cities on the 33rd parallel

Homers usage appears to relate the term Sidonian with Phoenicians in general (see also 1 Kgs 5:6; Jidejian 1996:60). The Rye Creek Project involved testing and data recovery at 19 archaeological sites within the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona. Their task was to learn, preserve and use the great knowledge for the benefit of regional society and their responsibility extended to teaching many others during the course of a lifetime of service., Like me,Doutrconnects these structures to the Phoenicianswho he says mined millions ofpounds of copper thatwas transported back to the Eastern Mediterranean. At Caesarea Philippi, in the proximity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death.In addition to that, Jesus Christ was 33 years old at his death.The Amon (AMEN) is the numerical equivalent of 1+13+5+14=33.In the Book of Enoch,the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth, Mount Hermon, is also located on Parallel 33. Whether those ancient mysteries were identical with these of the order of Freemasonry which King Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abif instituted at the building of the Temple 3,000 years ago, we know not; but at that point we find an unquestioned, established and authentic organization of Masonry. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". PS: If visualization isnt your forte, its enough to hold the intention, with unconditional loving focus, as a convergence point and anchor of Light, Love and Life. That depends on what constitution governs the lodge. The presiding officer is Chief Prince, who is styled Thrice Puissant. In astrology, the sun officially transitions into a new sign of the zodiac at the, A continuous 12 lunation calendar with no intercalary periods will re-coincide with the solar year every, The BasilHouse of the Temple (Freemasons main lodge) has, Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral Ballroom- Ballroom is a square of 99 Feet, The Dancing area has a square of 66 feet and the square white oak floor panels measure, Water is frozen at 32 degrees, but once at, The Solar Year = 365.2422414 (3 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 4 =, The basilica of Saint Peter in Rome counts, The Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe is constructed of 32 stairs with the upper landing making it, The enclosing walls around the Pyramid of Saqqara in Egypt measure, On the Giza Plateau, the Great Pyramid rests on bedrock which is, Also in Giza, the Wall of the Crow measures, At the temples of Abu Simbel in Egypt, the Statues measure, In modern-day Pakistan at the Ruins of Mohenjo Daro, the streets around the temple and what would have been the housing for the Elite measured, The National Geographical Society founded in 1888 and modeled after the Royal Geographical Society of London, had an original membership of, The Tree of the Sephiroth of the Kabbalah has, The 2005 traditional Christmas greeting was delivered from the Vatican in, In Islam, 33 angels carry the praise of man to heaven; sacred litanies make mention of. I used the shape files provided in this file [ ]by [ http://thema Itis known officially as the Mother Lodge or Mother Supreme Council of the World. Itwas originallyfounded by Moses Lindo as the King Solomon Lodge. The Israelites were forced to assist in the building of these monuments to the Pharaohs, and at the time probably acquired a knowledge of the secrets of this order of builders. My father was living in a township on the latitude of 33.26 at the time, and the beach where he and his friend had this experience (in the year 2000) is on the latitude 33.32, which adds to 11, number of the doorway or pillars of the portal energy. As it has been said, nothing is a coincidence, and when dealing with the Phoenicians and Masons, this rings true more than ever. The southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula is at about the 33rd parallel, approximately 2,277 miles north of the equator. I have felt his presence strongly the last two months, and posted a photo in the previous post, of the Sun appearing like an Eye of Horus through the clouds, as a ship flew up from behind/within the cloud., The Secret Teachings of All Ages Manly P. Hall, Because the freedoms we enjoy are not granted in perpetuity, but must be reclaimed by each generation. -Rabbi Marvin Hier, See Related Research: De-Occulting the Nipsey Hu$$le Sacrifice Numerology and Similitude What From Wikipedia: Hussles memorial service was held on, The Number 72 (The Number of Earth) Meaning and Symbolism Represents the number of Earth The number 72 is, On October 1st, late in the day, news broke that White House public relations executive and political advisor Hope Hicks, The Number 23 (The Incarnation of Spirit in Matter) In the Bible The most famous and quoted of all, (Click image below)View & interact with the ISAAC KAPPY MIND MAP(Click image below) Although not officially an organization,, The Number 13 (Rebellion and Lawlessness) Meaning and Symbolism The number 13 is synonymous with rebellion and lawlessness. Few casual tourists realize, however, that this was once the center of the ancient Hohokam culture. Florence Prison, AZ: Masonic Temple 1.2 miles away. A closely related ritual complex emphasized fertility and warfare and was centered upon stars, feathered serpents, and celestial darts. At its maximum, east longitude extends how many degrees? On the flap is a serpent with three heads. Directions Advertisement. The 33rd time Abrahams name is used in the Bible is when Isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old, OR 333 (Genesis 21:1 2). Enlargement of golden spherical ship, August 25, 2016. 33 represents the two intersecting triangle of the Merkaba, or lightbody, which is symbolized by the Star of David, which corresponds to Metatrons Cube, as seen below. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33,in the city ofDallas. The time for rising and setting of the sun is given only for two parallels of north latitudethe. WebAnswer (1 of 7): People are always conflating Freemasonry with Scottish Rite Freemasonry. King Hiram of Tyre supplied King Solomon with craftsmen, metallurgists, cedar wood, architectural design, and presumably the esoteric symbolism of these two columns for the construction of his temple at Jerusalem. Sidon was said to be destroyed about 350 years before-ChristbyAlexander the Greatin 333 BC when the Hellenistic era of Sidon began. link. What makes you believe it was AZ? With roots in Early Postclassic Toltec-related iconography, this deity is often depicted as a skeletal and stellar war god shooting darts. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The down-pointing (feminine) tetrahedron spins from right to left (counter-clockwise) and the up-pointing (masculine) tetrahedron spins left to right (clockwise), with the two crossing over and merging in the middle. The download includes the entire issue of Archaeology Southwest Magazine with all of the articles on Tucson Basin prehistory. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Sidon was included in the inheritance of Asher, on its northern boundary (Jos 19:28). More. All regular Supreme Councils of the world today descend from the Mother Supreme Council of Charleston. you will find them all situated along the 33rd parallel. Countries like Iran and Afghanistan are traversed by parallel 33. . The room should be lighted with lamps or candles. 875-848 B.C. On May 31, 1801, the first Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree, the Mother Council of the World, declared its existence with a motto of Ordo ab Chao (Order from Chaos). Two of the locations mentioned in this article, Suda Bay Crete, and Lebanon, among others, ie the country in which Mecca is located, didnt really appreciate what an opportunity it was. WOW great srticle. Many ships appeared at the same, silver and white, the clearest being an Arcturian bow ship, and silver-white ships I felt with Hyadeans, Aldebarans and Pleiadians all from the Taurus constellation on board. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. At the time of the erection of King Solomons Temple, 1,000 years before Christ, the Sidonians had a society of builders which, no doubt, had derived their art and their secrets from the Egyptians and Phoenicians. The information you posted was very helpful and educational. Sure, haunted houses, haunted railroad tracks, haunted forests, but haunted lakes can add a pallor over any fishing trip or summer getaway. Carson City, NV: Masonic Temple 2.26 miles away. WebThese first Phoenician settlements can be found all across the globe in places like where I was live in San Diego, California in North America and along the 33rd degree you will These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We referred to one port of call as the Holy Land, and little did I know how Holy. 1. Mount Carmel is less than 20 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. The long temporal span of project area sites, running from ca. (LogOut/ Charleston NC is located on the 32 degree parallel. For Scottish Rite Masons, the 33rd degree is the highest degree offered, and it is honorary (meaning: there is nothing you can do which guarentees you receive it). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 593-571 B.C. The Louisiana Territory was that part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase which lay north of the 33rd parallel, andwas divided at the 33rd parallel. 4 being the number of foundation/physical realms. The Preclassic period sites were for the most part more substantial; an analysis of the archaeological signatures of sedentism suggests that the majority of the Preclassic period sites were sedentary in nature (Chapter 26).-This contrasts with many of the Classic period sites which appear to have been seasonally occupied fieldhouses, although a larger, more permanently occupied (but severely disturbed) pueblo roomblock was also present. Phoenix, Arizona and the Valley of the Sun comes to mind. The allusion to the colleges on Mount Libanus may have some reference to the secret sect of the Druses, who still exist in that country, and whose mysterious ceremonies travelers affirm, have considerable affinity to Freemasonry. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? After Sidon of the 33rd Degree, there was Dido, who founded the Phoenician (Sidonian) colony of Carthage in Africa. These laws also allowed them to locate, manage and travel easily betweentheir kingdoms which were and are spread all across the globe to this very day. Anthropological Papers No. Rye Creek Ruin is one of the largest permanently occupied sites in the Tonto Basin, containing around 150 masonry rooms and two platform mounds. The town of Hawthorne, Nevada harbors a big 18-mile x 8-mile lake called Walker Lake. Furthermore, occupation within the Upper Basin was more-or-Iess continuous, at least from the Snaketown or Gila Butte phase through the late Classic period; the notion of a Sacaton phase (ca. In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important rd and final mission, which was also the final mission of a space shuttle, STS-135, on 8 July 2011. bank of America logo is three sets of eleven equaling. The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number, Mystery of the largest 8,000-year-old pyramid on the planet in China but hidden from the outside world, Satisfied with the image of launching the Artemis 1 lunar probe after many delays. It crosses Africa , Asia , the Pacific Ocean , North America and the The 33rd Parallel: Masonic Line Of Death For Psychic Energy. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt also passed away near parallel 33. Raleigh NC: Masonic Temple 3.3 miles away. We again find the Phoenicians under the name of the American Indians following the law of the 33rd Degree at a river that is said to be once called the River Sidonand is now known as the Mississippi river. If you have faced any supernatural or unexplainable event then you can submit your own story to reach out to more people using our website as a medium. In Shakespeares Hamlet, the Ghost is represented in the first scene with an entrance described in a sentence with 33 characters. Sit comfortably and focus into your heart centre-point with relaxed breathing. The inner and outer Merkaba have an interconnection through the 33rd parallels north and south. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator and the Doutrstates that, Ancient astronomer mathematicians built sites like Circlestone as repositories of codes and places where initiates to the astronomical arts could be taught the age-old principles. He says33rd Degree Paralell is the Safest Location Paralell Wide Strip (33rd) crossing the Plain (Globe) Then bring in the white light of purity and ascension, followed by the violet light of transformation. (1 Kings 7: 13-22), The Cretan,Joannes Phocas (1185) had written ,The Pilgrimage of Joannes Phocas in the Holy Land (in the Year 1185 A.D.) in which an account is written by John the priest, the most holy Phocas, who practicesreligion in the Island of Patmos, how he saw the holy places in the year 1185. The Phoenix Lights, witnessed by thousands of people in the skies above the city were one of the most enormous UFO sightings in history.As per the witnesses, two separate UFOs events were reported.The city ofPhoenix is situated on Parallel 33. Set the intention for your Merkaba to spin at the highest available frequencies of Love and Light. Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Around The World. Bro. It may be no surprise to you after read this article that the Mother Lodge of the World that governs the laws of Ordo ab Chao of the33rd Degree which by no coincidence sits on the 33rd Parallel. One city precisely at 33 degrees north is Naharriya in Israel (I live nearby). The climate is coastal Mediterranean, with cool rainy winters (it sn On the largest earth-based reflective telescope, the mirror is, The worlds largest radio telescope is the, The numbers associated with the tetrahedron, the simplest and most basic of the Pythagorean perfect solids, are 19.47 or 19.5 and 3 or , Due to Earths gravity, a column of water can only rise up into the air, The escape velocity from Earths gravity is Mach, The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Earthquake Information Center (World Data Center for Seismology, Denver), lists seismic activity according to depth below surface, with , The numerical/alphabetical sum of AIDS equals. WebSanta Fe, NM 87502-2486. The adoption of this religious complex, a veritable world religion centered upon the sun and a floral paradisal realm, was at the heart of nearly every major social change in Northwest Mesoamerica and the American Southwest after AD 900. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. San Clemente, Ca. El= one God, Elohim =many Gods Nearly, A scientific, alchemical, and rather opinionated perspective on borders Border (Webster) A line separating two political or geographical areas,, For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the, The Number 10 (The Most Complete and Perfect Number) Meaning and symbology Completeness in Divine order Used when, And there we saw the giants, the sons of A-nak, which come of the giants: and we were in our. Cory Daniel is a professional certified interpretive guide and writer/researcher who currently lives in the Valley of the Sun. Cities on the 33rd degree parallel? Or, 3300 officers of King Solomon (1 Kings 5:16), According to Jewish law laid out in Leviticus, a woman had to purify her blood and was not permitted to touch anything sacred for, The Bible contains a total of 66 books. Metatrons Cube, showing Star of David/Merkaba. In order to accomplish such a feat in a time where there were no satellites, computers or modern compasses, they would need a congruent system put in place that the Phoenician kings, mariners, warriors, masons and slaves had to follow so they were all on the same global page even when they were separated by different oceans, countries and time. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". (LogOut/ This is the exact country and location that for at least 3,000 years had provided much of the Cedartimber needed to build their Phoenicians ships and maintain their Navy and Merchant Marines ships to trade their silk linenembroidery, dies, metals, andglass. While Paul was on his way to Rome as a prisoner he was allowed to visit his friends in this city (Acts 27:1,3). no longer supports Internet Explorer. areas of the world where UFO sightings are frequent. In The American Tyler-keystone: Devoted to Freemasonry Volume 18, it is written: The Egyptian order of Sacred Builders, which had existed long before the time of Rameses and Ptolemy, erected the great pyramids which keep watch over the placid Nile, and whose sides are builded square with the four points of the compass. Another interesting fact is that Baghdad is located at latitude 33 33N and the palace of Saddam Hussein was built exactly on this position.The ancient city of Damascus, Syria also corresponds to that parallel. 33rd Degree of Mount Carmel The Biblical Mount Carmel is south of the modern city of Haifa and west of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Wallace, Glazed Over: Composition of Northern Rio Grande Glaze Ware Paints from San Marcos Pueblo, Causes and consequences of migration in the 13th century Tonto Basin, (2011) The Diurnal Path of the Sun: Ideology and Interregional Interaction in Ancient Northwest Mesoamerica and the American Southwest (Dissertation), (2015) The Darts of Dawn: The Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli Venus Complex in the Iconography of Mesoamerica and the American Southwest (M. Mathiowetz, P. Schaafsma, J. Coltman, K. Taube) [in Journal of the Southwest], The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, 3 vols, The Book of Secrets and Notes about the known history of the Royal Grail families of Europe, Hohokam Life in the Eastern Tucson Basin (2007, Archaeology Southwest Magazine), The Message of the Sphinx A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, The Mimbres--A Pre-Columbian Counter-Culture in the American Southwest, The Orion Zone: An Arizona Star Correlation, The Blazing Star of the Nile: Egyptian Stellar Template, The Four Arms of Destiny: Swastikas in the Hopi World & Beyond, The Maltese Cross: Hopi Indian Version of a Knights Templar Symbol, The Mothman of Pottery Mound: the Use of Sacred Datura in Ancient New Mexico, Material Evidence of Immigrant Diversity within the Perry Mesa Tradition, Central Arizona, TOWARD COMMON GROUND: RACING AS AN INTEGRATIVE STRATEGY IN PREHISTORIC CENTRAL ARIZONA, P.C. 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