wusv world championship 2022

The organization was run by the Youth section, a team of people who have managed to create this section in just over 4 years. From 21.-24. We are very pleased to inform you about the latest video-documentary in terms of puppy identification as published by the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. For details please refer to the SV Judge Regulations also attached. This years WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL was held in the town of Schwanenstadt in Upper Austria, and as newly assigned WUSV Public Relation Officer I was more than happy to visit one of the WUSV top events for the first time. Details will be published in a timely fashion next year . This applies also for the time after May 10, 2018, and every kind of speculation about the termination of this membership with all consequence entailed (for instance on the keeping of the SV studbook) is lacking any basis. WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark 28.09. There will be a life after the pandemic which might be different for all of us in dog sports since our social lives will surly remain affected and need adaption for a long time. Since the dog does not comply with the requirements for the awarding of that title as defined in the WUSV Breeding Program the issue is currently under review. Very much to our regret the WUSV member club in Finland needed to resign form its contract to host the WUSV World Championship IP in 2022. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. Also our warmest congratulations and good luck for the future to come. Please learn more about their vita and scope of responsibilities within the WUSV. The fee for the training course amounts to 300.00 . Anita was a friend and mentor to many and dedicated her life to the German Shepherd Dog in Australia. Very much to our regret it is our sad duty to inform you that the German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (Inc.) of New Zealand has left the worldwide community of the WUSV. France this years hosting country will be just as nice a couple of months later. In case of questions please feel free to contact the WUSV Secretariat General at any time. Welcome all German shepherd aficionados! For questions please directly refer to the WUSV Commissioner for Trial & Training, Mr. Egon Gutknecht who can be contacted by electronic mail at egon@gutknecht-am-main.de, En 2019 les podemos proporcionar con un cuadro de mando Dashboard en cuanto al reglamento de examenes IGP 2019 en ingls y en alemn. However, we also need to look into the future and there will for sure be a life in dog sports after the pandemic and Hungary volunteered to host the event in 2023 which gives us all something to look forward to. Please kindly send in your requests in written to Ms Anne Fath at annefath@schaeferhunde.de. Commonwealth of the Proprietors of German Shepherds CPGS, Tashkent Buyuk Ipak Yuli 65, 100192 TASHKENT, USBEKISTAN, 2. The people of Ukraine are suddenly facing an unjustified plight and need our speedy, concerted, and targeted help. We will be available as usual as of Monday, January 09, 2023. In the team ranking, the German team had the nose and could win the title "Team World Champion". War in Europe Help required for People and Animals in Ukraine. Wie bereits auf der WUSV-Homepage am 24.05.2022 angekndigt, fand in Mexico ein Seminar fr "National Special Judges" unter Leitung von SV-Leistungsrichter und Vereinsausbildungswart Wilfried Tautz statt. Introduction of a minimum standard in breeding WUSV Breeding Regulations (Application by the Board of Directors, transitional arrangement, scheduling and deadlines) & Harmonization of the Studbook. Please follow this LINK for results. Oct 2022 Event location: Randers Judges A: Leonardo Roman Judges B: Vadim Plotsker Judges C: Wilfried Tautz Judges Total: Wilfried Tautz , Egon Gutknecht Helpers Total: The Spanish Antitrust Authority imposes a fine of 143,000 on the Spanish dog association, which is a member of the FCI. Hier finden Sie den Bericht von Dr. Barbara Ullrich-Kornadt (WUSV-Pressereferentin) zur WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft in Modena. Now, the WUSV covers 92 organizations in 85 countries at a worldwide level a strong community! WUSV IGP3 VM 2022 Randers 29., 2020 in Strasbourg/France has to be canceled. Regardless of the termination of the agreement for instance the membership of the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. Please refer to the WUSV Press Officer Mr. Wolfram Behrendt at pro-wusv@schaeferhunde.de. WUSV World Championship 2022 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province. We hope that our offer suits you and look forward to hearing from you again. On the occasion of the WUSV Universal Championship 2017 that was held in Regau/ Upper Austria last weekend, 53 competitors from 14 different nations (even the USA and Canada were represented) fought for the highest title to ever be awarded to a German Shepherd Dog: The WUSV Universal Champion. For the veterinary doctors you work with in this connection the part of interest in the training film is certainly the section in which the blood sampling for the verification of the dogs identity in terms of DNA evaluation and the placement on the GoCard is presented. In case that you need further details please refer to Jespinoza@chilcoa.cl. Danach hat der Norwegische Kennel Club Ausstellungen und Sportveranstaltungen wieder geffnet, nachdem die norwegischen Behrden entsprechende Empfehlungen aufgehoben haben. Ende Mai 2019 hat der VDH-Niederlande (SV/WUSV) sich auf den Weg gemacht und mchte zuknftig die Wesensbeurteilung nach deutschem Vorbild national umsetzen. Die Gemeinschaft um den Deutschen Schferhund hat einen groartigen Menschen verloren, den wir mit seiner ruhigen, zuvorkommenden und humorvollen Art in lieber Erinnerung behalten werden. We wish the club the best of luck and success in their work for the years to come. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our member club in Denmark for once again meeting the challenge of the organization of our most important international competition, still in times of great uncertainties due to the ongoing pandemic. Please send your forms to Ms. Katharina Hofmann (katharinahofmann@schaeferhunde.de) at the SV headquarters in Augsburg. Tribute by Jenny Delucia, Our sympathies The WUSV Secretariat General, In the light of the current events and the restrictions that the Corona Pandemic entails, very much to our regret we see no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV Universal Championship that was originally scheduled for June this year to. As german mail service Deutsche Post AG informed us, the corona pandemic is currently having a major impact on international mail and parcel delivery. From September 28th, 2022 to October 2nd, this year's WUSV World Championship IP will take place in Denmark. This applies at both international and national level. And if you look at it the month of November will have many pros, too, since hot weather conditions will not be an issue and the competition will be much easier for our dogs than in summer. We are looking forward to welcome you in Sursee next year. If you have questions with regard to the procedures as presented in the film please do not hesitate to contact us. Informacije o psu: Rasa: Belgijski ovar Pol: Oba pola Otenjen: 6.1.2021 Sa papirima Dodato: Jue Cena: Po dogovoru Our special thanks go to her as well. I would like to also encourage all of you to stay alert and optimistic at the same time. Please find more information about this top-class event here https://www.tvl.be/nieuws/duitse-herdershonden-laten-zich-van-hun-beste-kant-zien-141388?fbclid=IwAR3YSy4h3GqxawEtsdjVSl1Ntsl97us6anxqjTelSvFIGt3dEZ4nHIwqMV4. We are now all experiencing how we are interconnected and that it is of crucial importance to cooperate at world wide level. Thank you for your attention and support in this respect. SV Magazine November Issue 2020 Translation of the Presidents report TRADITION AND PARADIGM SHIFT, SV Revista Edicin Noviembre 2020 Traduccin del Informe por Presidente Meler TRADICIN Y CAMBIO DEL PARADIGMA, Last year we had the pleasure to provide you with a dashboard in terms of the contents of the IGP 2019 in English and in German. As soon as the homepage for the event is opened a link will be available on the WUSV homepage under the event section where you will then find the latest information regarding the competition. Judge: Lene Carlsen (FCI) Helpers . The Universal Championship will take place from June 22-24, 2018 in Diest, Belgium. It is exclusively within the scope of responsibilities of the Board of Directors to decide about the future procedure in individual cases, and to assign the respective Continental Director in charge of the region affected with the specific tasks required. Thank you so much! Head of organization will be Ms Vivi Gilsager again. Oct 2017 - 8. By the same token, please be informed that a WUSV World Championship (IP) in Finland is planned to be held in 2022 instead of Austria. In case that this is of interest for you we are looking forward to hearing from you again. We expect around 70 participants for this Universal Championship from 20 countries to try and win one of the 3 World titles: best male, best female and best country, The Universal Championship is a combination of a show and working trial (tracking, obedience and defense). The proposal submitted by the WUSV junior member club in Morocco the Club du Chien Berger Allemand for full membership to the WUSV was unanimously admitted by the delegates present. This is, of course, provided that the situation will have calmed down by then. WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark, Randers, 28.09.2022 - 02.10.2022 . para detalles, por favor siga a este enlace Pressemitteilung Verfahren vor dem Landgericht Dortmund VDH/SV /, Press Release Legal Proceedings Dortmund Regional Court VDH/SV /, Communicado de Prensa Procedimientos Legales por el Tribunal de Distrito de Dortmund VDH/SV, Grsse zum Jahresende Professor Dr. Heinrich Meler /, Seasons Greetings Professor Dr. Heinrich Meler. Sep 2022 Participants / attendees: 110 / 11 Participation fee: 0.00 Entry price: 0.00 Category: Not saved yet Discipline: IGP breed: German Shepherd Event website: https://www.wusv2022.com Street: With this step we hope to alleviate the situation on the Australian continent and give friends of the German Shepherd Breed a chance to choose the road where their interests are served in a fashion that suits their ends. Hier finden Sie einen weiteren Bericht des des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) "Einen herzlichen Dank an alle Zchter". We kindly ask you to take those into account in terms of the implementation of the WUSV Harmonization Program. The delegates to the assembly decided to follow suit with the proposal and voted for the termination of the cooperation agreement between the FCI and the WUSV. Thank you very much for your attention and if in doubt please contact us at any time. He was 75 years old. Report by the Head Judge Josef Vonarburg. Oct 2022 Registration deadline: 12. Please enjoy! It looks like your browser is outdated. We kindly ask you to forward this information to your members and responsible party and thank you in advance for publishing it in your social media. It was a glorious festival full of pride and hope. Bitte leiten Sie diese Mitteilung freundlicherweise an Ihre Mitglieder und zustndigen Amtstrger weiter. We are looking forward to working with the WGSDCA along with the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia. We wish the German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (Inc.) of New Zealand the very best and we will of course support the organization whenever advice is needed in trial and breeding. It is therefore to be expected that the delivery times will be extended considerably - in some cases, consignments cannot be delivered and are returned to the sender immediately. Im Alter von 87 Jahren ist Arturo Janke von uns gegangen. The WUSV-WM2020 will take place from 07th to 11th October in Gyr (Hungary). Hier finden Sie einen Bericht des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) zum Deutschen Schferhund in der Kriminalistik. WUSV World Championship IP; WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL; Germany; WUSV Countries; Reports from the WUSV member countries; Lists of winners; Kynologie. On the occasion of the JPDS JAPAN Siegerschau SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. September bis 02. So we are looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg by the end of the year. We also ask you to provide the necessary COVID 19 vaccinations to enter the Netherlands as smoothly as possible. IGP Resultater Flg os p Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin er hovedsponsor for WUSV 2022 VM UDSTILLING 2022 - KLIK HER Visit Aarhus - Oplev Randers We kindly ask the WUSV community to follow suit and cooperate with the club and provide support whenever necessary. Deadline for submission is May 31 of every calendar year. With respect to the WUSV World Championship it is recommended to provide an HD/ ED stamp which will, however, become mandatory from 2019 on. We would be more than grateful if our members followed suit and provided help to those who are now suffering from the consequences of this wrongful aggression. September to 2 October 2022. Velkommen til WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark byder velkommen til WUSV Championship IGP, som bliver afviklet p det smukke CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS i dagene 28. september - 2. oktober 2022. Upon the implementation of the worldwide HD/ ED certification procedure of the WUSV which will be mandatory from 2020 on, an HD/Ed stamp will have to be presented upon registration. Together with our partner organisations from the animal food industries we will arrange for a delivery of dog food to the Moldovan border from where the goods shall be distributed into Ukraine. The official veterinarian and the head judge are authorized to disqualify a dog in case that it becomes obvious that the animal is unfit to continue with the exams for health-related reasons. This years WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL shall be hosted by the sterreichischen Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) from June 24th, to June 26th, 2022 in Schwanenstadt/ Austria. Whenever possible, we endeavor to return the documents you have sent in and processed, but we ask for your understanding if this is delayed due to the restrictions described above or is currently not possible. From 04.-05.05.2019 the "Irish National IGP Trial 2019" took place in Dublin. A competition in terms of Agility on the side lines of the WUSV World Championship IP will not be an option this year. If you wish to make a donation, please use the banking details below. The financial and budget related situation of our organization is rather difficult for the time being because of the war and the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs in Ukraine would be more than happy if the international community of German Shepherd Dog fanciers and friends supported the WUSV Team of Ukraine with a donation for the participation in the event. This will support Team USA going to Austria for the 2022 WUSV Universal Sieger Competition. The WUSV World Championships took place in Lerma (Spain) from October 31 to November 7, 2021. We understand the disappointment and frustration that our decision might cause for some of you but let us always put safety first. Les pedimos que hagan llegar esta informacin a sus socios y responsables y les agradecemos de antemano su publicacin en sus medios de comunicacin social. The certificate needs to be confirmed by the national club. Unter "Berichte WUSV-Mitglieder" stellen wir Berichte der WUSV-Mitglieder online. He was awarded the Golden Needle by the SV, and he was among the co-founders of the EUSV European Championship the predecessor of what is today known as the WUSV World Championship. Here you can find a picture gallery of the WUSV-WM 2019 in Modena (Italy). Information in terms of the program and registrations of dogs are now available. Entry Form. The V.V.D.H. In case of doubt please contact the head of organization, Ms. Vivi Gilsager, at the same address or the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg. Velkommen til WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark byder velkommen til WUSV Championship IGP, som bliver afviklet p det smukke CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS i dagene 28. september - 2. oktober 2022. Thus, we started into the year 2021 much better prepared and mostly knew how to respond to the challenges, cope with restrictions and how to find tailormade solutions for problems pending. With the invasion of Russian troops into the national territory of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022 a nightmare came true which generations of people believed to be unthinkable: an unjustified, armed attack on a democratic country warfare in Europe. The processing of breed survey documents from abroad is a very complex field of work and regularly subject to delays since the SV headquarters administration staff has to send large numbers of electronic mail to the dogs owners combined with the related problems such as linguistic barriers. The issue was widely discussed among the WUSV Board of Directors. Welcome to WUSV 2022 The German Shepherd Dog Club of Denmark welcomes you to the WUSV Championship IGP, which will be held at the beautiful CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS from 28. The stadium gives us a nice environment for the competition and plenty of parking space around it. From June 24th to 26th, 2022 the WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL took place in Schwanenstadt (Austria). What do we ask of you? Ranking V/VA National Shows outside Germany /, Minutes of the WUSV General Assembly 2019, Here you will find everything about the event /, https://www.wusv-wm-universal2022.at/images/videos/WUSV.mp4 _blank. Thank you for your attention. WUSV-WM 2022 - IGP 3 Event: WUSV WM 2022 Category of event: WUSV Weltmeisterschaft Results list name: IGP World Cup Discipline : IGP 3 Date: 28. Hello from Randers, the venue of the WUSV-WM IP 2022. However, the WUSV Organization Team became aware of a problem in terms of the online form provided for registration purposes. The following legal procedure in an effort to appeal this directive went well for us and fortunately judges can be released again to all of you provided that all other requirements as stipulated in the respective regulations are met. The details of the organization we support are as follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Nothilfe Ukraine. Furthermore, a fee amounting to 120.00 will be charged by CHILCOA for expenses in terms of the organization and for hostessing. Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more. Given the insecurity of the circumstances that do not allow any of us to reliably arrange for any kind of travel planning leave alone accommodation and since nobody knows by this time whether travelling abroad will be an option at all in 2020, it was the best decision the Magyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Klub management could have possibly taken. For details, please refer to the site below. We apologize for the inconvenience this might entail but it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit. The WUSV keeps growing! Thank you for your attention. Sometime, when the entire house seems to be in a mess this also offers a good opportunity for the spring cleaning. AUGSBURG When Russian troops invaded the state territory of Ukraine the unthinkable of which generations had thought it would be impossible happened: a wrongful, armed attack on a democratic country war in Europe. On May 18, 2019, the Champion Breed Show will take place in Ireland. Also, this year I would like to send you my warmest wishes for the upcoming Seasons Holidays and the best of luck for the year 2019. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Aficionados of the German Shepherd Dog breed, We are pleased to inform you that the 12th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in, Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023. Would you like to publish your event on the WUSV homepage? Vice versa, the officers receive many individual requests from the owners regarding their breed surveys which likewise lead to delays in the processing of the received documents. We are looking forward to hearing from you again and meet you in Randers by the end of September 2022. Recently, we received a number of requests with regard to the future requirements for the participation in the WUSV World Championship and the Universal Championship. Not only is this the first time we will enjoy the hospitality that England is so well known for also we are honored to share the 100th anniversary of the German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain that was established as early as in 1919 a true challenge particularly in these times. In future, the GSD International framework will provide insight into the activities of the WUSV and cover specialist topics of international importance. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Presentation of the highest ranking dogs on the occasion of the WUSV World Championship IP 2019 in Modena/ Italy, and the World Championship IP and UNIVERSAL 2021 in Lerma/ Spain as presented by WUSV Vice President Ren Rudin from Switzerland. IGP Resultater Flg os p Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin er hovedsponsor for WUSV 2022 VM UDSTILLING 2022 - KLIK HER Visit Aarhus - Oplev Randers The venue will be Augsburg. Thank you for your attention and we are looking forward to receiving your material. The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from. An activity full of passion with a common motto: "Real CEPPA, friendly club, dog respect". Like nobody else, the name of Owe Buchmann was firmly associated with the German Shepherd Dog Club of Sweden, and we will remember him well for his excellent Swedish Winner Shows way back during the eighties and still in the nineties. For details in terms of diagnostics approved of by the SV please see the table you will find by following the link below. And as in every war before, there will be no winners only sufferers and victims in the countries involved. In his capacity as a FCI board member he served as an important ambassador between our two organizations and he was of invaluable importance for our amicable cooperation with the FCI. As you might have already learned from a circular letter dated November 03, 2017 that was sent out to the WUSV member organizations, a proposal regarding the cooperation agreement between the FCI and the WUSV was submitted to the delegates of the FCI General Assembly that was recently held in Leipzig. We would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr. Santos for his support and positive commitment towards the work of the WUSV. From 02. Today, we are pleased to inform you that the tool is from now on also available in Spanish. From that point of view we understand the decision that president McKernan and his team made. At this point we would like to thank all those who, despite unfavorable omens and all prophecies of doom, stand by this event and the club, have expressed this with the entry of their dogs and thus let our event become one of the largest purebred dog shows in the world. Thus, it was decided to have the WUSV World Championship (IP) 2021 also hosted by the WUSV member club in Spain from October 31st, to November 07th, 2021 with venue in Lerma as well. from April 01, 1968 to April 23, 2014. All agenda items and proposals shall be adjourned to next years assembly in 2022. on the occasion of the breed show Exposicin de Crianza N345 including a breed survey SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. - 07. In case of doubt, please contact the WUSV Secretariat General. Sep - 2. In the individual classification "females" Jayne Wood (Great Britain) won with "Helaka Asia" ahead of Inna Nikolajeva (Latvia) with "Astrida Letton" (2nd place) and Andrea Wstner (Germany) with "Bonnie vom Villa Riva" (3rd place). The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. The soccer stadium of Randers FC (first league) was this years venue of the WUSV World Championship IP the event was ac-companied by a breed show On the occasion of the KKC-Siegershow in Seoul/Korea SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. Anita was born in Germany and emigrated to Australia in 1955. Mr. Ren Rudin was reelected as . On December 06, 2017 and with immediate effect Mr. Augusto Benedict Santos III (Philippines) resigned from his office as WUSV Continental Director. Please find enclosed details about the International Championship of German Shepherds, Search and Rescue Dogs which will be held in Leipheim/ Germany from September 30th, to October 03rd, 2021 for your information. Your attention is very much appreciated. IGP RESULTS Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin is our main sponsor for WUSV 2022 SHOW 2022 - CLIK HERE Visit Aarhus - Experience Randers The WUSV Championship represents one of the highlights in the international world of the German Shepherd. Until that date the agreement obtained in 2013 remains in full force and effect. The relevant court decisions in terms of the legal action against the FCI and VDH shall be published on the internet over the course of this month for you to give you a more detailed idea of the background. This event showcases the top dog/handler teams in the country. - 06. Looking back on a fantastic WUSV World Championship 2018 we would really like to pay our compliments to our Danish neighbours From 03. Events and competitions are to be cancelled at any rate and I kindly call upon all of you in charge at your clubs to follow suit in this respect. Donations can be paid with immediate effect until September 28th, 2022 at the latest. If you see a chance for your club to host this very important cynological international event of the WUSV we are looking forward to your proposals. WUSV World Championship 2021 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province of Burgos Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pan See more Sports Online Host WUSV World Championship 2022 Guests See All 27 Went 115 INTERESTED When he retired from that office in 1995 and after having served as the chairperson for eleven years, Owe Buchmann was appointed honorary member of the club. From our point of view a possible conflict between the two world organizations FCI and WUSV may by no means be carried out at the expense of the friends and aficionados of the German Shepherd Dog breed from all over the world. We all learned how special the people of Ukraine are and enjoyed their unconditional hospitality on many occasions, such as the WUSV World Championship IP 2011 in Kiev. Please be informed that next years BSZ Conformation Show shall take place in Nuremberg from September 03rd to September 06th, 2020. And perhaps they now regret not being part(-participant) of this event. On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV as represented by 52 member countries elected a new Board of Directors as follows. Registrations will be possible from Jan. 02, 2023 until March 03., 2023. We are pleased to inform you that the WUSV World Championship IP in 2023 will be hosted by the Magyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Klub - MNJK. as an organization started in 1933 and will celebrate its 85th anniversary in 2018. Needless to say that our doors stay wide open if at some point in the future the club wishes to resume their membership within the WUSV and look forward to this to happen. Please do not forget to obtain the confirmation and signature of your national club on the application form for participation at the seminar (at the very bottom of the form). It was agreed that a utility respectively working dog needs to muster the ability to cope with that kind of a threat scenario.

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