when do clare and eli sleep together

Spinner is interviewing Eli for a job at The Dot and is asking him what his availability is over the next few months, Eli tells Spinner he has to take care of something right now after seeing Drew in The Dot. Clare is upset that she forgot the vote was this morning and apologizes to Alli. Eli looks at them both before saying he doesn't know if he can and walks away. Clare and Eli look at Adam and he smiles at Fiona. She smiles as Eli drives away. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. Eli and Clare the morning after they have sex. She asks him if he has a date for prom. Adam tells him not to pity him, and Eli replies by telling him to stop acting like such a girl but quickly adds, "Not like that." She invites him to dinner with her parents, where she tells them everything about Eli that her parents would not approve of. It saves lives, manipulates lives, and prioritizes some lives over others. She gets out of the car and asks what he's doing here. Helen comes in and catches Eli shirtless and he leaves embarrassed. He tells her that they need time apart because he can't get better. Eli overheard her mother say it was the hospital, and asks if everything is ok, and Clare assures him things are fine. Eli says it was the long distance, adding they barely made it though this year. Eli looks at her surprised. Eli and Clare arrive for their birthing class. He questions Adam about when Fiona would be arriving. At Clare's house, Clare and Eli take a group selfie with Jenna, Connor, Alli and Dallas. Class starts and when Clare turns around, she looks nervous. I don't know" and kisses her. Eli has told Clare "you have pretty eyes" twice: in their first scene together in. She tells him anyone with a heart would care about someone in trouble. Eli tells her that she shouldn't blame herself; Adam wouldn't want them to be sad, or angry, or guilty. She tells him that he has nothing to worry about and promises to not let anyone come in between them. Eli offers to sleep on the floor and Clare can sleep on his bed, but she feels bad and offers to sleep on the floor instead. It's the first time all week I sleep very well. I shudder with anticipation as my infatuation runs wild. Eli clears his throat and, like a child, Imogen puts coins on the counter in a huff. Clare says they can't have sex in there because they are in a hotel that has rooms. Clare, fed up, sees Cliff still outside the store and runs over to him. Eli says she can't fix things between them because there is no "them" anymore. Clare frantically rushes to the hospital to find out that (thankfully) Eli is still alive, but that he crashed Morty on purpose. Ms. Dawes says her writing, though good earlier in the semester, has gotten impersonal. He tells her that Cam isn't the problem, she is and they break up. He says he has nowhere else to go. Clare kisses Eli's hand when she's ready to head back home. Clare says she didn't plan for that to happen so Eli asks if she regrets it. Clare thanks him for coming and says they need some rules. Imogen agrees and wonders back why Jack wouldn't want to hold this "creepy creep" responsible and Eli responds he doesn't know but offers that some people are private about that stuff. Eli notices she hasn't said anything and asks where she is. She says no, but takes his handkerchief. Irene pauses her dressing routine, thinking of the day when Clare told her she would stop at nothing to get what she wants, and thinks that Clare will give up anything (money, Margery) to get Brian. She tries to calm him down but he yells at her, which scares her, and tells Clare to go away. A tear falls down Clare's cheek as she says she can't believe they will never get to know him and that might never know why. Eli says the three of them will always have their road trip. They then start to feel hungry and go out to get hot dogs. She briefly explains being upset over Jake 'moving on,' and tells him that she's glad it was Eli who found her. Principal Simpson questions Clare and she says it's possible Fitz did it. They begin to make out again but stop when they hear crying. Clare touches Eli's chin, noticing his split lip, and asks him what happened. It's always a yes with you Eli," Eli smiles after hearing this. After a beat, Eli says her name and she replies to Eli's question with, "I tell her 'if you think I overcame adversity when I beat cancer, wait 'til you see what I'm like after losing a baby.'" He runs into Mr. Simpson and freaks him out. After finding out that he is the father of Clare's baby in, Eli and Clare's baby was revealed to be miscarried in. They are later seen at the J.T. Eli says it's an emergency and Clare agrees. They laugh about it, and Eli asks Adam about his current love interest, Fiona. Then, coldly, Eli says, "Tears, Clare? After not telling Eli about Asher sexually harassing her; Eli walks over to a bench where Alli and Clare are hugging. Alli questions this and Clare says it's not just going to be them in the picture anymore. Eli says that he's tried to find something that will make Clare trust him, "but apparently that's really, really hard so all I can tell you is that I want to be serious and I promise to earn your trust; I want to be apart of his life." At the Dot, Alli finds Dallas with his celebration cake since he has got a job playing hockey for the Nippon Paper Cranes in Japan. Clare smiles when Eli quickly says "I will" before explaining it's because he's familiar with the material. Eli comforts her and stays by her side through her treatment. Mr. Goldsworthy answers the door, half asleep. Clare returns to Degrassi and tells Alli about this. Clare assures him she will be fine and take care of herself and tells him that if he comes home, she will be mad. Eli starts to sit down where she is sitting, but Imogen suggests they sit at another spot. Clare takes the key with a smile and Eli asks if she wants to go with her friends. Clare and Eli stare at each other until other students walk into the theater for class. In Umbrella (1), Clare feels as if her own family is falling apart until that is, when Eli's parents give her a strange offer. They find a channel with a hospital scene where a patient asks if she is going to die. He tells her he knew she dated "that lumberjack for like a second" but tells her it said she loved him and wanted to have sex with him. Alli reminds Clare she loves Eli and she can't just take that out of the equation. When bodies are not touching, this is called the liberty position. They will both forever miss their best friend Adam Torres. Eli arrives and is surprised by Clare's new hair. Eli then asks Clare if she was really worried about him and Clare said it wasn't him. Eli and Clare sit down at a table. In a gas station, Eli and Clare are buying snacks. Eli searches for Clare and finds her crying in a closet. She gets up and says she guesses she does and storms off. He then tells her that just because they are in a relationship doesn't mean that they have to give up everything. She complies, and he kisses her, asking if that was a disappointment. Diagrammix. When he see Clare and Jake laughing and walking off together with their arms around each other, he tries to calm himself but freaks out and breaks a computer. Eli tries to start the car and thinks the battery's dead but that he'll call his parents to come get them so they can be back before dinner. They are later found on a bench (which later becomes "their bench"), Eli and Clare start talking about the English assignment and Eli tells Clare that she needs to write about something that pisses her off. Though you don't see Eli's post-season 10, Clare can be seen sporting one after she shaves her head in season 13. Clare immediately tells Principal Simpson, which is followed by the school being put into lockdown as the police search the school. Clare says it's not that simple and she needs to figure out what she wants. She tells him that the last time he worked on the yearbook, he did drugs. Clare is later seen talking to Alli about the kiss. Adam offers that it's the "anti-crackdown party in a secret location: bring your crush." Clare says she doesn't know and just to add it to the list of things she's done wrong, and she starts listing things she'd done wrong in this situation. I'm just not sure whether she and Alex were sexually active before that. Eli asks what he can do, and Clare responds that he should tell her it never happened. Clare assures him it isn't about him. Clare tells him that they need to break up, but Eli doesn't listen to her, and just focuses on getting rid of Morty. Clare sees ALL of Eli after he strips down while on MDMA. Eli, trying to look confident, fumbles with his plastic sword. Sleeping apart. Alli says that's sweet of him, then asks Clare if she told him about her surprise yet. Feeling embarrassed, Eli asks if he mentioned he was sorry and smiles at her. Eli asks Clare how stupid she is, and Clare, taken aback, replies, "Excuse me?" When Clare says she used complex sentence structure and advanced vocabulary, Eli rolls his eyes. He says he doesn't know and that the funeral didn't help. Eli offers to share his locker with her and convinces a doubtful Dave that it will turn out fine. They stop dancing and Clare says that isn't what it's about and that she loves him. Alli holds up a purple dress and asks if Clare likes it. Clare becomes disappointed and leaves on her bike. Dating (Long Distance), The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time). Eli is unaware of the situation between Clare and Drew, and Clare awkwardly tries to avoid looking at him. Eli, Clare, and Adam start to film. Alli crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows at Clare. It provides comfort, makes profits, justifies . Clare says she doesn't have a plan after she graduates and Eli says he thought she would just come to New York with him. Clare asks, "Even me?" (2), Eli is first seen reading in an empty classroom when Clare comes up to him and apologizes about talking to Fitz and freaking him out. Clare says "For the last time, Eli and I are done." Clare calls Eli later and asks him if it's bad time to be calling and he says it's never a bad time for her. He tells her that in the story, the hero realizes he can't protect the heroine so he kills her, drinks her blood, and that way they can be together forever as one. In Umbrella (2), Clare finds Eli waiting by her locker, and she wants to know the reason why he rejected her, and he says it's because of her faith. Eli sadly walks off. He explains she's too far along for a natural abortion so her body will go into labor in the next two weeks or he can induce. She adds that Clare can't hide behind vampire fiction forever, hinting that she knows about the events of Innocent When You Dream. Eli and Clare cuddle in a hammock at Adam's party. Clare says they didn't date and asks about Lenore. Eli then smiles and complies by saying "twist my rubber arm, girlfriend," as they walk away smiling. Clare sarcastically thanks her for the support and Alli adds, unprovoked, that if history is any indication, her and Eli are like magnets that get in each other's orbits. Clare tells them it's fine, but Eli wants answers about Dallas. He asks if she's ready and Alli playfully says, "Have fun you two!" They cuddle on the couch where Eli tells Clare she doesn't need a wig. They look at each other for a moment. This compares to just 3% of those aged 18 to 34 who said the same, and 7% of those aged 35 to 54. They laugh at this before Clare goes quiet, considering. Eli tells Clare she cares too much about what people think. They reunited again duringThe Time of My Lifeand in the same episode made love to each other for the first time. Imogen then walks over where Clare and Jake are. Clare turns him down, saying that they aren't a fairytale. Alli holds up the purple dress and tells her the best way to get revenge is by looking great. If I _____ (go) out tonight, I _____ (go) to the cinema. The doctor informs Clare she's 16 weeks and looks on in shock as she realizes this makes Eli the father. Clare says what and Eli replies "your friends said you ditched school, are you alright?" Clare has other ideas than watching TV but they stop when Eli finds her hair falling out in his hands. Eli arrives at the party angry after what he just found out and Clare arrives moments later and is happy about the party. Clare says it won't be easy before pausing and thanking him for being there. She asks what he has in mind. She then starts walking out the door, then turns around and asks, "Well, are you coming?" In Waterfalls (1), Clare, Eli & Alli are seen walking to school; both Eli and Alli tease Clare about her constant talk of Asher. Eli reassures Clare he won't do MDMA again. Clare gets a text from Jake which is clearly upsetting and after saying her relationship with Jake has gotten complicated, she shows Eli the text. Clare asks Eli how his short film is going. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. Eli agrees and says a secret study with a huge balcony and jokes that Clare wants a humidity-controlled beef jerky drawer. Eli follows up with, "won't you be liable to slack if your early assignments aren't being marked?" Clare asks if he remembers the last time they were happy together and Eli responds that he's happy right now and asks her the same question. As they walk to begin filming, Clare asks who will play Romeo, since she's obviously playing Juliet. Eli tells her that they'll think of something else to do. Eli says he doesn't care; he can't do this anymore/ Clare starts sobbing and tells Eli that Asher kissed her the night they re-wrote the article for the play and says that she thought she handled it, but then he tried again and she complained to his boss and she got fired. He introduces himself as Cliff Jacobs, a student in her history class. In Something's Got to Give, Clare is glad when Drew comes to her prenatal appointment and he promises he won't miss any more of them. Clare says in a low voice that Sylvia Plath killed herself. She asks him what he's doing there, and he replies that he can't leave without trying to fix their relationship. Dating Status Issues with sleep and relationships are likely to occur at the same time, especially during . Clare gets worried when Eli doesn't answer and she hears a crash. In Bitter Sweet Symphony (2), Eliwalks behind Clare asking to let him talk. He says he cares about her and that's it, but she thinks it has something to do with Julia. She asks Adam where he would keep it, but Adam tells her he's never went into Eli's bedroom, and he said Eli has a lock on his bedroom door. She sees Drew over Eli's shoulder, but she tries to ignore him. Clare and Eli share a long kiss after professing their love. Eli and Clare Moments from Degrassi ' Get It Together' . Clare tells him he is working at his dream job and she doesn't want him to leave everything for her. Eli and Clare kiss after talking about their baby. In Teen Age Riot,Clare tells Alli and Eli about how Ms. First published in 1999, the groundbreaking Exile and Pride is essential to the history and future of disability politics. Clare wonders if Eli's roommate will mind her sleeping in his bed but Eli says his roommate would love to walk in tonight and find her there. . Clare explains that Fitz had just showed up, beaten up, and that he's having problems at home. Clare sighs and Eli smiles, saying, "I had you going there didn't I?" Eli then tells Clare she has pretty eyes. A thing happened, a tiny one-time thing with Drew; a mistake. Eli tells him that he isn't going anywhere, and that he will always be there to stand up for him, proving that they are friends once again. It aired on June 21, 2013. Alli and Clare walk over to The Dot and Clare tells her she's gonna tell Eli the truth before he hears it from someone else. Later, he watches the video yearbook with many other students. When he reminds her of this she say's she's sorry, embarrassed. Eli says he agrees and asks if she wants to leave now and asks for the car keys so he can drive. In Thunderstruck, Clare missed her interview for Columbia University because she was in the hospital after falling and needing stitches. It took you a year! Eli is the second of Clare's boyfriend's that have cheated on her, the first being K.C., who started developing feelings for Jenna in. Eli considers resigning from the play due to lack of inspiration, but the second Fiona asks Eli if Clare's a good writer, Eli rips the resignation out of Fiona's hands and tears it to shreds. Eli then tells her to put the computer down. He looks over to the main lobby where Jake and Clare are talking. Eli replies half-joking with "Edwards? Get married, buy a house?" Clare apologizes, explaining that she was so messed up, and that she didn't tell him about the baby sooner because she wanted to tell him in person. Eli walks into The Dot and is surprised to see Clare there because he thought she was sick. In U Dont Know (2), Imogen is seen at Little Miss Steaks spying on Clare with Jake. Eli reminds her that it's her dream. When she turns around, Eli immediately tells her to listen to what hehas to say. Drew tells Clare "I'll see you at school Edwards." She asks for Alli to just tell her how she can help. Later on, Clare goes up to Eli and says that she read the play. In Love Lockdown (1), Clare's parents are still fighting, but her fledgling romance with Eli is keeping her happily distracted. Clare leaves a message for Eli and tells him that she knows she told him not to come back home, but asks him to return anyway and that she's scared. It appeared that nothing would keep these two apart, which was one of the reasons Eli and Clare were one of the more popular couples in the Degrassi series. Clare tells Eli to ignore Fitz, but he doesn't listen, saying the only way to deal with a bully is refusing to be the victim. After Clare asks if he's OK, he slams his fist hard into the table, causing Jake to come over and check on Clare. Later, When they all leave the cabin, Clare invites Eli to ride along with her and Jake, since it would be a long trip back by bike. Eli and Clare are outside of The Dot when Eli, who is upset by the news, is telling Clare that he's not ready to give up their future and that a baby would severely affect their plans. Clare tries to make Eli jealous but her plan backfires when Eli and Jake start talking. She explains this to one of the staff members at the university's admissions office and they give her a second. Eli then promises Clare that he'll be nice to Becky. Then Clare tells Eli that the gift is nice; he then puts his arm around her as they continue to sit on the bench. He refuses and she says either he is denying it or he's a sociopath who likes to jerk people around and she knows he's not the latter. Drew approaches and asks Clare if she's okay because he's been calling non-stop to no answer. I'm so sorry." Jake stops her rant with "and scene" and then takes her out of Above the Dot to tell her she needs closure. He promises her he will work on it and they share a hug. This is when the police find them and take Fitz into custody. Eli is surprised to hear that it was Clare who called his dad. Clare then tells Eli that the baby is Drew's, not his. Eli tells Clare to tell him right now, but Clare says it'll change everything. Eli reads Clare's article for The Interpreter. Alli says she could've told him in a worse way before he finds out in another way before Drew yells at Clare upon knowing that Eli was the father of her baby, she says it was a mistake before Drew says he sacrificed everything in his life for her. While Eli talks, Clare is very upset. Eli puts Clare on edge by referring to Jake as being "out of the picture soon enough," and walking away laughing in a very unstable way. They high-five. Clare reminds Alli that Eli cheated on her, and Alli reminds her it was only one time, but Clare insists she can't get over it. Clare asks if he's going to do something to him, and Eli says, "No.. we are," and Clare says, "Together." The next day, Clare is walking with Alli in the hallways and they talk about her kiss with Jake. Adam offers to rehearse with Fiona by asking if she's free tonight while Eli and Clare look on, smiling and giggling, as they pretend to read their scripts. In Summertime, Eli is now in New York as an intern and Clare is living her life as usual. Over the summer, Clare was diagnosed with cancer, and Eli took time off from his internship and living in New York to help care for her. Footprints, seriously?" Eli says they can do this and their real mistake was not talking about it before. His viewpoint changed, and now believes that they possibly could be the "party-throwing types." Eli then yells at the picture as if he were talking to Julia, saying that she is the reason that Clare hates him, and that she ruined his life. In I Wanna Be Adored, Alli takes Dallas, Connor, Jenna, and Drew through a proposed prom idea based on Van Gogh's Starry Night. Alli replies that she gets it; she's in love with Eli. Clare is extremely hurt by this and she begins to cry. Eli asks why she doesn't just call them. With the drama club creating its newest play at Degrassi, Clare has her hands full and her schedule filled up for months. Eli and Clare later take Adam to their secret romantic hideout which Adam asks about. He guesses that her heart-to-heart with Clare didn't go so well. Eli admits to having issues with his partnership with Becky. As they sit, Clare remarks that she may have signed them up for birthing class in the sixties. Eli enters a room Clare is in and tells her that Alli made him stay, and Clare tells him Alli has been begging her to tell him. Eli says he'll just go drive his hearse into a wall which makes Clare pause in shock until Eli makes a face and admits he's just kidding. When Alli asks why that's a problem, Clare says that because when he said that she wanted to kiss him. Her singing gets interrupted by Eli, and after the second time, she answers him, annoyed. Eli scares her by coming up behind her and saying, "hiding from the po-po?" He agrees and she then tells him she has cancer. It was the last straw when Eli crashed his hearse for herwhenshe just needed space. Adam comes up to them and tells them that he is FTM. Eli tells Clare he'll take her and Clare questions this because the battery's dead. Eli says he didn't and Clare insists that Asher has to know these facts for the article to be complete. Alli asks if that means not obsessed with her and if that is what she wants. Later Fitz goes up to Clare and tells her he found God. As Clare gets a phone call from Asher, Eli holds Clare's hand while she talks to him about meeting for lunch to discuss her ideas. Clare pauses and says "well" Eli tells her to go and that they'll always find their way back to each other. Clare says the stars are out and Eli asks what her wish is. Clare purses her lips while Alli clarifies that Eli has send her like a dozen voicemails. When Clare is offered a huge opportunity to cover a protest on her first day working, she calls Eli, asking if it would be okay to cancel their date. and Clare says she is there to pick up Eli's English homework. Eli responds, saying it was "parfait," or "perfect." I wake rested, Eli gets his . Eli finally brings up that last night's date was awkward. Clare is shocked, and Eli walks off, leaving Clare crying. Clare says she needs to take time to figure it out or else she'll regret it, Eli says he knows, Clare says she doesn't now what the plan is but she's giving herself a year, Eli says he gets it, Clare says "you do?" Clare's mom comes into the room with a concerned look and tells her that Drew and his mom are coming over. Eli starts apologizing profusely to Clare about reading her diary as he walks behind her, coffee and breakfast in hand. Eli opens his locker and finds out Clare cleaned out his locker. I cuddle all the time. Clare looks towards the door and Zo enters and Clare shakes her head. Once Helen leaves, Eli comes into Clare's room and wonders why she isn't ready to leave. He corrects her and says it's a tulip and she is surprised. Clare reminds Alli that he's the same guy that crashed his hearse to stop them from breaking up. Eli answers the question that Clare asked him off-screen, revealing Lenore's full name as Lenore Mantino. You know?" Eli asks her what happened to her needing space, but she brushes it off and says not now. Eli says that it was her constantly trying to get him to talk is almost as bad as doing drugs. Clare, expecting a congrats gift from Eli for getting into Columbia, is stunned: Eli surprises Clare with the gift of his presence. Eli and Clare listen to their birthing teacher, eyeing each other with a smile when she calls the pregnant women "goddesses." and Clare are seen kneeling next to Adam. Clare brings up that she hates Morty after Eli talks about the trip to Bloomington again, and Eli realizes that if she really hates Morty, he's going get rid of him to please her. The Heavenly Fire is gone from Jace. Paperback: $22.95 978--8223-6287-6 240 pgs. Clare and Eli share their first non-staged kiss. Eli adds that its thanks to her brilliant pitch the article will look great in his NYU portfolio. Clare offers to take Jake to Above the Dot to meet her friends, and Helen and Glen let them leave. Imogen continues that when she tried to tell Ms. Clare shows Eli the MRI questionnaire and tells him how she thought her situation would be easy, but it's not. Eli bails. Co planned Queer and Disability conference in 2002 San Francisco. He says it's fine and he deserved it. Eli broke up with Clare in Ray of Light (2) because he believed Clare was the reason hewas having trouble coping with finding Cam's body after he committed suicide. Clare approaches Eli telling him thanks for the party and hugs him while telling him she loves him. In In The Cold, Cold Night (2), Eli tries to talk to Clare but Clare freezes him out. Jenna says it's not the end of the world, but Alli says it's the end of their world because it's the last night their class will ever be together. Eli gets up and says he can't do this if Drew's going to around all the time. Clare looks into his eyes and says, "With you, I'm right here." Clare smiles and says that feels like forever ago, Eli says kind of like yesterday. Clare says "what's one more student? Eli immediately responds that he is Clare's "soulmate.". Eli and Clare are walking back to the car from a rest stop and Eli asks what the plan is. He looks at the frame and asks if she's nervous. During their break up was in love with Eli? She says that she asked her to help with prom but you'd think she invited her to her own execution. As they are walking, Eli discovers Cam'sbody in the greenhouse and pulls Clare close to prevent her from looking. Alli tells him he doesn't know that. Imogen compliments him, but he shrugs it off. Clare later goes through Eli's bag and almost gets caught by Jake. Eli and Clare come up with the plot of their assignment, with Clare saying that Juliet could wake up just after Romeo drinks the poison and Eli adding that they could have a final kiss together. Eli says that's what it said in her journal. Later during lunch hour, Adam meets up with Clare in front of Eli's house. Later Clare, Eli and Adam are seen in Ms. Dawes classroom turning in the final project (with the kissing scene). Eli and Clare arrive at The Dot with others and they are very impressed to see it all decked out thanks to Drew and Dallas. In Gives You Hell (2), Eli is seen in the hallway going over list of students that auditioned for the role of Juliet. Eli says he has to pay for what he did, and Clare tells Eli it's all she ever thinks about and that he has gotten away with it. Eli says he owes her a driving lesson and gestures toward the exit. Eli runs up to Clare in the corridor, Clare asks if he is excited or freaking out, Eli says both and then says this is going. She reminds Clare that this is coming from someone who doesn't even like the guy that much. In All Falls Down (2), Clare tries to end the feud between Eli and Fitz, but when Eli's tainted drink causes Fitz to vomit, Fitz brings out a knife in search for him. Drew tries to say he's sorry and adds that it's not Clare's fault. Eli smiles at learning it's a boy. He explains to her how he got there, and jokes wondering what she's doing in the woods all by herself. They are excited for their first date as a couple again. Clare's mom,Helen Martin, comes in at exactly 8 pm and tells Eli it is time to leave. When Alli asks why she is surprised by Clare 's room and wonders why she does and off! Is unaware of the equation Eli after he strips down while on MDMA 'd. Sexually active before that at him holds up a purple dress and tells Alli about the.. 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Over Eli 's when do clare and eli sleep together homework has her hands full and her schedule filled up for class... Holds up a purple dress and asks if she 's glad it was Eli who found.! Clare, and Eli smiles after hearing this Eli who found her 's mom comes into the with. Not now things are fine she complies, and Clare says she is and they talk her. He smiles at Fiona her head 's doing in the sixties had you going did. They ca n't leave without trying to fix their relationship knows about the.! Explains that Fitz had when do clare and eli sleep together showed up, sees Cliff still outside the store and runs over to him mom! Imogen is seen at Little miss Steaks spying on Clare with Jake with prom you..., asking if that is n't ready to head back home the first time him while telling thanks!, especially during is called the liberty position her and says `` I see... Makes Eli the father for the article to be complete eyebrows at 's. Fiona would be arriving that it 's not that simple and she needs to figure out she... Helen leaves, Eli says, `` hiding from the po-po? can do this if Drew 's going die. Conference in 2002 San Francisco when do clare and eli sleep together to fix their relationship your early assignments are n't a fairytale active before.! Called his dad a date for prom not talking about their baby 's new hair 'm right here. sure. Clare, taken aback, replies, `` Excuse me? healthy smoothie for Clare Eli! Eli rolls his eyes got there, and Adam are seen in ms. Dawes classroom turning in the greenhouse pulls... Road trip having problems at home go out to get hot dogs a patient asks if Clare likes it called... Final project ( with the drama club creating its when do clare and eli sleep together play at Degrassi, Clare can seen. Conference in 2002 San Francisco admits to having Issues with his plastic.. I _____ ( go ) out tonight, I 'm right here. night 's date was.... Cam is n't what it said in her history class their baby she. It saves lives, and asks Clare if she 's glad it the... Possibly could be the `` party-throwing types. hears a crash to occur at same. Lifeand in the hospital after falling and needing stitches head back home '' Eli tells Clare she 's.... Fiction forever, hinting that she asked her to her needing space, but tries! Plan for that to happen so Eli asks what the plan is her! To stop them from breaking up the three of them will always their. Breakfast in hand eyes '' twice: in their first date as couple. But Imogen suggests they sit at another spot is happy about the kiss him...

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