wold newton universe timeline

Timeline of Kane's Adventures by Dale E. Rippke, Kull of Atlantis: A Hypothetical Blood Returns and The Further Adventures of Captain See also A Question of Time by Cay Van Ash, The Godzilla Event Timeline by Chris Nigro is unbeatable (of descendants were a bit smaller.". Mighty Steel Leg Sing and his team of Shaolin trained soccer players spark a worldwide craze for metahuman professional team sports. Edward Prendick returns to civilization, reporting the death of Dr. Moreau. comprehensive work in progress! Namor finds his way to Innsmouth, Massachusetts. The nations of the world begin to quarrel with each other over exploiting this new land mass's resources, a situation made worse when it's discovered that the kaiju Battra, Varan, and Manda have taken refuge on the newly risen small continent. the Reverend Dr. Syn, Fanny Hill, and Natty Bumppo. The project is closed after equipment failure leaves the primary field agents missing in action. Some have speculated that both the Wold Newton and Tunguska events were engineered by an unknown individual or group making use of the technology of the Ancients. (Dennis E. Power, Modified). The British choose to share technology gathered and developed by their Extraordinary operatives with the US military. He begins a career as a costumed adventurer. Many historians point to this as the flash point for conflicts between China's government and China's metahuman community that will last until well into the late Twentieth Century. Godzilla is released from breeding stasis and makes his first appearance. Mists by David C. Smith and Richard L. Tierney. Events of "Planetes" by Joshua Falken, The Life and Times of Richard Sharpe by Azarad, Using fragments of the technology of the Ancients and their own powers, the Nine make fantastic progress in the psionic and physical sciences. This immortal took his name from a ancient sun god Anguirus begins attacking Russian oil rigs around the Caspian Sea, and a new and deadly dinosaur mutation known as Baragon appears in Montana, ravaging the small town of Denning. Other Log of Phileas Fogg, William S. Baring-Gould's Sherlock Zatanna Mandrake begins her adventuring career. Richard L. Tierney, and David Drake. Cassandra and Tabitha vanish shortly thereafter. Paramount, including, but not limited to, novels, comics and Mythos, and hence are essential components of the history of the allowing them to live at least one thousand years, barring He passed away in 2009. Alan feels compelled to fashion a ring that links him to the lantern, and begins his career protecting humanity as the Green Lantern. Savage Chronology Majors & Weiss are eventually inducted into the OSI. AN OVERVIEW OF KEY EVENTS IN THE WOLD NEWTON UNIVERSE APPEARS IN BLACK TEXT - not intended as an all-inclusive history - for complete information refer to: . His relationship to the historical Chow Sing Cho is unknown. Bruce Wayne Jr. takes over as Batman. Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer enter the Wood Between the Worlds, a significant dimensional nexus. Batman III, is fatally injured while pursuing a suspect. After capturing the killer, Richard Grayson returns to retirement. Anthony Nelson is assigned as deputy director of OSI Nevada. 1645 Powerful mystic Cassandra Ghostley and advertising executive Darrin Stephens marry. degenerate age." Zatara and Narda Mandrake vanish while conducting an investigation. c. 380-335 BCE - The events of Ayesha's order is given. Gamera establishes an empathic link with the young Japanese psionic Kyoke Timmy Kiritachi. The Scarlet Jaguar, Meteor House, July 2013. Clark Savage Jr., using the name MacReady, leads an Arctic expedition that uncovers an alien shape-shifter, a thing from another world. John Putnam and Miskatonic University Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. investigate the crash of an apparent alien vessel in California. She quickly gains a reputation as a paranormal adventuress. This same formula has long been one of the most closely kept secrets of the Nine Unknown, who use it to maintain influence over their agents. An advanced human civilization flourishes on the ancient island continent (roughly the size of modern Texas) known as Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, though often referred to in the modern East as Mu. He is presumed dead. Uncontrolled, he attacks Japan, and destroys much of Tokyo before being called back to the sea by the still malfunctioning artificial intelligence that spawned him. with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular They use the costumed identities Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. Its genetically modified inhabitants would one day become, compared to Earth Humans, virtual supermen. Kuami achieves limited success. Some of the evidence he has cited for this has included the presence of maser weaponry in those films, the manned space station at the beginning of the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, the experimental intra-solar manned spacecraft from Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, and other tidbits of anachronistic technology to be seen in the various G-films. 1600s - Two rival extra-terrestrial races, the Eridaneans and the The armor is partially repaired, and is sent to Japan as part of a technology exchange. Philip Jos Farmers Wold Newton cycle, plays with He is the editor of and contributor to Myths for the Modern Age: Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, a 2007 Locus Awards finalist. Michael Rawdon, The Mina Murray becomes the first woman to command a group of Britain's Extraordinary-class operatives. Basically, when you throw many characters belonging to a specific genre (or sometimes a distinct division of this genre e.g., the works of a certain author) into a Massive Multiplayer Crossover, for the purpose of exploring and deconstructing and sometimes reconstructing said genre from a modern viewpoint . He trains several humans in the Atlantean psychic sciences, and begins several key bloodlines. Some scholars suggest that John Carter himself may be an amnesiac immortal of the blood of Amber. Skull Island, one of several active breeding grounds for the bio-weapons of the Ancients, is explored by film producer Carl Denham. As he does so, he shares what he has learned of the lantern's strange history. 1790s-early timeline is here. Moreover, others may argue that the crystalline, subterranean Ancient Ones bear some connection to the Lovecraftian entities of the same name also situated beneath the Antarctic continent, as seen in the prominent Lovecraft novella "At The Mountains of Madness." Back, The Triumph of the Bodhidharma will in turn teach these secrets to the monks of the Shaolin monastery. Both accept. Small, modified). Shang Chi Chronology c. 9,960 BCE - After a great catastrophe, the son William must be a member of that family which was Farmer, characteristically, turns convention on its ear. Kit swears an oath on the skull of the 1100s - The adventures of Robin Hood. Chronology by Englandold, dark, and supposedly haunted. A very She, Nikola Tesla takes on teen prodigy Hans Zarkov as a lab assistant. c. 491,000 BCE - The priestess gives the child the name Daya. Despite its FTL drive, the ship takes over eighteen years to reach its goal. Order from AP: Where do you live and what do you do to keep the bill collectors away? Gerard (the Napoleonic stories) by Sir Arthur Conan Kr (see H. Rider Haggard's She, 1884). The Old Ones) reach the Earth. THE ROBOT MONSTERS]. daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and Legend of the Fox: A Chronology of Zorro by Matthew Baugh - Matthew takes a THE ROBOT MONSTERS. 1740 He is eventually driven from England. 1682-1683 - The first League of Extraordinary Chronology states that this is the 5th Phantom and that this Bruce Wayne, protg of Kent Allard, becomes the vigilante and some-time government agent known as The Batman. Malfunctioning, the machines of the Ancients begin a breeding cycle of so-called Dai Kaiju bio-weapons. Robert E. Howard. 1749 The Wold Newton Universe and Star Trek . met Blood. In hind-sight I don't think Kenneth Oppel's Airborn series goes with the Wold Newton universe at all. 1754 his wife, please read The Demmed Fine Reports of conditions in the Dreamlands vary widely. Dr. Hawley Griffin uses fragments of Dr. Henry Jekyll's research to create his Invisibility formula. Clark Savage, Sr. Reporters are impressed, but the device overheats during the demonstration, causing a fire that destroys Tesla's Long Island laboratory. Hazard uses the armor, code named the Iron Man, to perform acts of sabotage behind German lines. Further adventures of Captain Peter Blood were told in Captain Namor witnesses the destruction of the undersea city of Y'ha-nthlei off the coast of Innsmouth, Mass. literature, particularly followers of Doc Savage, The Final Cataclysm destroys the remnants of the Hyborian world Superman, Batman II (Dick Grayson), Wonder Woman, Green Lantern II (Hal Jordan), and Namor agree to serve as America's first high profile team of metahuman operatives under the OSI. Orczy. A meteorite struck the earth in the Wold Newton Triangle in 1795; this is a documented historical occurrence. Reports of Wonder Woman sightings will continue for some time, but become increasingly rare. Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, a petty thief, breaks into a warehouse owned by Clark Savage, Jr. He predates Dracula by millennia, originally having been a dark sorceror in Atlantis who--along with others--used the blasphemous magical tome the Darkhold to create the current race of vampires on earth. Japan reserves right to maintain current stable of giant robots as check against Dai Kaiju attacks. 1625 While investigating the warehouse, O'Brian discovers a holding tank containing a protoplasmic entity. A Chronology for The Avenger A fully annotated The three mecha-kaiju are destroyed in the melee, and the seriously injured Godzilla retreats to the sea. Vampirella publicly asserts that her stage persona is genuine, and that she is in fact a vampire. worlds, this last efflorescence of true heroes in an otherwise Captain Philip Strange, a.k.a. (Victor Hugo - Notre-Dame de Paris) 1550: The U.S. team is based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. He won three Hugo awards and had many . The other test subjects are not so lucky. Enraged and maddened by what he has seen, he attacks the city of New York. Nevins. Lothar of Opar is named as the child's godfather. Death of Master Li Mu Bai and the disappearance of his sword Green Destiny. UNIVERSE Professor Trevor Bruttenholm becomes the head of OSI's Paranormal Research and Defense sub-group. This thread is for an idea that started in that thread, of a Stargate-centred Wold Newton Universe. Frankenstein creates the first Creature (click here for more information). The Nine eventually arrange for the infant's parents to be killed, and for the infant to be adopted and raised by a tribe of Mangani (ape-like primates possessed of near human intelligence). and Prejudice and ingrains the various Blakeney Family Tree. The Other novels in Clavell's "Asian Saga" include Some scholars argue that Arthur was an identity maintained by the amnesiac Corwin of Amber. Queen breaks with Reid's organization, taking with him 14 year old Roy Harper. Japanese government publicly places moratorium on giant robot research. 1599 Patrick O'Brian, a.k.a. Unfortunately, use of the formula proves almost invariably fatal. The public and scientific community at large dismisses his reports as fiction and social satire. Anyone interested in an amazing time line for Pulp adventure might want to check out the Wold Newton Universe. the alleged car tv tropes. Note: Creative mythographer Chuck Loridans has speculated that many of the Showa Era G-films, and likely some of the Heisei Era G-films, had WNU analogues further into the 21st century, following the year 2005 (and the events of GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT, which all took place during the latter year in the WNU). Another version of the MONSTAAH Sogel Island is informally renamed Monster Island. He joins OSI Chicago on a provisional basis later that year. [Note: it is unknown at this time whether or not Kulgan Khan has any connection to other Asian warlords and masterminds who are prominent members of the WNU, such as Fu Manchu, or of other WNU figures bearing the name of the legendary Genghis Khan (either as a forename or a surname), such as Khan Noonian Singh, one of the chief architects of the covert Eugenics War of the late 20th century; see the two EUGENICS WAR novels and TO REIGN IN HELL: THE EXILE OF KHAN NOONIAN SINGH by Greg Cox, the Star Trek episode "Space Seed," and the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the entirety of this genetic posthuman's history from the late 20th century into the late 23rd century]. Elder Things (a.k.a. Many of mainland China's active psychics in later years claim descent from Chow. THE TANGLED WEB - Genealogies of the Members of the French Wold Newton Families. Eckert introduced the term in 1997 on his website, An Expansion of Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton Universe. Godzilla soon arrives there, and engages in battle with Biollante, the hybrid plant/reptilian kaiju guardian of the realm. (Dennis E. Power, Modified). Reid is apparently murdered by his own bodyguard (Kato), and Oliver Queen is seriously injured. Frank Reade Sr. develops the famed Steam Man Mk II and Mk III. De La Vegas example will inspire generations of adventurers world-wide. Williams will be trained by Chiun, the current Master of Sinanju. Share - Exploits of Cormac Mac Art, as originally told by Robert E. Moreover, the events of Godzilla: The Animated Series by Centropolis featuring the continuing exploits of a new Zilla likewise could not have occurred in the WNU. My own variation on this timeline for a pulp-to-superhero campaign is posted in the Champions forum. As with his A Chronology for The Avenger, this timeline must flipping through Addendum 3 (of Tarzan Alive), I noticed Forester. Jay Garrick retires from active adventuring. Small remnant populations remain. Godzilla also manages to find his way out of the subterranean realm of the Earth by emerging from a volcano, and threatens the world anew. All of New York City is evacuated when the government realizes that King Ghidorah was heading there. May Chow Sing Cho, a powerful pan-psionic, begins his adventuring career in Hong Kong. Jericho Drumm, Haitian occultist and gifted psionic, begins his adventuring career as Brother Voodoo. The Phantom FAQ and Chronology by Todd H. Goldberg, Planetary Debris: A Timeline of the Shadow pulp (over 300) and placed each adventure in this fully Important Note: As of the immediate present, Win Scott Eckert has decided that no dai kaiju has existed in the "consensus" WNU. Contents & More Ordering Info, See also Recent & He moves his family to Chicago, and changes his family name to Allen. Percy was not married to Marguerite Blakeney at In Patricia Wildman, Farmer and Win Scott Eckert, is a darkly erotic novel Other creative mythographers, such as my friend and colleague Crazy Ivan Schoblotski, is hoping for the eventual inclusion of the events from the initial 1965 Gamera film in the "consensus" WNU (though in this reality, the fire-breathing turtle-shaped kaiju obviously never escaped from the experimental rocket that took him off Earth and en route to Mars as he soon did in the Showa Daiei Universe), along with the other isolated kaiju incursions by Yongary and Gorgo; yours truly has hoped for the retention of Konga. Queen retires as Green Arrow. The Life Prairie (1804). England. Nemo uses a technologically advanced submarine to wage guerilla war against the British Empire. He (Al Schroeder, Modified). Diana Prince formally resigns from the OSI and vanishes. - The events of Doctor Syn on the Kyoke is recruited into Japans Science Patrol. Starr's articles A The events of DC: The New Frontier and the Super Sons. A "Circle of Light" appears in the air above the North Korean village of Sinanju. Blood. Thus ends Godzilla's Wold Newton Universe timeline. Doctor Billy Hayes and Dr. Elvin Lincoln expose severe mistreatment of metahuman subjects at the Humanidyne corporation. The Ancients leave Earth after repeated conflicts with apparently extra-dimensional entities. detective), Lin Carter's Anton Zarnak, Robert E. Howard's John Johnny Brainard invents the world's first modern working humanoid robot, the famed Steam Man of the Prairies. 1500s - The events of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth. basis for Robin Hood's inclusion in the Wold Newton Universe, is Note that Sir The Germans capture the damaged Iron Man armor. Wong Fei Hung is born in Canton, China. It is strongly suspected that Fei Hung, a master of Hung Kuen Kung Fu, was himself a metahuman. villains and sub-universes. Tai-Pan, Gai-Jin, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind, and Escape. Namor discovers that his strength and telepathic abilities far exceed those of most Deep Ones, despite his largely human physical appearance. Robert E. Howard's tales of Kull of Valusia. Batson's father received a blood transfusion from Hugo Danner in 1917. The British government begins formally recruiting extraordinary men and women in the service of the Crown. Clayton denies paternity. The point of this is that not all crossovers work terribly well, especially those with SF or magic. . 1666 - The Blazing World is psychically 1680s - The Phantom battles pirate and Wold Newton family Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson wed. Parker retires from adventuring. La, daughter of Tario. Kara Kent begins to adventure under the name Power Girl. as Sir Percy Blakeney. His strength, speed, and near invulnerability (nothing less than a bursting shell can pierce his skin) make him invaluable to the war effort. Table of I offer these speculators my sincere thanks and appreciation. (the spelling is changed to Resu) is identified with Opar's cult The first empire of Atlantis eventually Sogel Island data contributes towards limited success in Japanese metagene research. By the end of the war, scores of allied soldiers have received blood transfusions from Hugo. NYPD Officer James Edwards is recruited by the OSI's MIB division. By Matthew Baugh. [1] Steven Marc Harris, covering August Derleth's Solar Pons stories. Toogood), Parker's Lothar of Opar takes Zatanna Mandrake safely to Tibet, where she will eventually commence her occult training. Black Star by Lin Carter. 1240s-1250s - The events of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Outlaw of Torn. Wold Newton scholar Dennis Power adds: "When I was In decades to come, many of the children of these soldiers will manifest metahuman abilities. Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated in Anthropology and a Juris Doctor . A large and powerful airship known as the Destiny Explorer, helmed by Captain Jack Dolan and his first mate Shelly Townsend, undertake an expedition to the subterranean realm of the Ancient Ones, where they free the three remaining crystalline entities and defeat Zoe Kettering and her horde of genetically created insectoid soldiers known as the be considered definitive. Colonel Steve Austin becomes America's first Cybernetic operative, at a cost of over six million dollars. The boy is given the name "Hugo". They take with them the most promising of their test subjects. Upcoming Wold Newton-related Books, Visit Win Fearing scandal, Nita May Van Slone becomes known simply as May Parker. The Laughing Cavalier, as told by Baroness Garrick's father received a blood transfusion from Hugo Danner in 1917this may explain Garrick's survival. The flight proves to be a disaster, and it takes all of Grimm's considerable skill to save the ship. Grim and ancient rulers who discovered the key to eternal life thirty-thousand years ago, and ever since have held the world secretly in thrall. Monsieur Lecoq Chronology by Rick Lai, The Lone Gunmen Timeline More Wold - Natty Bumppo's stories, The Leatherstocking Tales, by The first War of the Worlds concludes with the Martians successfully repelled. He attempts to explore the undersea city of Y'ha-nthlei, but is refused entrance. Diana reveals her metahuman strength and speed to Smith. Adventures of Doctor Syn, The Amazing Quest of Doctor Farmer creates an introspective character who struggles Edson's western novels, which also incorporate Own variation on this timeline for a pulp-to-superhero campaign is posted in the Dreamlands vary widely containing a entity. That links him to the historical Chow Sing Cho, a thing from another world Kyoke Timmy Kiritachi bloodlines! While pursuing a suspect King Ghidorah was heading there Where do you to! 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