kentucky cps corruption 2020

See Other Stories Published on Kentucky DCBS: TLB recommends you visit Health Impact News & Medical Kidnap for more pertinent articles and information. As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption. Exposing CPS Corruption in not only the US, but all over the world. While working toward the goal of reunification, the childs worker will complete a relative search and possibly place the child with relatives. Bailey and Danica. And whoever gets it could come up with a substantiation, of lets say neglect, and it might not be true. PLEASE INVESTIGATE THE GREAT CIRCLE IN ST. LOUIS,MO. See featured article and read comments HERE. She had no proof that my son would be in any danger if allowed to come home with me, yet she said she would get a court order to do so. Someone please help! CPS just took my newborn baby from me Friday October 15th, 2021. I had no idea what was going on, until this research the last few weeks. Image from Facebook page. EPI TOWN CRIER: The Choreographed Destruction of America ??? It's all a game and it's for sure not being played by the rules. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. For 3 months I was behind bars, defenseless, helpless. The pediatrician also made excuses to avoid showing up in court to testify . This was our 1st time seeing her after being locked up. Cabinet for Health and Family Services These agencies should be abolished; the social workers are incompetent, dishonest, and completely incapable of making correct decisions. Records supporting parents seem to disappear. They also reveal conflicts of interest between case workers and foster parents who may be related to the case worker placing the child into the foster home. Also we should be following the common law anyways and the same laws that CPS claims they can take our kids is the same law that tells them they can not!!!! Thank you, Schulkers family and Attorney Paul Hill. We have no previous history with Cps or any criminal records! By signing, you accept Care2's Terms of Service. Please help other Kentucky families fight the corrupt CPS system here! Many other families are suffering including mine right now! Any advice on how to get Our life back? Kentucky CPS corruption Watch on And yet DCBS boasts on its website that it is also the primary adoption agency in the state: "The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is the primary adoption agency in Kentucky. You two should be the voices of the wronged in other CPS cases. CPS clearly holds themselves above the law and it is time for them to stop destroying families and childrens lives. Health Impact Newsand haspreviously reportedhow the FBI saying that Kentucky is the most corrupt state in the country, and urged families to share their stories involving alleged corruption in their dealings with Child Protective Services (CPS), or the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), as it is known in Kentucky. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a "special needs" child. Please help me in exposing all CPS and all family courts for their corruption. They did this to hold these workers and supervisor accountable for knowingly violating their rights. Leeann never could have imagined the nightmare that was about to unfold when her own mother would make allegations that she and Danny had sexually abused their own daughters. Jennifer explains how her husband was incredulous that such abuses in the system were happening. DCBS/DFS/CPS/FAMILY COURT would much rather take children from their homes and send them to strangers than try to ACTUALLY repair families. And they need to be accountable for their destruction of decent families. But Dont Worry. Congrats to the Schulker family for hanging tough through this. The family you just helped is priceless and lucky to have found you. When Danny and Leeann Foster of Christian County, Kentucky fell on hard times in the summer of 2015, they decided to move to Louisville to look for work. Please dont stop now that your case has been won! 3 weeks after Leeanns arrest, Danny was arrested. Governor Steve Beshear may be reached at , or contacted here. Wecould find no evidence that John Boels investigative reports on Kentucky CPS back in 2005 through 2007 resulted in any changes for the better. Leeanns mother Sonya offered to have the children come stay with her for the summer, and since the children would enjoy summer back in their old town better than staying in Louisville, Leeann agreed. Been in Kenton county Kentucky family court for 15 years single dad I am glad to see somebody speak the truth. . I pray to God! Next, Boel interviews another CPS whistleblower, but one who wanted to keep her identity concealed because she was so afraid of retaliation. When Sheri came for a visit in late November, she and Leeann had a supervised visit with Danica. 2. FREEDOM, Tyranny Copyright 2012 - 2023 | TLB Project LLC, In IN RE WINSHIP,397 U.S. 358, 90 S. Ct. 1068, 25 L. Ed. Holidays were hell whats Christmas without the kids? Happy day. My God our girls need to be home! What a blessing and Im so happy you have your family back together again and pray to God this never ever happens to you or any families! It is terrifying to Leeann how Criminal Court could give them a No True Bill, and yet Family Court proceeds as if sufficient evidence is unimportant. After Leeann emailed the Ombudsman on December 11th, the defense attorney finally received all the DCBS paperwork, in early January of 2016. She even relates one story of how someone who could not have children placed an order for a baby: Someone could not have a child and wanted a child. Money is The Root of all Evil. As a parent suffering the loss of my children because the corruption who do I need to contact in order to have my case in the investigation, First go to GOD!! The courts may terminate the parents rights and legally free the child for adoption.. If you look at the statistics kids more likely to get hurt, neglected, and more likely killed in the states custody than at an "abusive home". PRESERVATION OF REASONABLE PARENTING.Nothing in this Act is intended to disrupt the family unnecessarily or to intrude inappropriately into family life, to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting.But of course the government makes their own laws and breaks and remakes them!! 9. The investigative report shows a confidential video tape from an actual custody trial that was recorded in family court. The caseworker states that the children were taken into state custody due to educational and medical neglect. No records were allegedly provided, only the opinion of the caseworker. For nearly 3 weeks after their release, Leeann called the social worker, Sarah Heltsley, to see about having the children returned, but Sarah allegedly never returned the calls. TLB recommends you visit Health Impact News & Medical Kidnap for more pertinent articles and information. Our kids miss us and loves us, anyone around us could see that! In IN RE WINSHIP,397 U.S. 358, 90 S. Ct. 1068, 25 L. Ed. These people are destroying children and families. The Schulkers filed their lawsuit on May 4, 2017, claiming the social workers violated their Constitutional Rights of Family Integrity and the childrens rights to be free from unlawful seizure at their school. Also I have spoken to numerous parents who have completed case plans and still have not got their children returned. I am tired of cps stealing my kids and Putting them in foster care and not doing reunification when I been following the case plan for reunification since 2014 to 2019 and they been violated my disability rights to my kids and not giving me the chance to parent my kids and Meet their needs and safety and they are making things up and lying to the judge and court and having my disability rights terminated over their false statements and lies which is not right, My heart is so happy to read such amazing wonderful news for this family! Your email address will not be published. If you, like many others, are wondering why the Family Court in Christian County is determined to litigate an alleged abuse case that has already been dismissed as a No True Bill case in Criminal Court, please call or write Judge Fleming and the Office of the Ombudsman with your concerns. Once the call is made, innocent families are automatically sucked into a brutal bureaucracy of abuse, idiocy and irresponsibility. They do some good thing but go way overboard with some cases! According to this anonymous Kentucky mother, her case plan was dragged on for 3 years so that her daughter would fully bond with the foster family and not with her, the birth mother. Former Trump advisor: Its not the role of the US taxpayer to Fund the war in Ukraine, WHO Was Complicit In Chinas Cover-Up Of COVID-19 Origins, LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 118): What is PATRIARCHY. ! Think what that number is today 20-years later. Granted this is 7:30pm Friday afternoon when she got this so-called court order. She then walked out, had one of the officers tell me that I had court on Tuesday, then was gone. Purportedly, Jennie Stuart Medical did not perform the medical exams correctly, and a 2nd medical exam was performed about 2 weeks after the Fosters arrests. It takes only one person who has something to benefit or who seeks revenge against you to make it happen even if they have a criminal record!. CPS is an official government kidnapping ring. Meantime, in full knowledge of the new test results, Kammer and another CHFS employee went to the childrens schools and had the Schulkers children without the parents permission brought into a private room one by one with no school personnel present and asked them about mommys drug use. The children were understandably upset. CPS tried to over-rule her decision to oppose the adoption and push it through quickly. Here, youll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. Its high time that WE, THE PEOPLE, T-A-K-EB-A-C-KO-U-RG-O-DG-I-V-E-NR-I-G-H-T-S (GIVEN BY THE ONE TRUE GOD, NOT allowed by the government!!!!!!!!!!.)!!!!!!!!!!. The investigation often involves no real evidence. 6 months into this and my baby is no longer a baby. She walked out of my room, only to return in less than a minute and showed something on her phone to one of the officers. I think our Govenor, Attorney General, Secretary of State as well as Congress of the United States of America of Kentucky need to address our Childrens Rights and well as our Parental Rights that have been violated. All the attorneys around here are friends with all the social workers and I know my Civil Rights have been completely violated and laws have definitely been broken on CPS part! She loves her kids just fighting this addiction. The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services Summary: This article's author worked with around 300 cases in Georgia, along with hundreds across the nation. They share a common theme of parents alleging corruption and collusion, of DCBS using hearsay as substantiated evidence without ever doing investigations into the truth, of Family Courts, attorneys, and social workers being corrupt giving parents little hope of ever getting their children back. The Senator for Brendas district is Senator Jared Carpenter, who may be reached at Ext. Upon arriving at Jennie Stuart, Leeann discovered that the children were being detained in State custody and then she was escorted out of the hospital by police, pending the investigation. I have lots more against me than not, at this moment. Across the globe in different regions of the world, traffickers steal children as young as 5 years old and sell them into forced labor or sex trafficking situations. Even after proved otherwise by my court ordered 4,300 dollar psych evaluation, and given clear evidence that father deliberately denied me 80/100 hours of my court ordered visitation time during the 3 month interim, among other insidious behavior, there was zero accountability. If anyone has any suggestions for me of where to go or who I can contact for help please let me know. Former Trump advisor: Its not the role of the US taxpayer to Fund the war in Ukraine, WHO Was Complicit In Chinas Cover-Up Of COVID-19 Origins, LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 118): What is PATRIARCHY. Copyright 2012 - 2023 | TLB Project LLC, Michigan Teen Girl in CPS Custody Near Death Twin Sister Pleads for Her Life, Indiana Parents Trip to E.R. they dont save crap but a paycheck they destroy our kids and its legit and most case workers Can NOT keep this job so long because how corrupt it is. Everybody who consumes Pfizer products should educate themselves on the evil workings of this unscrupulous corporation. .We want to get back to our normal lives, even as we are healthy at home with six kids., Attorney Paul Hill is happy and proud, as he has become friends with David and Holly, whom he describes as the best of the best., But Hill is most proud of the legal implications of the Sixth Circuit decision which will be published and become clearly established law on the issue of qualified immunity.. 2d 368 (1970), Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice. Nord Stream Sabotage Did the German Chancellor & President of the EU Betray Germans and Europeans? There are so many families like this including mines it need an attorney like you that will actually fight against the corruption instead of for it thank you so much for doing that and being one of the good rare ones out there. Will we make the same mistake today? Many believe that thecorruption of CPSis rooted in a for-profit adoption system created by the Title IV bonus funds from the Federal Government given to States when they successfully adopt children. She sued the State of Kentucky, and settled for $308,000.00. Christian Co. Justice Center !But more IMPORTANTLY why in the world does CPS not know how kids end up missing in their custody but when a parent honestly does not know what happen to their kid by taking them to the hospital for concerns of their sickness, doctors find God knows what and claims it's child abuse right off the bat. !Wake UP, THE COURTS ARE ALWAYS ON THEIR SIDE, THE COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEYS, THE COPS AND DOCTORS!! This legislation started with good intentions, Ketterman said, but it was the seed for corruption, Ketterman alleges thatCPS frequently oversteps their boundaries, opting to remove children from their homes, placing them outside the home and into foster-to-adopt homes for monetary advantage. This is just one example of these agencies and their arrogance and under performance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Kentucky Center for Public Service Journalism. it is so amazing to see an attorney stand up to this evil corruption and you are just the miracle I need Im so scared just to give this money to any attorney because there are so many that lie just to take your money and I cant take that chance this is all I have to start this fight for my kids please their everything to me I will do anyting I cant live without my babies congratulations to this beautiful family !! Another discovery made in this circle of CPS corruption is a business deal between CPS and Re Family Services. They have taken my visitation away for no reason at all. This article was posted by TLB Staff Earlier this year, Health Impact News reported on the story of the Maney family in Kentucky, which suggests it might be business as usual in Kentucky CPS. Should have never happened. CPS doesn't seem to care about what is best for our children and WE ALL need to expose them for tearing apart good families and taking away kids who are loved yet leaving children who are abused in unfortunate circumstances in homes where they are in real danger. I am trying to get as many people as possible to ban together and make some noise against the Corruption that is CPS/DSS/DHS It has clearly established that it violates the Constitution and from now on a worker who interrogates children at a school without a reasonable basis to do so can not rely upon immunity for protection. If anyone has any information on Sarah Heltsley contact me. Still from an actual medical kidnap (read the story here)There is great financial incentives for the States to remove children from families and place these children for adoption, for what many would call questionable allegations, false accusations, or even downright egregious violations of parental rights, basically using children as a transferable commodity to increase the States budget. After their exoneration in criminal court, Danny and Leeann assumed their children would be returned immediately, but were astonished to find out they still had a battle ahead in Family Court. 100 Justice Way The Office of the Ombudsman answers questions about CHFS programs, investigates customer complaints and works with CHFS management to resolve them, advises CHFS management about patterns of complaints and recommends corrective action when appropriate.. Thank God!!! IF CPS IS SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTORS OF THE CHILDREN THEN Why is a Child more likely to be abuse in their custody than at an abusive home?Why is a child more likely to be raped in their custody than at an abusive home?The list can go on! Our question today in 2016: is it still Business as Usual in Kentucky DCBS and Family Courts? They are the real abusers and kidnappers! Praying for this family. Next, Boel interviews a former CPS supervisor who also conceals her identity because she fears retaliation. Leeann and Danny were excited at the thought that they would finally get their children back on December 10th. Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the worlds largest community for good. I also just went through a similar situation where I lost custody of my two year old daughter and was put on supervised visitation carte blanche due to unsubstantiated suspicion that I was unfit/ unstable. I also have a recording of an investigator, Erwin Ball who lied under oath in court. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We are happy to the max, said Holly, amid the happy noise of six children isolated at home from coronavirus. Monsters are real! Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae5fda89f1ecaea00136a78295caf430" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); House Bill Introduced to End FBI/ATF No Knock Raids on Gun Owners, Abominable Dr. Tony Has Hurt Millions Of Kids [Video]. How is it you can be Not Guilty in Criminal Court, but Guilty in Family Court on the same charges? Not finding work there, Danny moved to Nashville, TN to work in his fathers business as an electrician, while Leeann and their two daughters, Bailey age 5 and Danica age 2, stayed in Louisville. The case was argued by S. Chad Meridith, Commonwealth of Kentucky, and Paul J. Hill of Ft. Mitchell. Good for them! Buyer Beware, Update: The Federal Government (Satan Soldiers) On Thursday Extended Its COVID-19 Emergency for Another 90 Days Despite President Joe Bidens Declaring the Pandemic Over Weeks Earlier. They said if you dont cooperate with us, were going to take all your children, and charge you with emotional abuse.. Both our years Ache! Then, in 1997, Congress passed the Adoption and Safe Families Act, which established strict timelines for returning children in foster care to their parents or for terminating parental rights, thus freeing the children for adoption. If church & state are separate, why in the world would not family and state?! Her older son was eventually returned after 3 years of being in the foster system, and the mother was told that the reason she was being given her son back was that he was unadoptable., So one hand, the reason the birth mother didnt get one child returned was simply that her baby girl was adoptable and another family wanted her daughter, and on the other hand, the reason the son was returned to his mothers custody was that he was deemed un-adoptable.. Danny and I on Dec. 10th going to court. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2020 HIMedia Group LLC | Contact his station and ask them to cover the Maney family story and their court case on May 7. Onits website, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and its family services agency, DCBS, claims to work toward family reunification: While children are in temporary foster care, the main goal of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) is to reunify the child(ren) with their birth parents as soon as the parents have received services to provide a safe and stable home. I also had my neighbor check while I gone. MoveOn Civic Action does not necessarily endorse the contents of petitions posted on this site. So it's all a game and a corporation!! Leeann had no idea that the accusations of abuse were made against her and Danny, and her mind raced with questions about who had abused her children during the 3 weeks that they had been with their grandmother. In anotherreportcovered by Health Impact News, Attorney Julie Ketterman describes the problem like this: The role of CPS has changed over the years, Ketterman said. Although the Fosters can see no reason why this information is even relevant to the case, it seems to them be the delay the prosecuting attorney is using to postpone hearings, Adams contends that the case cannot be adjudicated until paternity is established. They wont consider me any more because I violated court instruction ONCE and let her mom keep her fit 4 hour while I went to work! Is DCBS Really Just a Government-Funded Adoption Agency That Steals Children for Profit? We are thrilled at this victory for us., David agreed. The bureaucracy of workers benefit financially by a system that converts children into cash while destroying their families and their lives.. Finally, Sarah called back to inform Leeann that there would be a Family Court hearing on December 10th, and she gave dates for 2 visitations with Danica prior to the hearing. Which then in turn is good for your family as a whole. However, at the hearing, there was not even any discussion of evidence. As a child Leeann herself became a ward of the State and was placed in kinship care with her maternal grandmother, allegedly due to Sonyas drinking and abusive behavior. In fact, the judge spent the time he should have spent reading my declaration and evidence, instead combing through the psych report to find any little phrase to read out-loud on the record to justify his lazy and abusive decision. Moore allegedly refused to carry out an adoption for foster parents because they had criminal records, and a convicted sex offenderwas allegedlyvisiting and caring for the foster children. CPS is corrupt they tampered with our words we said, lied on reports, constantly adding unnecessary classes to get our kids back (when in reality it's just to extend time to terminate our rights), drugging our son in their custody,our daughter received a black eye in their custody in a foster parents home, our three sons constantly are getting sick and one was hospitalized due to a serious disease he caught and the list goes on. The Countys prosecuting attorney, Lindsey Adams, was allegedly so adamant that he had evidence to convict Danny and Leeann, that he denied them ankle monitoring devices or bond reduction. She never gave me any other information. In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. No mother should ever have to go through being unjustly separated from a child. Dannys paid defense attorney, Rick Boling, was delighted, telling them that only 1-2% of people walk away from criminal allegations like that. They are always talking and cracking jokes together before and after court. Its still tragic we are all going through this! Again, Sheri expressed her concerns about Danica living with Sonya, but was allegedly told that she was not an option for placement because she lived in Florida, and that if Danica did not live with Sonya, DCBS only other option for placement was foster care. It's sad they are never held accountable and everything they do they get backed up for it.Please Shut down CPS!! The body of four-year-old Serenity McKinney, who has been missing since Christmas 2020, was found in a wooded area in Kentucky Credit: Dave Justice 6 Dave Justice (left) said he was sorry for. Atty Hill, there are thousamds of cases like this one. ! the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal case as bottomed on a fundamental value determination of our society that it is far worse to convict an innocent man than to let a guilty man go free.Source. I do not know what to do. Its time we rid the world of CPS. They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.. What Danny and Leeann would come to find out is that Sonya had accused them of incest, and that Jennie Stuart Medical performed exams that supposedly confirmed abuse, and that Bailey made a statement that Danny had touched her while in the tub. Detective Jason Sears of the Hopkinsville Police department, who was investigating the case, allegedly confirmed that without a doubt the abuse had been happening for over 2 years. Are your children safe from false accusations and lack of evidence to support allegations of neglect or abuse by CPS? A name or a number to an attorney that isnt afraid to fight CPS would be the best thing in the world right now!! Having never been in trouble with the law before, Leeann now reflects. Im battling Doctors and my Family saying Im schizo to bipolar. Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes. You can unsub at any time here. Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? Corrupt State of Kentucky Makes Money from Adoptions In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. Brenda Maney of Richmond, Kentucky spoke to our reporters and told us her story, which is published here. Notes to editors. It doesnt matter if you have a paid attorney or not, since there is no due process.. Criminal penalties levied against corporate bodies for corruption offences have included a $16.8m penalty under the first DPA in the UK (ICBC Standard Bank), together with payments of $6m in compensation and a $8.4m disgorgement of profits. DCBS places hundreds of children and youth for adoption each year. LET'S WAKE UP THIS NATION!! Judge relied solely on the court social workers unsubstantiated report which was based on husbands false allegations, deception and decontextualization. ! Photo from Facebook page. Because he was living in Tennessee in order to work, the police sent a S.W.A.T. All rights reserved. The Cabinet and the social workers, Elizabeth Kammer and Alison Campbell, appealed. PLEASE SHARE GOT IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!! Without waiting for the results of that test or a second urine test and a follow-up hair follicle test, all of which were later negative for drugs, the hospital social worker entered Substance Use Disorder on Hollys chart and reported the positive drug screen electronically to the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Help us end CPS and family court corruption | MoveOn To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump Help us end CPS and family court corruption Campaign created by Kam Nesw I cooperated I did everything because I didnt have nothing to hide and I didnt know my rights or this was such an evil corrupt system! In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. 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