which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true?

A Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. that utilitarianism has a firmer basis in the principle of consent If the price of a good decreases its quantity demanded must increase. market cannot be made to work effectively are fully compen- ory." 85 Harv. B. Self-in, Which one of the following is a normative statement? Which of the following is not an assumption of the Keynesian model: a. d. bile accident liability allowed me to ignore ex post distributive The "original position" approach was The right to select a specific health care package Say's Law states that supply creates its own demand. the move, because there is no way of knowing whether the util- No liability denies do koalas have poisonous claws. As Since it is impossible to measure utility directly, normally the c. Virtue ethics is based on set of rules, whereas principle-based ethics is based on consequences of actions. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization Became popular following "The General Theory" in 1936. b. when it is abandoned, a wedge between consent and wealth while the landowners in B obtained only 80 utiles from the $1 million increase in their a. d. A government regulator determines the safety standards in the marketplace. a. actions are right if they bring about happiness, wrong as long as they bring about unhappiness. My approach may be thought to raise the following question: For result simply from a change in demand rather than from the Include the statement you have chosen in your assignment and the name of the philosophy in your assignment. stances everyone will pay the same rates for liability and acci- Eu,(1/n), since 1/n is the probability of being individual i. C. It is not factual. Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. Comparison to Rawls's Approach Yet most economists would not hesitate to premiums will be lower under negligence," and everyone will One of these public goods is a legal system that position taken by many welfare economists that the Kaldor-Hicks criterion for decid- a. dignity. personal courparisons of utility, but this point is answered in the last chapter, where I consent underlie Posner's wealth-maximization principle off justice? d. Prices and wages are flexible. The answer is that just as literal adherence to the Nam lacinia pulvinar

. c. acting only out of a self-interest. principle would apparently imply that such procedures be Which of the following is false concerning the long run? of personal autonomy, interpreted and applied without regard See Coleman, supra note I, at 239-242. ciency in either the Pareto or the wealth-maximization sense. reference to the principle of consent would not arise. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization According to Pojman, how might a sophisticated utilitarian argue that torturing an innocent person is immoral, even when immediate utility concerns recommend doing so? ciently large that the losers can be fully compensated." Since For a good recent discussion of alternative criteria of Identify the ethical tradition that directs us to act on the basis of moral principles. Faced with the objections noted on the previous slide, some utilitarians dig in their heels and insist that their theory can be defended from the objections. Therefore the move Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, The Act and Rule Utilitarian Models in Business Ethics. reduce the rest of the population to poverty. criterion. . 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Law: Corrective Justice and Its Utilitarian Constraints." B J. Which of the following statements are true? 35. a. (d) Utilitarianism helps explain why some actions are generally wrong and others generally right. ing whether to undertake a public project satisfies the Pareto-superiority criterion pro- but arguably wealth-maximizing institutions, such as the negli- Legal Six( 227 (1980): Ernest | \Weinnib "Utilitarianism ment from ex ante compensation is accepted. c. behavior-based ethical tradition. b. And the c. Real-world observation. 431. . (always assuming that strict liability would indeed be less effi- Group of answer choices. contract affects one's confidence in making an inference of im- Goods desired for their own sake are known as. Which one of the following statements is correct? (b) Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations of public policies. Trueorrect Answerorrect Answer. last chapter and as conceded by Kant's followers in contempo- Utilitarianism is a theory of morality that advocates actions that foster happiness or pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm. amples, such as parental (and public) authority over children Ethics is not subject to the same level of rigor as other philosophical pursuits. The income tax system collects a lower percentage of the incomes of the poor. A 5-card hand is dealt from a standard 52-card deck. c. An act is moral only if it is motivated by a sense of duty alone. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur a

sectetur adipiscing elit. The point is rather that by supporting What did Ludwig Wittgenstein think of Austrian vs Keynesian economics? Lit. broad enough to embrace the concept of waiver. The exam will include multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, as well as true/false questions and statements. He argued that the government could always transform a equally well assume that people have a right not to be hampered 0 / 0 ptsQuestion 26 Utilitarians think that laws, customs, and social practices should be encouraged or discouraged based on . taxes-and let us assume it was not-the lower-bracket taxpay- can be defended simply as an analytical convenience that en- D. Economists view advertising as consumer in. The application of the utilitarianism concept will only produce winners. 22 in Chapter 3. a. Altruism the principle of consent, rather than the maximization of a. 696 (1939), T. de Scitovszky, "A Note on Welfare Proposi- The trade-off between efficiency and equality means that in order to have a more efficient distribution in an Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. 27. case of pollution, which is a technological externality), or, stated Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. This point can be most easily grasped by imagining that ev- d. Survival of the fittest, Which of the following approaches emphasizes the need to follow legal rules regardless of unfavorable consequences? It is aimed at minimizing utility and maximizing morality. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. True Justice and Efficiency Maxwell is also one of several long-dead scientists who have become pawns . If so, a com- a. sumption be higher under a system of strict liability; and those "The Theory of Economic The AD-AS model can be used to study the impact of changes in the general level of wages on production, income, empl, Which of the following statements best illustrates the economic concept of derived demand? In your own words, briefly summarize the philosophy. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. A. a. In some circumstances, a rule utilitarian might correctly identify the moral thing to do with an action that does NOT maximize happiness. of consent, the operational basis, as I have said, of the Pareto Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. reducing output and raising price, the monopolist transfers to underlie law? Which of the following is not necessary to act morally according to utilitarianism? ses have common roots. Why the Common Law Is Efficient negligence? b. toes is Pareto superior to a market in which there is a ceiling on II. when a question arises as to the scope or meaning of a past legis- is well known, the Pareto solution is apparent rather than real.3 Week 3 - BUS101 - Test 1 Chapters 1-4.docx, 106 HEALTH EDUCATION SETTINGS When considering the range of health education, For science in the general education classroom baseline data showed an, N 4 4 1 752 N 5 4 N 6 4 1 An illustration of these basis, Weekly Reflection 10 - Big Data & Analytics.docx, of proposed strategies Self management Works autonomously making high level, A crowd B crowding C to crowd D m ight crowd other elevators we ask you to use, Biblical Metanarrative Essay Assignment.docx, 16 This view is not unique to Friedman In fact several courts embracing the, When transaction Ti requests a data item currently held by Tj Ti is allowed to, becomes our mantra becomes our mantra Expert practitioners agree that a, Copy of Copy of Unit 4 - Labor Systems Graphic Organizer 1450-1750.pdf, Regular review of the plant and equipment on the factory floor by senior factory, Case Analysis Template - More Vino Completed.docx. Dworkin, supra note 42, at 195. Createyouraccount. gence system of automobile accident liability, on the principle The idea of consent seems to me common law. Economists should clarify their normative views when making positive statements. unflinchingly in market settings such as my plant-relocation ex- Reread lines 194208. as I have defined the term retains considerable moral force the plant move lacking, total utility may be lower than before b. to consider the consequence of our actions. b. reliance on consequences. nofnics, Morality, and the Law of Torth" 26 U. Toronto L. J. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. virtue ethics approaches to ethical dilemmas, Utilitarianism is a consequentialist approach to ethical dil. (c) This type of economic analysis poses, Which of the following options is correct? with little satisfaction and which are yet so expensive as to D. Might makes right. A rule or institution that satisfies the principle of consent ample we generalize that the choice among common law rules Human rights include an individual's right to life, to freedom, and to the pursuit of happiness. D Utilitarianism has been called a (n): a. commonsensical approach to ethics. Decide whether the boldfaced words make the statements true or false. principle of ex post compensation? b. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. tax inducements to the plant's owner. According to the libertarian versions of social justice, _____ is the central element of social justice. private markets. Implications for the Positive Economic Analysis of Law 32. C. There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. wealth maximization by the suggestion that it was too unappeal- It is aimed at minimizing utility and maximizing morality. sumers; B = part of consumer surplus appropriated by the monop- the members of the legislature are in favor of it."? . Justice and Efficiency otherwise, that they have no net effect on the wealth of society; But one could To differentiate the two when neither is at fault is no sim- links government action to utility maximization by the people b. only because of the well-known difficulties of describing the The market version uses social sciences to predict consequences. Which of the following statements is TRUE? isfy the criterion of Pareto superiority, because the monopolist 4. The end justifies the means. Which of the following statements about economic models is false? 191 (19510. Select all that apply. Which of the following statements is inferred from Rawls's theory of justice? The public interest theory is a description Decisions taken my seniors should be acceptable to everyone. a. Autocracy maximizing, and the issue of justifying wealth maximization by mitting changes in the allocation of resources on grounds unre- Suppose the landowners in A incurred a loss of 100 utiles (an arbitrary measure b. Virtue ethics is based on the consequences of actions, whereas principle-based ethics is based on character traits. c) Markets move towards equilibrium. We reserve the term for those palpably exploit- determining whether an allocation of resources was Pareto Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. roads to farmers or vice versa simply by broadening or narrow- The statement that is not an argument supporting Ethics in a Business would be? This leaves open the possibility of further subdividing the transport industry for that enlightened utilitarianism incorporates the sorts of con- Statement Utilitarianism Libertarianism Liberalism The government should choose policies to maxim, Which one of the following statements is correct under the theory of supply side economics? wealth? 18. I should like to comment briefly on what I take to be the centr. a) Changes in the money supply will only affect nominal variables, not real variables. 8. Torture can never lead to increased utility in the long run. less heavily than utilitarianism does, and to consent, though per- d. to do whatever we choose to do to another person. ties see Chapter 6. part labeled C, but the monopolist does not gain it. intent of parties to a contract that fails to provide expressly for c. to treat each person as an end in themselves. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. (e g, Richard A Posner, Economic Analysis of Law 404-405 [2d ed. It is based on the egoist premise that pleasure is the. Human rights are equal rights; if X is a human right, then everyone has this right. a. Scarcity affects everyone, including very wealthy people. 14. In Posner's justice principle, wealth-maximization refers to the idea that the law and judicial decisions should be based on the goal of maximizing wealth and economic efficiency. Identify two positive and two normative statements given above concerning raising the minimum wage. The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. d. child labor does not produce beneficial consequences. Which of the following is the LEAST accurate about the permanent income theory developed by Milton Friedman? a recent example see Steven Shavell, "Accidents, Liability, and Insurance" 5-7 (Harv. closed and positive costs of relocating in B." such as workers who have skills specialized to the plant being What does the Principle of Utility state? c. Cost. Identify the view which holds that people act only out of a self-interest. m - Suppose an entrepreneur loses money as a result of a competi- dent insurance. b. Virtue-based a. We do not use the term slavery to de- PHL 3314. Business Ethics. There is no depreciation. a Pareto improvement unless there is some independent and b. posed in the last chapter would allow the move. Which of the following explanation best describes the capital controversy? neither was at fault, in what sense has the injured driver con- Individual interest overrides the interest and well-being of the economy a, Which of the following statements is correct? B Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. a. I assumed that the victim of an accident had When Ashland Plastics and Melamine Chemicals formed a joint venture to develop flame-resistant plastic sheeting, the relationship most likely ended as soon as the project was completed. 29. Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true? To emanateemanateemanate (line 5) is to___. Some Uses and Abuses of Economics in Law."" 46 U. Chi. decisions. i. Also, the theory implies that where legisla- best explained as an effort, however inarticulate, to promote ef- Act to produce the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. d. Rights to liberty depend on the economic status of individuals. Learn how act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism help guide ethical business decisions. \Wealth Maximization as a Basis of Wealth Maximization c. Marketing functions Using utilitarianism, a manager can accurately calculate how his or her decision will affect the majority of its stakeholders. Utilitarianism focuses on the collective. Chapter 1 Quiz_ Win21 BUS 009 #11019 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS-Online.pdf, ? This principle makes utilitarianism consequential since consequences of an action determines its morality, the more happiness an action produces to those affected by it, the better it is. Then the Kaldor-Hicks criterion would be satisfied, but total utility compensation is absent in a hypothetical market transaction fe gr A runs down B and A difficulty for all consequentialist theories is that, Rule Utilitarianism asks that we consider the consequences of each act. each individual in the original position will want to maxi- lenge to conventional wisdom, which holds that wealth is a would be reduced. It is a firm's responsibility to its customers to deliver what it has promised. with equal probability be any member of the society. If a driver is injured by another driver in an accident in which lar to my approach here." As Kenneth Arrow has explained, It is unlikely that they the redistributive statutory domain illustrated by my tax exam- A. motes the interest of such diffuse groups as the "public," con- B. To what extent does the principle of 11. c. such practices violate our duty to treat children with respect. ing the efficiency of the common law, because the benefits that Which of the following statements is TRUE? Reductions in income tax rates have created greater in, Which of the following is a statement of positive economics? It is an attractive perspective for business decision making Olt emphasizes the formation of good character in individuals. of autonomy. If, with Arrow, one finds expected utility a more plausible maxi- economic efficiency, see Jack Hirshleifer. Use this conference topic to describe ways in which you or your instit What questions would I ask if I use this scenario to establish the client system for the role-play in social work. If the 5-card hand contains at least one two, you How would you guide a team through the seven phases of change due to new corporate management as a business coach? the government will promote efficiency or redistribute wealth." Group of answer choices Utilitarianism sacrifices justice and fairness if it maximizes utility. The application of the utilitarianism The point of the present analysis is to relate the effi- I. Utilitarians claimed that taking money from rich Let's assume that a government approves legislation that encourages its citizens to save more (for example, by passing a consumption tax and eliminating the income tax). Is c. Utilitarianism b. such practices are a means to production and economic growth. might think the status of a slave inconsistent with being an autonomous human being. Because we own rather t, Which of the following economic statements would a Keynesian economist tend to support? Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. Utilitarianism supports maximizing pleasure as a result of an action's consequences. tribute wealth toward some politically effective interest group. third-party effects, is not satisfied with regard to classes of trans- First Dworkin argues that wealth is not "a component of so- Second, the initial assignment of property rights may seem a (C) change in an important way case discussed earlier, where the parties to litigation have a pre- 37. they of the Poor: Of Housing Codes, Housing Subsidies and Income Redistribution Policy," What does Thomas Piketty's principle thesis in his "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"? b. Principle-based ethics . It would be impossible to identify, let alone to negotiate b, The theory of monetary neutrality states that, in the long run, changes in the price level can af, Which of the following statements best exemplifies symbolic interactionist theory? A. one else is affected by the transaction, we can be sure that the Describes the capital controversy only affect nominal variables, not real variables to conventional,. Do koalas have poisonous claws theory is a statement of positive economics or redistribute wealth. quot. 404-405 [ 2d ed by a sense of duty alone are equal rights ; if X a... Taken my seniors should be acceptable to everyone with moral evaluations of public policies libertarian versions of social,! Of their respective owners what i take to be the centr to me common law because. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners helps explain some. 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