how many people died in the holocaust

[328] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives. [324] Those selected for death at all camps were told to undress and hand their valuables to camp workers. [474], The government of Israel requested $1.5billion from the Federal Republic of Germany in March 1951 to finance the rehabilitation of 500,000 Jewish survivors, arguing that Germany had stolen $6billion from the European Jews. At the end of 1941 in occupied Poland, the Germans began building additional camps or expanding existing ones. (twins step forward!). WebThe Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Forced to retreat on 19 April from the OB and ZW fighters, they returned later that day under the command of SS General Jrgen Stroop (author of the Stroop Report about the uprising). Explosives were used to reduce the time taken by digging. Those present included (annotated, left to right): Frank continued by discussing their deportation, then asked: "But what is to happen to the Jews? [344] Around 1,000 poorly armed fighters held the SS at bay for four weeks. [437], On 7 September 1939, Reinhard Heydrich stated that all Polish nobles, clergy, and Jews were to be murdered. Ninety percent of Austria's 176,000 Jews lived in Vienna. Those who lagged behind or fell were shot. [141] A perception among ethnic Poles that the Jews had supported the Soviet invasion[142] contributed to existing antisemitism,[143] which Germany exploited, redistributing Jewish homes and goods, and converting synagogues, schools and hospitals in Jewish areas into facilities for non-Jews. [251] The Romanian military murdered up to 25,000 Jews during the Odessa massacre between 18 October 1941 and March 1942, assisted by gendarmes and the police. [83] T4 was mainly directed at adults, but the euthanasia of children was also carried out. From August 1941 they began to murder women and children too. [288] Written by Eichmann and stamped "Top Secret", the minutes were written in "euphemistic language" on Heydrich's instructions, according to Eichmann's later testimony.[289]. Eichmann's trial revived interest in war criminals and the Holocaust in general. Under the coordination of the SS, with directions from the highest leadership of the Nazi Party, killings were committed within Germany itself, throughout occupied Europe, and within territories controlled by Germany's allies. [442] At least 200,000 died in concentration camps, around 146,000 in Auschwitz. Filimoshin cited sources from the Soviet era to support his figures and used the terms "genocide" and "premeditated extermination" when referring to deaths of 7.4million civilians caused by direct, intentional violence. In early 1943, new gas chambers and crematoria were built to accommodate the numbers. Works by Jewish composers,[71] authors, and artists were excluded from publications, performances, and exhibitions. Paramilitary death squads called Einsatzgruppen, in cooperation with the German Army and local collaborators, murdered around 1.3million Jews in mass shootings and pogroms from the summer of 1941. [173] In the Netherlands, the Germans installed Arthur Seyss-Inquart as Reichskommissar, who began to persecute the country's 140,000 Jews. "[338], There was almost no resistance in the ghettos in Poland until the end of 1942. When America declared war, he blamed the Jews.[273]. [195] Nevenko Bartulin, however posits that of the total Jewish population of the NDH, only 100 Jews attained the legal status of Aryan citizens, 500 including their families. [233] In mid-1942 work camps began requiring newly arrived prisoners to be placed in quarantine for four weeks. The commandos described them as "Bolshevist functionaries" and similar. Marcus Tanner states that the "SS complained that at least 5,000 Jews were still alive in the NDH and that thousands of others had emigrated, by buying 'honorary Aryan' status". [86], Although not ordered to take part, psychiatrists and many psychiatric institutions were involved in the planning and carrying out of Aktion T4. According to Haaretz, the writer Yehuda Erez may have been the first to describe events in Germany as the shoah. [92][91] The laws referred to Jews but applied equally to the Roma and black Germans. They also included five million of people who were not Jewish, mainly Poles, Sinti and This perception contributed to the canard of Jewish Bolshevism. According to Saul Friedlnder, "[t]estimonies left by Jews from all over occupied Europe indicate that, in contradistinction to vast segments of surrounding society, the victims did not understand what was ultimately in store for them." [81], In October 1939 Hitler signed a "euthanasia decree" backdated to 1 September 1939 that authorized Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, the chief of Hitler's Chancellery, and Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician, to carry out a program of involuntary euthanasia. [414] The death camps in occupied Poland accounted for half the Jews murdered. [229], After 1942, the economic function of the camps, previously secondary to their penal and terror functions, came to the fore. Anyone with three or more Jewish grandparents was classified as a Jew. "[244][245], According to Dan Stone, the murder of Jews in Romania was "essentially an independent undertaking". [421] In occupied countries, the survival of the state was likewise correlated with lower Jewish death rates: 75 percent of Jews survived in France and 99 percent in Denmark, but 75 percent died in the Netherlands, as did 99 percent of Jews who were in Estonia when the Germans arrivedthe Nazis declared Estonia Judenfrei ("free of Jews") in January 1942 at the Wannsee Conference. [345] Polish and Jewish accounts stated that hundreds or thousands of Germans had been killed,[346] while the Germans reported 16 dead. The [360] Jews also joined Polish forces, including the Home Army. [461] The police closed gay bars and shut down gay publications. [197], Germany invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, a day Timothy Snyder called "one of the most significant days in the history of Europe the beginning of a calamity that defies description". * Roma (Gypsy) people killed by Germans: Estimates range between 220,000 and 500,000 * Number of camps, prisons and other facilities of incarceration within Germany and the lands it occupied: 40,000. By 1944 the Soviet death toll was at least 20million.[201]. [121][l] Palestine was the only location to which any German resettlement plan produced results, via the Haavara Agreement between the Zionist Federation of Germany and the German government. According to Dan Stone the Holocaust was a pan-European phenomenon, a series of "Holocausts" impossible to conduct without local collaborators and Germany's allies. [39] They were then herded naked into the gas chambers. [v] According to Browning, eight of the 15 had doctorates: "Thus it was not a dimwitted crowd unable to grasp what was going to be said to them. [180] Several Polish, French and British leaders had discussed the idea in the 1930s, as did German leaders from 1938. Sex with Jewish women was forbidden on grounds of racial disgrace by the Nazis, but rape was not considered a racial disgrace in concentration camps. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 February 2019. Browning interprets this as a meeting to discuss how to justify and speak about the killing. Between November 1933 and December 1939, the agreement resulted in the emigration of about 53,000 German Jews, who were allowed to transfer RM100million of their assets to Palestine by buying German goods, in violation of the Jewish-led anti-Nazi boycott of 1933. [e] The biblical term shoah (Hebrew: ), meaning "calamity" (and also used to refer to "destruction" since the Middle Ages), became the standard Hebrew term for the murder of the European Jews. [98], On 12 March 1938, Germany annexed Austria. WebOverall prospects for gay prisoners were poor: an estimated 65% died, and an unknown, albeit likely disproportionate, number committed suicide. [206], According to Wolfram Wette, the German army took part in these shootings as bystanders, photographers, and active shooters. [411] The British 11th Armoured Division found around 60,000 prisoners (90 percent Jews) when they liberated Bergen-Belsen,[407][412] as well as 13,000 unburied corpses; another 10,000 people died from typhus or malnutrition over the following weeks. I will in principle proceed only on the assumption that they will disappear. [114], Between 9 and 16 November, 30,000 Jews were sent to the Buchenwald, Dachau, and Sachsenhausen concentration camps. [9] Peter Hayes writes that the persecution of these groups was less uniform than that of the Jews. [395] The British thwarted the proposal by leaking it. Janusz Gumkowski and Kazimierz Leszczynski, sfn error: no target: CITEREFGordon1984 (, Piotrowski, Tadeusz. [262] In Budapest in October and November 1944, the Hungarian Arrow Cross forced 50,000 Jews to march to the Austrian border as part of a deal with Germany to supply forced labor. [100] Jews were forced to perform humiliating acts such as scrubbing the streets or cleaning toilets while wearing tefillin. [232], Transportation to and between camps was often carried out in closed freight cars with little air or water, long delays and prisoners packed tightly. Other Victims Of these deportees, approximately 1.1 million [438] On 12 September, Wilhelm Keitel added Poland's intelligentsia to the list. In both cases a relatively small portion out of a Jewish population of 37,000. WebHistorians estimate that around 1,1 million people perished in Auschwitz during the less than 5 years of its existence. Companies such as BMW, Deutsche Bank, Ford, Opel, Siemens, and Volkswagen faced lawsuits for their use of forced labor during the war. The rest of the country was divided into the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), an Italian-German puppet state whose territory comprised Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, with the Croatian fascist Ustae party placed in power; and German occupied Serbia, governed by German military and police administrators[186] who appointed the Serbian collaborationist puppet government, Government of National Salvation, headed by Milan Nedi. In February 1941, non-Jewish Dutch citizens staged a strike in protest that was quickly crushed. [292][x] The final solution would encompass the 11million Jews living in territories controlled by Germany and elsewhere in Europe, including Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, and Hungary, "dependent on military developments". German: "Wannsee-Protokoll". He viewed Marxism as a Jewish doctrine, said he was fighting against "Jewish Marxism", and believed that Jews had created communism as part of a conspiracy to destroy Germany. Jews in Shanghai were confined, but despite German pressure they were not killed. WebHow many people died during the Holocaust? The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were [256] It annexed Thrace and Macedonia, and in February 1943 agreed to a demand from Germany that it deport 20,000 Jews to the Treblinka extermination camp. By the end of the Holocaust, six million European Jews were murdered. As German forces captured territories in the East, all anti-Jewish measures were radicalized. When the German Wehrmacht (armed forces) invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, triggering declarations of war from the UK and France, Germany gained control of about two million Jews in the territory it occupied. [423] Jews who lived where pre-war statehood was destroyed (Poland and the Baltic states) or displaced (western USSR) were at the mercy of sometimes-hostile local populations, in addition to the Germans. We cannot be sentimental about it. [223] Longerich wrote in 2010 that the gradual increase in brutality and numbers killed between July and September 1941 suggests there was "no particular order". [10] The term comes from the Greek: , romanized:holkaustos; hlos, "whole" + kausts, "burnt offering". [174] From July 1942, over 107,000 Dutch Jews were deported; only 5,000 survived the war. In the course of the practical execution of the Final Solution, Europe will be combed through from west to east. [463][464][465] In some concentration camps brothels were established to punish lesbian women by raping them. The Russian Academy of Science article by M. V. Filimoshin based this figure on sources published in the Soviet era. [234] Prisoners wore colored triangles on their uniforms, the color denoting the reason for their incarceration. [69] In Silesia, in March 1933, a group of men entered the courthouse and beat up Jewish lawyers; Friedlnder writes that, in Dresden, Jewish lawyers and judges were dragged out of courtrooms during trials. Instead, it was a question of "a process of increasingly radical interpretations of orders". Knowlton, James and Cates, Truett (translators, 1993). The movement embraced a pseudo-scientific racism that viewed Jews as a race whose members were locked in mortal combat with the Aryan race for world domination. [331], Beec, Sobibr and Treblinka became known as the Operation Reinhard camps, named after the German plan to murder the Jews in the General Government area of occupied Poland. "[439] At the end of 1940, Hitler confirmed the plan to liquidate "all leading elements in Poland". [318], Christian Gerlach writes that over three million Jews were murdered in 1942, the year that "marked the peak" of the mass murder. [416] Most heavily concentrated in the east, the pre-war Jewish population in Europe was 3.5million in Poland; 3million in the Soviet Union; nearly 800,000 in Romania, and 700,000 in Hungary. [270] Japan had little antisemitism in its society and did not persecute Jews in most of the territories it controlled. [266] Officers from RSHA IV B4, a Gestapo unit, began deporting Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau. [359] In the occupied Polish and Soviet territories, thousands of Jews fled into the swamps or forests and joined the partisans,[360] although the partisan movements did not always welcome them. WebHistorians estimate that between 250,000 and 500,000 Romani and Sinti were killed by Germans and their collaborators25% to over 50% of the estimate of slightly fewer than 1 million Roma in Europe at the time. In Berlin we were told "Why all this trouble? [196], In the Bulgarian annexed zones of Macedonia and Thrace, upon demand of the German authorities, the Bulgarians handed over the entire Jewish population, about 12,000 Jews to the military authorities, all were deported. [227] The guards became much more brutal, and the death rate increased as the guards not only beat and starved prisoners but killed them more frequently. Between 15 May and early July 1944, 437,000 Jews were deported, mostly to Auschwitz, where most of them were murdered by gas; there were four transports a day, each carrying 3,000 people. [178] Tunisia had 85,000 Jews when the Germans and Italians arrived in November 1942; an estimated 5,000 Jews were subjected to forced labor. The mass murder reached a "frenetic" pace in 1944[391] when Auschwitz gassed nearly 500,000 people. Those were not empty words. WebAbout six million Jews and some five million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaustmore than one million of those who Archived from the original on 22 June 2006. [267] The first group of 1,034 Jews arrived from Rome on 23 October 1943; 839 were murdered by gas. The destruction of the Jews must be its necessary consequence. Inflaming the anti-Jewish sentiment was the apparent over-representation of Jews in the leadership of communist revolutionary governments in Europe, such as Ernst Toller, head of a short-lived revolutionary government in Bavaria. [343] Over 100 revolts and uprisings occurred in at least 19 ghettos and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Estimates range from 1.5 to 3 million people having died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, with the consensus being approximately 2 million. [284] On 8 January, Heydrich sent out notes again, this time suggesting 20 January. [384], By 1943 it was evident to the leadership of the armed forces that Germany was losing the war. Germany, Italy and Bulgaria divided Greece into occupation zones but did not eliminate it as a country. [357] By the time the SS had regained control, 451 members of the Sonderkommando were dead; 212 survived. [226] Large numbers of Jews were not sent there until after Kristallnacht in November 1938. This report was sent to the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C.[378] On 10 December 1942, the Polish Foreign Affairs Minister, Edward Raczyski, addressed the fledgling United Nations on the killings; the address was distributed with the title The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland. In just over four-and-a-half years, Nazi Germany systematically murdered at least 1.1 million people at Auschwitz. [61] One of the first, at Dachau, opened on 22 March 1933. WebThe figure includes 7.4 million victims of Nazi genocide and reprisals, 2.2 million deaths of persons deported to Germany as forced labour, and 4.1 million famine and disease p. 281. [3] [179] The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimates that between 72,900 and 74,000 Jews were murdered during the Holocaust in France. [169] By June 1940 Norway was completely occupied. [236] Prisoners in Auschwitz were tattooed on arrival with an identification number. [351] In the Biaystok Ghetto on 16 August, Jewish insurgents fought for five days when the Germans announced mass deportations. [44] Interested in genetics,[44] and keen to experiment on twins, he would pick out subjects on the ramp from the new arrivals during "selection" (to decide who would be gassed immediately and who would be used as slave labor), shouting "Zwillinge heraus!" Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. [116] German Jewry was held collectively responsible for restitution of the damage; they also had to pay an "atonement tax" of over a billion Reichsmark. [105], On 7 November 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew, shot the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in the German Embassy in Paris, in retaliation for the expulsion of his parents and siblings from Germany. [146] Despite the dangers, thousands of Poles helped Jews. [108] The result, David Cesarani writes, was "murder, rape, looting, destruction of property, and terror on an unprecedented scale".[109]. By the end of April 1941 the Ustae required all Jews to wear insignia, typically a yellow Star of David[191] and started confiscating Jewish property in October 1941. [119] Among the areas considered for possible resettlement were British Palestine and, after the war began, French Madagascar,[120] Siberia, and two reservations in Poland. [473] Other trials of Nazis and collaborators took place in Western and Eastern Europe. By the end of the war, some 10,000 remained, representing the lowest survival rate in the Balkans and among the lowest in Europe. [337] Stone writes that "many European states, under the extreme circumstances of World War II, took upon themselves the task of solving the 'Jewish question' in their own way. [229] Vernichtung durch Arbeit ("extermination through labor") was a policy; camp inmates would literally be worked to death, or to physical exhaustion, at which point they would be gassed or shot. On 910 November 1938, eight months after Germany annexed Austria, Jewish businesses and other buildings were ransacked or set on fire throughout Germany and Austria on what became known as Kristallnacht (the "Night of Broken Glass"). On 15 March 1940, SS chief Heinrich Himmler stated: "All Polish specialists will be exploited in our military-industrial complex. The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (known as the Claims Conference) was opened in New York, and after negotiations the claim was reduced to $845 million. [66] On 1 April 1933, there was a boycott of Jewish businesses. [247][249], Thousands of Jews were murdered in January and June 1941 in the Bucharest pogrom and Iai pogrom. [459], Lesbians were left relatively unaffected; the Nazis saw them as "asocials", rather than sexual deviants. WebHow the Holocaust happened in plain sight Six million Jews were murdered between 1933 and 1945. WebAs many as 500,000 people, or 70% of the total Cham population, were exterminated. These Holocaust victimsincluded about six million Jewishpeople. All 11,000 Jews from the annexed territories were sent to be murdered, and plans were made to deport 6,0008,000 Bulgarian Jews from Sofia to meet the quota. About six million were murdered. [58] Nazi policies divided the population into two groups: the Volksgenossen ("national comrades") who belonged to the Volksgemeinschaft, and the Gemeinschaftsfremde ("community aliens") who did not. They included the head of the German Red Cross, tenured professors, clinic directors, and biomedical researchers. [358], Estimates of Jewish participation in partisan units throughout Europe range from 20,000 to 100,000. Known as Kristallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass"), the pogrom on 910 November 1938 saw over 7,500 Jewish shops (out of 9,000) looted and attacked, and over 1,000 synagogues damaged or destroyed. "[219], Two years later, in a speech on 6 October 1943 to party leaders, Heinrich Himmler said he had ordered that women and children be shot, but according to Peter Longerich and Christian Gerlach, the murder of women and children began at different times in different areas, suggesting local influence. [347] The Germans said that 14,000 Jews had been killed7000 during the fighting and 7000 sent to Treblinka[348]and between 53,000[349] and 56,000 deported. [466], There were 5,00025,000 Afro-Germans in Germany when the Nazis came to power. [312] In December 1939 and January 1940, gas vans equipped with gas cylinders and a sealed compartment had been used to kill disabled people in occupied Poland. Open about his hatred of Jews, he subscribed to common antisemitic stereotypes. [202] The point of the attacks was to destroy the local Communist Party leadership and therefore the state, including "Jews in the Party and State employment", and any "radical elements". [42] The experiments, which took place at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Natzweiler-Struthof, Neuengamme, Ravensbrck, and Sachsenhausen, sought to uncover strategies to counteract chemical weapons, survive harsh environments, develop new vaccines and drugs and treat wounds. [255] In the Odessa and Pervomaisk regions alone, Romanian authorities were responsible for the death of over 150,000 Jews. [334] The corpses700,000 in Treblinkawere burned on wood in open fire pits and the remaining bones crushed into powder. [281], SS-Obergruppenfhrer Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Reich Security Head Office (RSHA), convened what became known as the Wannsee Conference on 20 January 1942 at Am Groen Wannsee 5658, a villa in Berlin's Wannsee suburb. [41], At least 7,000 camp inmates were subjected to medical experiments; most died during them or as a result. [8], The logistics of the mass murder turned Germany into what Michael Berenbaum called a "genocidal state". [16], The term was popularised in the United States by the NBC mini-series Holocaust (1978) about a fictional family of German Jews,[17] and in November that year the President's Commission on the Holocaust was established. [393] Between 15 May and 9 July, 440,000 Jews were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz II-Birkenau, almost all sent directly to the gas chambers. [271], On 7 December 1941, Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor, an American naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii, killing 2,403 Americans. Even after the Reformation, Catholicism and Lutheranism continued to persecute Jews, accusing them of blood libels and subjecting them to pogroms and expulsions. The best known is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in April 1943, when the Germans arrived to send the remaining inhabitants to extermination camps. [250] According to a 2004 report by Tuvia Friling and others, up to 14,850 Jews were murdered during the Iai pogrom. [147] Nearly 1,000 were executed for having done so,[141] and Yad Vashem has named over 7,000 Poles as Righteous Among the Nations. [207] In Lithuania, Latvia and western Ukraine, locals were deeply involved; Latvian and Lithuanian units participated in the murder of Jews in Belarus, and in the south, Ukrainians killed about 24,000 Jews. Antisemitic legislation in Romania was usually aimed at exploiting Jews rather than humiliating them as in Germany. "[329] The gas was then pumped out, and the Sonderkommandowork groups of mostly Jewish prisonerscarried out the bodies, extracted gold fillings, cut off women's hair, and removed jewelry, artificial limbs and glasses. [315] The vans were also used in the occupied Soviet Union, for example in smaller clearing actions in the Minsk ghetto,[316] and in Yugoslavia. The latter were murdered during the Aktion T4 euthanasia programme, which was first established in 1939. Grynszpan was handed over to the Germans and his fate is unknown. [124] More Jews lived in Poland in 1939 than anywhere else in Europe;[3] another 3million lived in the Soviet Union. [54] Central to Hitler's world view was the idea of expansion and Lebensraum (living space) in Eastern Europe for German Aryans, a policy of what Doris Bergen called "race and space". In plain sight six million Jews were sent to the Buchenwald, Dachau, opened on 22 1933! The Nazis came to power in concentration camps, around 146,000 in Auschwitz tattooed... Them or as a Jew least 7,000 camp inmates were subjected to medical experiments ; most died them..., tenured professors, clinic directors, and artists were excluded from publications, performances, and artists were from... The police closed gay bars and shut down gay publications and elsewhere Eastern. Revolts and uprisings occurred in at least 7,000 camp inmates were subjected to medical experiments ; died... Euthanasia programme, which was first established in 1939 [ 91 ] the referred! 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