diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas

Plus theyve got them pretty bad, so I figured I lay have to retreat them multiple tubes to get rid of them. is the DE going to do this also? We thought they were getting better.. at first we were not getting bit and now I am getting bit all over (although no one else is.. so weird) I have seen little baby ones crawling on my dog but only a few here and there.. Hi Denise! Thanks for the tip, I am sure that many will benefit from it! I noted where she napped and sprinkled the DE there also. I am lucky to find your so helpful information! Great Question, Thanks for asking! Great blog and suggestions.. There are many dangers of using flea poisons, both for your pet and the people in your home. Thank you. Hey David! Let us all know how that goes . Im sure that cant be applied very frequently. Do I put the DE down and treat my pets at the same time or how would you suggest I go about the whole problem. He sits in the wash basin, and when he gets out, leaves lots of flea poo/blood behind. The Diatomaceus Earth (food grade), salt, and DIY traps are just as well Just a little more effort but better for your health and pets well being. Thanks!! I also use this for flea control and for personal use. I mix for myself 1 tablespoon per day of DE in a glass of rice milk or ordinary milk with a few drops of camp coffee to flavour, helps strengthen hair and nails too when you drink it. The woman at the health food store recommended that I cut up some old nylons and put the powder in and sprinkle it lightly, not to just not waste it but also to ensure a fine and even coating. HELP! While DE that contains lower amounts of crystalline silica (less than one percent) are likely fairly safe, some DE contains higher amounts of crystalline silica and are potentially hazardous.. I over did it the first time I treated my carpets in my bedroom, and filled the whole room with a cloud of dust but it still didnt trigger any asthma symptoms. I sprinkled it all around the patio where she hangs out and when she would be eating Id sprinkle it on her back. Had back surgery on 7/11 and thats when I began to realize there was a flea issue ( never had one before and dog is on advantage II large breed religiously, every three weeks now. I became a host, now my battle is ongoing. I once put borax in my carpet and when it was humid, the borax absorbed all the water and then the carpet was actually damp and almost felt wet. Hi Karen! Another thing to try are Seresto flea collars. I have a 2 years old daugther and I was thinking in applying this during the night and then vacuum first thing in the morning before she wakes up. Are the fleas really dead after repeated washings? Food grade of course. We have 9 children who love on this dog so its untelling where eggs have ended up! You can also use it on your lawns. Search Food Grade. I stomp around to activate the pupae to hatch out and get dozens on my ankles. These skeletons are largely non-crystalline (amorphous), although diatomaceous earth can contain varying amountsof crystalline quartz. Notable is the damage suffered by potatoes from this insect, resulting in grooves marking the surface or small holes in the skin and outer flesh. Our cat is normally an indoor cat but she decided to sneak out and explore one day and brought some fleas back with her, which we didnt expect because she gets frontline treatments regularly. I bought DE today at Lowes and is labeled as a pest killer obviously but Im afraid to use it. She doesnt get bites, but I am covered with them every summer and suffer greatly. Luanne S. Hi Luanne, yes I am sure its fine, just dont let them ingest it or anything. Adam, it is important to wear gloves and a mask because if the material enters your lungs it can be damaging. Glad to have gotten it. Thank you, Natasha. Hi Katie, any brand will work. & I thought Id do the Borax treatment to prevent the return instead of retreating w/DE 3-4 times? Hello, I just did a treatment with D.E. Thanks for the great tip, much appreciated! Also my renters have moved out and the house is infested with fleas will it work to kill the fleas? Would this plan work for DE application -> DE down on carpet for 2-3 days, then vacuum up, then DE immediately reapplied (so in effect DE two times a week or a continuous application for 4 weeks). How should I use the DE and do I need to treat the beds? Hi o was just wondering can I use it on my couch and recliner because that is where my dog sleeps some of the time and I am trying to get rid of the fleas in my house. I found it reasonably priced at a feed store. Thank you so much for your informative articles! Good luck! I thought I would vacuum tonight it up tonight. Its disgusting and gross. Sprinkle it on your main crop and around the base of the plants. I believe its something I did to myself! There were days I cried it was so bad. Thank you for your input. You recommended to leave DE for 12 hours before vacuuming up. Please help me! I didnt even think of using it in my home for the fleas until I read your comment. Hi, love this article, very informative, and Im heading out today to get some DE. Thanks, appreciate your kind words and I am very glad that you have followed my advise. My questionHow long before eggs hatch to reapply? Also been using apple cider vinegar/lemon juice mix in spray bottle for pets and furniture and lastly applied frontline to cat and dog. Hi Jamie, thanks for the lovely comment! We sleep in my bedroom except my older child said he couldnt sleep well unless in his bed. That combination should sort you out quickly. I now find myself unable to sleep, up at 3am, nervous and searching online for answers!! After vacuuming and laying down another layer, were pretty much 99% flea free!! I read quite a bit on how to deal with fleas. Hi Alethea! Hope that helps, good luck! I have a stray cat that I took in last November 23rd of 2015. I would rather clean the dust than have fleas. I also know I should treat all upholstered furniture.what about clothing, stuffed animals, etc? There are also harmful nematodes in your soil already like the Golden Root Knot Nematode, but the one you will be applying is friendly. Sorry for all these questions. I havent vacuumed yet, gonna wait 1 more day. Thanks and thanks for taking the time to write this. Combine all these and I am positive you will win the battle. I know its possible to apply safely but I am not going to recommend it and have hundreds of people knocking on my door with pitchforks in their hands . We have two cats and two dogs. My indoor cat has fleas and now Im scratching but Im hoping it is just from paranoiaIve been reading up on natural ways to get rid of those nasty things and I came across an essential oil recipe that I was going to try but you said essential oils arent good for cats. The DE is a pain to vacuum up because it will clog your vacuum cleaner filters quickly. how would I use? Hi Michelle! Hi Kim! To be honest, my cats actually like having this dusted on them. Thx for your help! I put more DE down today after I seen them, I just thought they were gone, and I was so relieved, until today , Hey Ellyn! That sounds like a good plan, try it and let me know how it goes! Fold each in half and make a stack. You will have to clean it up but definitely leave it down for a couple days . There is only 1 place that sells 300g Bug Killer Dusts which contains food grade DE. Hi Brooke! A couple of fleas could be seen shortly afterwards. I also appreciate your kind words and hope to see you back again soon Let me know if you have any further questions! How safe is it really? So thanks for posting! I usually recommend using DE for areas around the house and a topical spot on for the pets (or a couple natural alternatives in my articles). Hi William, rather just use the nematodes first and see how that goes, as from my personal experience, DE isnt great outside. Additionally, you are killing the good bugs with the bad when you are broadcast spraying. Thanks. You can just put a spoonful in their foot, thats pretty much it. Is that overkill an dangerous for the dogs to do both? Although it can take awhile, it works and I am sure that you will be flea free soon. Thanks for all the information. I plan to reapply it every couple of days for a few weeks to ensure I catch any eggs that hatch, but just wanted to write in how happy and restful I feel being able to relax on my sofa with my tea and a movie and sleep without fear of nips in the night. Put it on my dogs and also see a huge difference. Thanks bunches. Hi Marie, leaving it in place wont hurt, but if you are like me, it would bother my brain so I usually clean up all of it hehe. Hi Terry, humid environments are not ideal but honestly, it will probably still work. Even though the food-grade material is safe, wear a dust mask while applying diatomaceous earth to tomato plants. Thanks! It was such a pain to clean up as it was on the couches, carpets, beds, cushions on the table chairs, you name it. Your article was very informative! I read on one of the comments that you should only do a light dusting and vacuum the next day, then repeat every week for 4 weeks. I have the DE you can put on your food n dogs food but stopped using this past year sue to life lol but I am dying to start using again cause I bought like a 50lb bag from a all natural place few years ago and have kept it in my dining room away from moisture or heat, and wondered what the life is for DE, someone told me can be 10yrs if kept dry and wondered if true before I begin to use again. Read our complete guide to using beneficial nematodes here. Cant figure where you would put this if I dont have carpeting. Would love to hear your thoughts on our process and the likelihood that we got rid of everything. Where do they get their victims? Leave it down for about 2-3 days, that should be sufficient. My kitty has tapeworm, and is never going outside again because all she does is eat grass. Just make sure that she doesnt react to it. Hey Karen! I drink a teaspoon every morning and every night. As well as myself. Repeat if needed. Its not necessary to apply it to yourself, just take a hot shower and fleas will die . If you need any further help, let me know! Thank you for your article! Do you know how this benefits pets or is this not a good idea? Hey Jessica! Sorry for the late response. Help! But also remember that allergies bother pets just as humans. The powder should not be applied directly to pets unless you are specifically instructed to do so by your veterinarian. Hello! Came home and vacuumed each room a few times over and rubbed the diatomaceous earth over every inch (even under and all over furniture) by hand. Hi Nic! HELP PLEASE!!! Hey Natasha. NOTE: Please dont use DE on smaller or very young pets (e.g. It took me 4 months to get rid of the infestation, July-October and since then I only had to bathe the dogs every once in a while and stopped using frontline for the next 7 months, I stick to DE to treat the house every now and then and no fleas were present. The DE particles stick to the lipids on the epicuticle (protective layer), which disrupt the lipid barrier, allowing water to exit the insect., But most pet experts are not optimistic about the use of diatomaceous earth for flea control. Thank you!! If you were told by a certified individual that it will not hurt your pets, then you should be able to trust them. I also recommend rubbing it in with a broom (to reach down into the fibers). Also, remember to uncover your plants once they start to flower, so pollinators are able to do their work to ensure that you have a harvest of veggies! Hi Tula, just put the DE wherever fleas might be hiding. When do you suggest I use this! The powders work. I have a 5 moth old infant and was wondering if it is safe to use DE. COPYRIGHT 2023 ASK THE EXPERTS LLC. Really enjoyed reading some great information and advice from the article and comment section. I read in a couple of your comments saying fleas on humans are not that common (or something along that line). HELP. Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. Hope that helps. So Boo was put outside for the night. Hope that helps, best wishes for your future baby! Paula Fitzsimmons is a content marketing writer and journalist who writes about pets as they intersect with topics related to health, nutrition, technology, and lifestyle. I have lived here for 5 years and this is the second time I have seen them in this apartment. I just want to add, if you want a dusting of DE put it in a powdered sugar shaker to distribute it. This morning (three days after the first treatment with DE) I was down to less than 10 fleas between 3 cats, I think. However, they were to loose. In warmer regions, multiple generations may occur each year. However, if thats what you have, be sure to do the emptying outdoors away from any open windows. I wonder if I have to throw away a lot of stuffs. Planting earlier than adult flea beetles become active in springtime can give your plants a head start on the season. I just bought a home and it so happens that one room is infested with bird mites Just wanted to ask that if DE would work with that Tried everything but its a killer at night I have sprayed my room with Lysol all around That is the only way that I can rest at night. Thanks for your kind words! Is is safe to put a small amount of DE (food grade) on Boo, directly on his fur?? Since you have likely done some research on diatomaceous earth before reading this article, its highly probable that you have come across people on forums, blogs and even social media getting rather vocal about the dangers of diatomaceous earth. It was put in small rugs that can be washed in washer. Organic insecticidal sprays, powders, or drenches may be purchased to help combat flea beetles in your garden such as: Chemical pesticides are a last resort option. Also, Im thinking of just leaving some under the places my cats cant reach, like under the stove. I even give my kitties a flea bath. I did my entire basement and actually just left that on the carpets since we dont go down there much. I suggest that you just keep up a monthly spot on treatment for them and they should be fine , do I need to add anything to this like it says to do with the borax were talking about adding salt and all that other stuff. Hi Natasha, I came across this site a few months ago when I was looking for a solution for the fleas that were in my home. Will they be able to come into direct contact with it and lick paws if stepped in? Hi Charlene! Best not to apply it on areas visited by pollinators. Just tonight I found one just chilling on my chest. Thanks for your kind words and I am glad that you found it the most informative, that was my exact goal while writing it DE and borax (both used for flea control) are both very effective against these pests. I have had my pest control come out 3 times and I still have an issue and getting eaten up at night. I would say not to mix them. Yes it does. I sprinkled and brushed into all bedrooms carpets and box springs. Hi Rhonda! Yes, nematodes and diatomaceous earth can be used together as a pest control strategy against common pests. I found one flea last night and one today while in bed. Tonight Im going to try using dawn dish soap in hopes it will help. I have DEd my back yard yesterday and today (its a rather large fenced in area) And Ive applied it rather heavily (I realized after reading your comments). Under her belly especially and under the arms. There is virtually no reliable datalab or field studiesshowing it is useful at all for flea control in a homeeither powdered in the premises or ingested, says Dryden. ;o), Thank you in advance for any light that you or your readers can share on these questions. Food Grade (this is important) DE will not be toxic, you can safely use it. A ton on the back patio I need to do but there are only so many hours in a day. Hey Nancy! (She thinks shes a cow). I use Theraneem soap on the dogs and found a product called flea flicker /tick kicker spray. Also I notice his skin is starting to very get dry and actually flaking off in areas, can I add olive oil to his diet without disrupting the effectiveness of the DE? Just rub it in and leave for about a day before vacuuming it up, that way it wont go to waste.

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