I found the answer to "should I sign the deed or not" God led me Jerm.32. You see he had already been arrested and he was on his way to Rome to stand trial. 7And the LORD said to Satan, From where do you come? That is the point where we learn to hold on and hold out until the change comes. Wait patiently for God, even when you are afraid. He pens one of the most hopeful passages of scriptures that we find in the bible. Jeremiah was saddened that he had to deliver warnings and prophesies of Israels looming demise to his brethren. For you see all of these days they had not been able to see the sun or the stars. The trouble, we realized, was that the disciples did not present Jesus to the father or to the son. God commands us to hold on in order to hold out, Joshua held on and did not allow the fear of leadership to keep him from doing his best for God. Once Jerusalem fell, Jeremiah wrote this book of Lamentations. As we sang In Christ Alone together, our voices rose loudest when we sang, From lifes first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. Hold On, Im Not Done Yet! You may say, holding on is easy when the problem has not arrived. We trust; we lean; we grab tight as we walk through the valleys, longing and hoping for the day of victory; for another trip to the mountain top; in which we have full confidence will one day come. But you must remember in the storm once you receive news that God is going to deliver you, the devil will turn up the volume and cause the wind to get louder. Verses 4-5, the Psalmist describes this pursuit. Isaiah 41:10- So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. Nor does the Psalmist spend a great deal of time recognizing and complaining of how vicious the enemies are. Mention me to Pharaoh, so he might let me out of this place. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. So what Im still gonna hold on, though He slay me yet will I trust him. 14. Most of us have sung about this truth. She is not a conqueror because she overcame her depression immediately, or because the cancer stopped spreading. As a matter of fact, Goodness does not show up alone; it brings along Mercy. People wondered if this was Gods judgment, and if the deceased had gotten what they deserved. Sarah was crying out the words of Romans 8:30 with me, like a drowning woman holding on to a life preserver. Feb 18, 2018. I have felt swept here and there by the circumstances of my life. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Nor does the Psalmist spend a great deal of time recognizing and complaining of how vicious the enemies are. We can and that is the very thing we need. February 17, 2008 The domino effects leading to our salvation did not begin at birth, or even at Christs birth, but in eternity past when God foreknew us. This sermon highlights how one can make the best of a bad situation. Daniel 3-4; Titus 2. We Pray: Because Paul's story ended just the way the Lord had promised. Text: Hebrews 10:19-25 Peace, purpose and provision. But not a hair of your head will perish.. Sometimes the outside world assumes that because we claim to know God personally that we have somehow risen above the stresses of life. When we say somebody is broken-hearted or spiritually depressed, we are saying that they are depressed in their soul. Having trouble logging into your account? Summer is officially here - not according to the calendar but according to the annual exodus from church to the Lake, vacation, pool, golf course etc At one point, Joshua prayed that the Sun would stand still and the moon would stay in place until they finished the battle. Genesis 40, Genesis 40:14-15, Sermon Topics: Im so excited about starting this series today! I reminded her of the care of her church family and the love of Christ for her. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. And Him grabbing Peter right out of . If we do and when we do, patience will make us complete and lacking nothing. The life of a believer is not always rosy. David recognized that even if there were no enemies to complain about, he would still need God to be good, gracious, and kind. power that the devil couldn't defeat, because it was deep in the rock. Created by Happy Home Missionary Baptist Church. I am now realizing just how important it is for me to re-anchor myself in Him His word, His presence and His people. God, in His judgment, is leveling the ground for everyone to clear the way for something new. I have pulled back from the people in the church I attend and this had caused me to feel isolated and neglected. I just came upon your site and found it so what I needed to read, especially about what to do and not do in a crisis. There are many lessons you will learn in life if you pay attention. Other times, however, life gets to be a bitter battle just to stay afloat. I need prayer for that and my health. Paul said, Men you should have listened to me and not set sail from Crete and incurred this injury and loss.. </h6 class="pullquote"> In verses 8-9 of 2 Corinthians 4, Paul makes four statements that describe how Christians respond to the trials of life. All Rights Reserved. But, these last two years have been the testing of my life. Luke 21:16-18 We come from a people who looked on sadness and depression as a weakness; they thought you could rub the Georgia red clay on the injury and it would heal the injury. And the record is that the wind kept on blowing. And before he could really come to grips with the first and second problem, he was then assaulted by a third one. you will begin to see God by Gods Light, I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Even with that, we need Gods plain path. Here are some scriptures to encourage you to keep holding on to God. The empire will send its legions. And there is somebody in here thats is in a storm right now and it's not a storm that has been around just a little while, but youve been in that storm for a long time. | Site Design by Shaine Freeman. If the enemy assaulted him, God was his Deliverance. However, if we look to ourselves or at the beast, whatever that may be, then we will always feel weak, helpless, and afraid.Like the grandfather, who was an excellent rider, our heavenly Father is even greater. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers. Many times we talk about being hurt and broken, we believe the saying that time heals all wounds, we believe that a few comforting words, a little sympathy will make everything alright, and we dont understand when people dont seem to Rather than focusing on the bombs bursting in air, he saw a flag waving in the morning breeze. Those life experiences brought us to our knees but rather than giving up, we looked up. Why spend time giving credit to the enemy when you can spend time giving praise to God? For Paul said, I perceive that it would be life threatening if you set sail right now. But the captain disregarded what Paul had to say. We must not think that we can tell them to have faith and then leave it at that; our faith is also required. read more, Scripture: Dark side effects landed Sarah in the psych ward. If they need counseling (professional help) we must still be there for those that are in need. That was the promise she was holding on to the last time I saw her, and it is the promise that she will be praising Christ for the next time I see her. SERIES: To Live Holding on seems to be a helpless act, but it is a powerful testimony of trust. Praise Him in the times of glory and Praise Him in the times of trouble. Key Verse(s):Through the Lords mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. Written by Rev. Thank you and please pray for my mind and body. Note that David proclaims how he saw things through God. They talk but have no power to fight against God. I can say though, that "it was good for me that I was afflicted." Dennis O'sullivan. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a786e9ad83bf99a78435d5bb414014a9" );document.getElementById("i012d3fd9f").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Long ago, a building collapsed; several people were killed by the falling stones. Yosemite Valley, California, is a dangerous place, where devastating forces clear the way for new creation. Though the road has been rough And the goings been mighty tough, still I ain't going Nowhere, I'm right here to stay. You will see that He will always provide everything you need. So that they may come to know Christ! read more, Scripture: It lasted fourteen days to be exact; now when it first started the crew members hoped with all that was within them that it would soon pass over. I want to make sure we are clear on the subject of the broken-hearted. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, No matter what happens, Im still holding on to God, Still Holding On I can go beyond the preacher and say there are some people in here right now who wish they had listened to their mother, father, grandma and granddaddy when they said don't do something. Amen to God's loving and caring people as yourself. Last week, we established that the disciples should have been able to heal the fathers son (Matthew 10:1) of his unclean spirit, but they were unable to do so (Mark 9:18). On pressing and stay focused on your God given purpose the wind kept on blowing among! That it would be life threatening if you set sail right now victory. A helpless act, but God was with him was with him people as yourself we to. For somebody else to encourage you but maybe they are the known or unknown, we Gods. Father or to the son times, however, life gets to be helpless... 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