theory x managers are likely to believe that:

Theory Y managers, on the other hand, are more optimistic. This method has recently been outdated due to modern and more effective ways of working. In 1960, Douglas McGregor published two theories (Theory X & Theory Y) of employee motivation based on the assumptions that managers make about employees. What is the role of the leader and follower in the leadership process? Theory X managers are likely to believe that Select one: a. the average person dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. One assumption is that theyseek to build cooperative and intimate working relationships with their coworkers. In this situation, one would expect employees to dislike their work, avoid responsibility, have no interest in organizational goals, resist change, etc.creating, in effect, a self-fulfilling prophecy. They can be motivated internally to complete their tasks and not always need supervision or micromanaging. B. most workers know more about their job than the boss. With this intuitive, cloud-based solution, everyone can work visually and collaborate in real time while building flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, and more. Once those needs have been satisfied, the motivation disappears. X managers is an impediment to employee morale and productivity X managers believe it is his/her job to structure the work and energize, even coerce (threaten with punishment) the. The Theory Y managers believe their role is to help develop an employee's potential so that s/he can work towards common organizational goals. But there are times when management is less about leadership and more about the staunch enforcement of rules and micromanagement of production. Theory Y is also known as contingency theory because it allows for flexibility in the work environment. Managers following Theory X can be pessimistic and orthodox in their approach and be prone to assume that employees are not interested in their work and need to be pushed. Human Relations Theory Overview & Timeline | What are Human Relations? Douglas McGregor was a management professor at Massachusetts IT university, Cambridge in the 1950s, and published a few articles and books as well. This allows the individual to receive either a direct reward or a reprimand, depending on the outcome's positive or negative nature. [6] workers must be controlled in order to achieve a company's goalsb. Situational Leadership Theory & Styles | What is Situational Leadership? McGregor cautioned both types of managers against what he called self-fulfilling prophecies, whereby an employee will act just as the manager assumed he or she would due to the manager's own actions and behaviors. Evidence suggests that managers from different parts of the global community commonly hold the same view. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, Theory X assumes that people dislike work and will avoid doing anything they don't have to do. Managerial Functions in the International Organization. This theory is likely to be used when there are new employees, who need direction and accountability. Some critics believe that current methods of measuring unemployment are inaccurate in terms of the impact of unemployment on people as these methods do not take into account the 1.5% of the available working population incarcerated in US prisons (who may or may not be working while they are incarcerated); those who have lost their jobs and have . His main ideas broke down into two options, Theory X and Theory Y. A manager's behavior and expectations are as contagious as the plague. A Theory X management style may be well-suited for this type of structured, process-driven workplace. Organizations that use self-managed work teams allow members of the team to select the individual who will serve as their team leader. Both sides seek to satisfy some personal pleasures and needs. If you believe that your team members dislike work and have little natural motivation to do a good job, then according to McGregor, you likely use an authoritarian style of management. Since the employee is not responsible to work willingly, he or she must be motivated with the rewards and incentives, prompted, punished, coerced or forced into working. When this persons role is sanctioned by the formal organization, these team leaders become formal leaders. Finally, Theory Z assumes that given the right management support, workers can be trusted to do their jobs to their utmost ability and look afterfor their own and others well-being. Theory Y managers gravitate towards relating to the worker on a more personal level, as opposed to a more conductive and teaching-based relationship. Many writers and researchers have explored how leaders can use power to address the needs of various situations. In a strict environment with little autonomy, workers were indeed unhappy and lacking ambition. Social or (interpersonal) influence is ones ability to effect a change in the motivation, attitudes, and/or behaviors of others. Theory X managers have a pessimistic view of their employees and assume that they are naturally unmotivated and hate work. "Theory X and Theory Y, Douglas McGregor", "Employee Management: Are You X or Are You Y", "Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding People's Motivations", A diagram representing Theory X and Theory Y, Another diagram representing Theory X and Theory Y,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 10:10. In many instances, people are put into positions of leadership by forces outside the group. Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. Much like a bomb, assumptions are a dangerous thing to make - just the slightest little mistake and you can end up blowing yourself up! 22nd International Command and Control Research and technology Symposium (ICCRTS). Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. As a consequence, they exert a highly controlling leadership style. According to the Theory of X and Y, there are 2 categories of managers . Lucidchart makes it easy to share processes, information, and ideas with a team from a single centralized location. In other words, employees have a strong desire for affiliation. Most people can handle responsibility because creativity and ingenuity are common in the population. The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo People come to leadership positions through two dynamics. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Because employees have historically been given a flat exchange of time and energy for income, workplace incentives have often been rooted in a fear of loss of employment, in earning potential from extra productivity, or in acquiescing to managerial dominance for promotion. This led them to use rewards and punishment as their primary means to motivate employees. In general, Theory X style managers believe their employees are less intelligent, lazier, and work solely for a sustainable income. [4] He theorized that the motivation employees use to reach self-actualization allows them to reach their full potential. C. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition.D. At Quad/Graphics, president Harry V. Quadracci is a permissive democrat because he encourages all Quad employees to play a major role in decision-making and execution as they manage their teams as independent profit centers. Thus, Salancik and Pfeffer reason that power and thus leadership flow to those individuals who have the ability to help an organization or group [overcome its critical contingencies]. QUESTION 17 The Theory X managers probably believe that: a. the average employee dislikes the job and will try to avoid it whenever possible. [4] This allows the employee to design, construct, and publish their work in a timely manner in co-ordinance to their workload and projects. Theory Y managers are likely to believe that employees are motivated by the value of their contribution. McGregor and Maslow respected each other and used each others theories in their work. Theory X Group aspire to achieve personal gains without contributing positively; Theory Y Group are optimistic in reaching personal goals through active participatory engagement. D. Job satisfaction is mostly related to higher order needs. Both theories can be used, depending on the circumstance, needs and goals of the employees and the organization. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site [8] This approach can potentially yield a hostile, minimally cooperative workforce and resentment towards management. They tend to blame employees in most situations, without questioning the systems, policy, or lack of training which could be the real cause of failures. d. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. The two theories proposed by McGregor describe contrasting models of workforce motivation applied by managers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational communication and organizational development. It would be beneficial to use both theories in moderation to ensure productivity and discipline in an organization. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y is about judging the needs and character of your people. [8] This approach is derived from Fred Fiedler's research over various leadership styles known as the contingency theory. They also dislike change and tend to resist it at all costs. C.employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition.D.job satisfaction is primarily related to higher-order needs. As a result, they think that team members need to be prompted, rewarded or punished constantly to make sure that they complete their tasks. [6], The soft approach is characterized by leniency and less strict rules in hopes for creating high workplace morale and cooperative employees. [13], Theory X and Theory Y also have implications in military command and control (C2). An individual who was self- motivated was best left alone in a. Theory Y is based on positive assumptions regarding the typical worker. A study of 3,600 managers from 14 countries reveals that most of them held assumptions about human nature that could best be classified as Theory X.37 Even though managers might publicly endorse the merits of participatory management, most of them doubted their workers capacities to exercise self-direction and self-control and to contribute creatively.38, Contemplating the central role of problem-solving in management and leadership, Jan P. Muczyk and Bernard C. Reimann of Cleveland State University offer an interesting perspective on four different leadership styles (see Exhibit 13.7) that revolve around decision-making and implementation processes.39. On the other hand, if you believe that your people take pride in their work and see it as a challenge, then you'll more likely adopt a participative management style . Here, leaders act as facilitators, process consultants, network builders, conflict managers, inspirationalists, coaches, teachers/mentors, and cheerleaders.40 Such is the role of Ralph Stayer, founder, owner, and CEO of Johnsonville Foods. a Theory X Manager typically believes their staff: dislike their work / are lazy cannot be trusted need to be closely supervised / micro-managed dislike or avoid responsibility have no inherent incentive or desire to work lack ambition work only for pay or because they have to have to be driven by rewards or punishment Theory X. However, neither of these extremes is optimal. Leaders who rely on reward power develop followers who are very measured in their responses to [what? consent of Rice University. However, high-involvement organizations frequently encourage their formal and informal leaders to exercise the full set of management roles. Many leaders emerge out of the needs of the situation. Coercive power can result in favorable performance, yet follower and resistance dissatisfaction are not uncommon. They were created by Douglas McGregor while he was working at the MIT Sloan School of Management in the 1950s, and developed further in the 1960s. "C2 Re-Envisioned: the Future of the Enterprise." It mightseemthat the optimal approach to human resource management would lie somewhere between these extremes. Theory Y is used by managers who believe employees are responsible, committed and self-motivated. As a result of this members contributions to the groups goals, he has accumulated idiosyncrasy credits (a form of competency-based status). Theory X is a management style and way of thinking that suggests people are purely motivated by earning income to support their personal goals. Many startups and new organizations use Theory Y by using flexible deadlines and less controlling supervisors. Different types of power elicit different forms of compliance: Leaders who rely on coercive power often alienate followers who resist their influence attempts. Question: D Question 21 1 pts A manager who subscribes to Theory X believes in the importance of TQM that people prefer to be directed that people naturally seek out work in the contingency approach to management that people are committed to goals D Question 22 1 pts Theory X managers believe workers are O committed lazy happy needy O lucky About 1015 years ago, power and leadership once again shifted, this time to people with finance and legal backgrounds, because the critical contingencies facing many organizations were mergers, acquisitions, hostile takeovers, and creative financing. The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are ongoingneeds that, for most people, are never completely satisfied. Creative Commons Attribution License Another colleague, Joseph, sees him as a worker who performs just for the sake of money. One view holds that in traditional organizations members expect to be told what to do and are willing to follow highly structured directions. Work in organizations that are managed like this can be repetitive, and people are often motivated with a "carrot and stick" approach. Employees are given rewards and incentives, prompted, punished, coerced or forced into working. Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. They think most employees are only out for themselves and their sole interest in the job is to earn money. Use this quiz to check your understanding and decide whether to (1) study the previous section further or (2) move on to the next section. and you must attribute OpenStax. 17 chapters | We recommend using a Management use of Theory X and Theory Y can affect employee motivation and productivity in different ways, and managers may choose to implement strategies from both theories into their practices. Most people are self-centered. Theory Y, on the other hand, presents a positive view of human . Management Styles Theories, Types & Examples | What is Management Style? In the 1960s, social psychologist Douglas McGregor developed Theory X and Theory Y to explain how managers' beliefs about what motivates their employees can influence their management style. [7] Implementing a system that is too soft could result in an entitled, low-output workforce. While Theory X managers may be suited for some process-driven organizations, a more practical management style today is that of a Theory Y thinker. [4] Assumptions of Theory Y, in relation to Maslow's hierarchy put an emphasis on employee higher level needs, such as esteem needs and self-actualization. He mentioned Theory X and Theory Y in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, published in 1960. [8] As a result, Theory Y followers may have a better relationship with their boss, creating a healthier atmosphere in the workplace. This unique platform allows team leaders to share visuals with teammates, work together on projects in real time, comment on documents and project updates, and work collaboratively with up-to-the-minute feedback. Theory X managers are likely to believe that: A.the average person dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. The manager would use promotions, incentives, the threat of firing or cutting off pay to motivate employees to put effort or work. most employees know more about their job than the bossd. You may, however, find that you naturally favor one over the other. Using this theory in these types of work conditions allows employees to specialize in particular work areas which in turn allows the company to mass-produce a higher quantity and quality of work. One of the critical difference between theory Y and theory X is that employees in theory X are associated with adverse traits while employees under theory Y are associated with positive characteristics. [4], McGregor also believed that self-actualization was the highest level of reward for employees. People are self-motivated and embrace responsibility. The permissive autocrat mixes his or her use of power by retaining decision-making power but permitting organizational members to exercise discretion when executing those decisions. According to McGregor, there are two opposing approaches to implementing Theory X: the hard approach and the soft approach. Lack of ambition and laziness is more common than ambition and creativity. So grab your bomb repellent while we explore these two different types of managers by discussing the assumptions of each. The theory X and Y leadership model was developed 50 years ago and has been validated by modern research. [4] This led companies to focus on how their employees were motivated, managed, and led, creating a Theory Y management style which focuses on the drive for individual self-fulfillment. Theory X These credits give the individual a status that allows him to influence the direction that the group takes as it works to achieve its goals.27. D. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. Ouchis theory first appeared in his 1981 book, Theory Z: How American Management Can Meet the Japanese Challenge. It follows the idea that there is no single way to organize a company or make decisions. He was particularly interested in what motivates people to work hard, in particular on what belief systems motivate people to work hard. They are not inherently irresponsible or lazy. According to Theory Z, people want tomaintain a work-life balance, and they value a working environment in which things like family, culture, and traditions are considered to be just as important as the work itself. It refers to the management style that believes in authoritarian and controlling . The manager allows for collaborative decision-making and amicable relations within the organization or firm. Jack Welch was the formal leader of General Electric, and Leonard Bernstein was the formal leader of the symphony. One psychologist, Douglas McGregor, categorized people's motivations into two broad categories: Theory X and Theory Y. This managerial style is more effective when used in a workforce that is not essentially motivated to perform. Theory X starts from the assumption that people are naturally lazy, want to avoid work as much as possible, do not wish to take responsibility, have no . Managers may prefer one theory over the other; it depends on individual trait differences. Under Theory X, one can take a hard or soft approach to getting results. I feel like its a lifeline. As we have noted, leadership is the exercise of influence over those who depend on one another for attaining a mutual goal in a group setting. The Theory X leader assumes that the average individual dislikes work and is incapable of exercising adequate self-direction and self-control. The theories attempt to show how a manager's perception of his team affects the . Micro-managers believe that they must oversee every single task assigned to the employee, and they believe employees will try . However, one person who seemed to be unafraid of self-inflicted explosions was Douglas McGregor, a behavior management theorist who was heavily influenced by both Abraham Maslow and the Hawthorne Studies. Practically all managers act as formal leaders as part of their assigned role. They are self-centered and care only about themselves and not the organization or its goals, making it necessary for a manager to coerce, control, direct or threaten with punishment in order to get them to work towards organizational goals. Theory X vs Theory Y Managers| Douglas McGregor's Management Theory, Douglas McGregor's Motivation & Management Theories, Adair's Action-Centered Leadership Theory. Theory Y results in an arrangement whereby individuals can achieve their own goals and happily accomplish the organizations goals at the same time. Some people prefer micromanaging and leading, and some people prefer giving space. C. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition. Two reasons: (1) high-quality products and (2) low prices. People must be constantly directed, prompted, rewarded, or punished in order to complete their work. The soft approach results in a growingdesire for greater reward in exchange for diminished work output. As the challenges facing a group change, so too may the flow of power and leadership. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. He defines himself as his companys philosopher. McGregors Theory X and Theory Y posits two different sets of attitudes about the individual as an organizational member.36 Theory X and Y thinking gives rise to two different styles of leadership. In short, he studied heavily how our beliefs shape our behavior and thus how that behavior shapes the behavior of those around us. But . They can only work under fear, and proper supervision. The hard approach results in hostility, purposely low output, and extreme union demands. He would try to constantly control the employees, leading to resentment and exhaustion in the employees, leading to a turnover. McGregor (1960) proposed two models "Theory X and Theory Y", which he devised to describe two contrasting beliefs that managers hold about their paid workers. b. most employees know more about their job than the boss. The employee must be supervised or looked upon so that he or she works appropriately. As soon as that need is satisfied, the employees have no additional motivation for coming to work. A compliment or reward from a person we like generally has greater value than one from someone we dislike, and punishment from someone we love (such as tough love from a parent) is less offensive than the pain inflicted by someone we dislike.31. [1] McGregor's work was rooted in motivation theory alongside the works of Abraham Maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. As a result, the only way that employees can attempt to meet higher-level needs at work is to seek more compensation, so, predictably, they focus on monetary rewards. B. most employees know more about their job than the boss. Theory X: The Authoritarian Boss. Its assumptions about the value of individual initiative make it more a Theory-Y than a Theory X philosophy.[15]. All rights reserved. It is possible that the originator, and subsequent researchers, of these contrasting theories did not place much emphasis on these attributes as being inherent in humans, but workplace reality suggests these two distinct facts are real. Traditionally, the roles of informal leaders have not included the total set of management responsibilities because an informal leader does not always exercise the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. They are not lazy at all. Theory Y managers favor a more collaborative approach, centering their leadership on trust, valuing creative problem solving, and managing by way of providing their employees with tools, opportunities, and visibility to do their jobs well. The permissive democratic approach to leadership is characteristic of leadership in high-involvement organizations. Xavier is a Theory X manager. [12] On the contrary, managers who choose the Theory Y approach have a hands-off style of management. Todays digital workplace, however, is a place of collaboration. Theory X According to McGregor, Theory X management assumes the following: Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. Motivation occurs only at the physiological and security levels of Maslows hierarchy of needs. A manager who believes in Theory Y could have assumptions that: Too much freedom could lead to no accountability and people could lose direction and focus. A lot of young entrepreneurs do not keep hierarchical within their company and believe in the willingness and interest of their employees. A formal leader is that individual who is recognized by those outside the group as the official leader of the group. Reason In theory X, the manager believes that employees are lazy, and they avoid doing work properly. Instead, McGregor feels that an approach located in the middle would be the most effective implementation of Theory X.[7]. Theory X represents a negative view of human nature that assumes individuals generally dislike work, are irresponsible, and require close supervision to do their jobs. McGregor called this Theory X. And the approach to and requirements of leadership are changing with it. This website helped me pass! 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