there is no good or evil but thinking makes it so

Evil is just a descriptor for unconscious, egoic behavior, while good is just a descriptor for loving and wise behavior. I reminded him of his high-school football days and asked, Did you ever get together with your teammates before the big game with your crosstown rivals and decide to clip their star runningback or rough-up their star quarterback?, Charlie slumped forward and slowly uttered, Yeah, doc, I guess youre right.. I asked Charlie if he could tell me a little bit about his troubles in college; that I understood he was at risk of being dismissed. sort of). There is nothing like good or but, Its just our perception of how we feel and think.It is our minds that perceive it as good or bad. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hamlet:What have you, my good friends, deserv'd at the hands ofFortune, that she sends you to prison hither? Such is the case for Hamlet who knows that King Claudius killed the previous king, Hamlets father. What brings Rosencrantz and Guildensterntwo of Hamlet's acquaintances from the universityto Denmark isn't Lady Fortune but, as Hamlet suspects, King Claudius. It appears in Act II, Scene 2 and is spoken by Hamlet. "Why then, 'Tis nothing to you, for there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes is so." This insightful proverb was coined and written by none other than the brilliant playwright William Shakespeare, a man of uncommon genius and creativity. So is lack of confidence. There is no Evil. Viewing these daily events through a negative lens can really grind us down. We have become progressive, our minds and thinking styles have developed, and so have our standards in understanding what is good or bad. King Claudius brought them to Denmark with the intention of having them spy on Hamlet. "Good" could be said to be conscious, loving and wise behavior while "Evil" could be considered egotistical, fearful and unconscious behavior. He gets the ball, looks at me right in the eye, and then chunks it right back into the bushes! Realizing this as i have recently came away from the drugs, thank you deeply for your knowledge and wisdom along this path. himself, to overcome all evil in himself. His main character, Hamlet, in the play named after him, says this particular line in the second scene of the second act. It might be numerous decades from now before they finally answer these questions but, nevertheless many people are trying by using evidence, theories, faith, and science to answer these questions as accurately as possible. Plato But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Charlie said that they played dirty and cheated. The most common way people give up their power is by. This is due to the difference in the way humans perceive things, which is part of the intricacy of mankind. His mind being foul, his whole day went badly. If I may be so bold, I would like to expand upon this point. Hamlet has told Guildenstern and Rosencrantz that Denmark is a prison for him, and they disagree. The same morality as the one mentioned above applies here as well: what the most popular opinion around you is, is generally what you consider to be moral, and anyone who believes in a different faith or has other ideas is considered to be wrong, or along a bad path and is in need of saving (think of The Great Inquisition for example). How can that be? I'd highly recommend the Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch, the first book is called The Lies of Locke Lamora.As the series name suggests, it's about a group of thieves that style themselves "The Gentleman Bastards," and hooo boy is it satisfying reading about a bunch of street urchins . Such a nice article and a wise comment from Ces If we keep all of this in mind, we realize that people who misbehave due to lack of wisdom arent deserving of our judgment, but are in fact letting us know that they are the ones who are in most need of compassion, forgiveness and support. When Hamlet calls Denmark a prison, therefore, the metaphor is apt. But when wartime begins, we suddenly rationalize that killing is not only OK, but the more enemies you kill, the more respectable you become. Shakespeare uses this quote in order to describe Hamlets internal suffering. Analytical statements are sentences that are true because of the relationship between the subject and the predicate. For instance, what I thought of as bad many years ago now I consider to be good. Forget about morality, become consciously aware and search for the evolution, or the Involution, of your inner wisdom. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. Only our response to the action can decide whether we like or dislike the event, which then changes the entire outcome of the event. Im thankful for the opportunity to explore that bit of conditioning again. Listen to your Souls calling. Reviewed by Davia Sills. Cookie Notice This quote is used to suggest that ones perspective changes something from good to bad or vice versa. Nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. By Pose123 @Pose123 (21641) Canada. It is our minds that perceive it as good or bad. I mean nothing but the internal impression we feel and are conscious of, when we knowingly give rise to any new motion of our body, or new perception of our mind. but simply human begins; therefore, what is good with us is bad to others, and John Lubbock may have convinced many people with his statement, and he may have changed the way people look at life, but he made me realize that life is all about moments. For example, killing other people is normally immoral. . Privacy Policy. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Morality is created and sourced from collective beliefs, and prevents the individual from feeling any true freedom. ~ Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Shakespeare - Quote - - Source: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark . We all know how the story ends, tragically. How so? I think everybody should know this quote for a brighter life. I mean, whats wrong with walking over to the bushes, getting the ball, and throwing it to my son? Therefore, not everyone experiences things the same way or thinks the same way. What is good in one society, in one age, in one pattern of culture will help you with any book or any question. I painted a picture! While John would and could have spared a second to glance at it, he was more worried and scolded her. Whether humans are inherently good or evil has been a long-standing debate since the time of Plato. The moral we derive from this is that the power to turn around the events in our life lie solely with us. Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2. I want to tap into his wisdom contained in his line from Hamlet: "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so." I am no Shakespeare expert, but I am impressed by how bits and pieces of his works are woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. You just made it into wise and unwise. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so is a quote from William Shakespeares tragedy, Hamlet. Thank you for this, I do hope that Id be able to practice taking life one step at a time to just enjoy and accept that things are just the way they are. But it is what we deeply believe that creates what we manifest into the world of our perception. This post may contain affiliate links. Blank verse is a kind of poetry that is written in unrhymed lines but with a regular metrical pattern. By determining what is good, we in turn determine what is evil. To me it is a prison. Hamlet delivers the quote as he considers how he is imprisoned by Denmark and the King, as well as by his mind. It is our thinking and perception that paves way to our life. 4 Pages. Do you think you would be free from your hate and anger? Those who believe, Its not whether you win or lose; its how you play the game, if one can be found, are looked upon as losers. This just his whole reaction to the event, and in the long run, his entire day went differently, because of the different frame of mind he was in. No man is free from evil. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Before I became a father, I had this dream of throwing the football with my son. In all likelihood, its not the big events in life that are going to make us happy or sad in a lasting way. Morality is a collective attempt to create a system or structure of what is good and what is bad its a way we can rationalize arguing with life itself. is that which is useful, whereas bad is that which is harmful. If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it. A prime example of this is the difference in the actions of the boys in Lord of the Flies by William Golding and The Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne. Man is free to choose good or evil. If there were no evil, it might be difficult for people to understand that life is good, but the following circumstances are entirely different: People fail to understand that life is good. There are no good or evil people in the world. Claudius is worried about Hamlet's seeming distraction, thinking it might be a threat to the state and to the king himself. Its easy to find fault or be the critic, but thinking about things in this way can really grind us down. My dream of tossing the football with my son is slipping away! So too, with individuals. Free of anger if you didnt get a promotion you deserved, or if an undeserving co-worker became your boss? Hes a prisoner of his knowledge. Most people, say humans are inherently evil, that there is evil in all of us. The wiser people will realize that evil behavior will attract many problems into their lives such things as enemies, low self-esteem, paranoia, addictions, attachments, persistent dissatisfaction and suffering, world-weariness and cynicism to name a few. Analytical statements are usually self-explanatory, e.g. At least, in fiction. I realize that this is easier said that done (and that, of course, there is REAL suffering in life). I recently began taking Buddhist themed mediation classes and last nights class focused on this idea. He was referred by his psychiatrist, who was retiring and thought that I, as a former sociologist, might be able to compromise Charlies distorted view of the world so that he could continue his college education. Do we discard our standards and do what we have to do, when its necessary to win? Good or bad - your thinking makes it so. Hamlet:Denmark's a prison. A person therefore makes a choice to engage in activities that are considered good or evil. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people. In fact, the deeper Ive ventured into exploring myself the more Ive come to dislike the concepts of good and bad. but, focusing on the present moment is the key, because thats all we really have. You can read Dostoejevskys Crime and Punishment, you will get an example of a perfectly wise decision to kill. To them these feelings are good; they provide security and a false sense of fulfillment, and so they are willing to do anything to anyone to continue feeling these things. How can there be a sturdy moral baseline from which we all make the same measurements, when man himself is so volatile in his perceptions of reality? [Read More]. Frowning slightly, his daughter attempted to carry the hot cup of coffee to the table, and was about to set it down when it slipped from her hands and dripped all over his newly pressed shirt. Nothing is good or bad but believing makes it so. What we choose to think about or focus on actually creates a vibration. You need to focus 100% on the present moment and remember that negative self-talk wont motivate you. Charlie excitedly asked. This is the best article Ive ever read! But if we care to look closer, I believe a good case can be made against moralism. These are often, if not all but universally, confused. Implies that what we really call evil is In a difficult time, dont forget that there is nothing either good or bad, Its just our mind creating imaginary scenarios. I suggested that Charlie give up his quest to convert others to his way of social change; that with his energy and persuasive powers, he could make much more of a contribution to society as a social worker than as an advocate for hate. determines the fruit. Swear words are something people use often in their everyday lives, but are not socially acceptable in our society in many situations. However to live a life of spiritual truth Im willing to go to great depths and be ruthless in my exploration of what I hold to be true and untrue, and analysis contributes to either reaffirming my belief that I am on the best path, or helps to open my eyes to new perceptions. 6 level 1 But what really is bad? Things just got a lot worse! John thought to himself, giving up and shrugging his shoulders as he let out a sigh. Since the beginning of time there has been confusion about every aspect of life and with confusion comes a number of questions we cannot completely answer or forget. The facts have proven humans to be innately evil through genetics, control, and mistreatment. Through Augustine's Confessions and E. O. Wilson's In Search of Nature, one is accessible to two distinct perspectives concerning the nature of good and evil. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. In fact, good and bad is the source of inspiration of an action. Your email address will not be published. I had my son on one end of the driveway, and I was at the other end with a good, catchable Nerf football in hand ready to go. there is no such thing as injustice. dont feel bad about yourself and stop the negative self-talk, have the courage to give yourself one more chance. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2023 is a free service for students seeking successful career. all carnivores eat meat; we know what a carnivore eats which is meat, the subject is the carnivore and the predicate here is the meat. Are you a spiritual traveler? Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. Why then, Tis nothing to you, for there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes is so. This insightful proverb was coined and written by none other than the brilliant playwright William Shakespeare, a man of uncommon genius and creativity. Intelligence and knowledge are tools that help us process and play with the ideas of the fragmented reality that our minds create. Charlie was one of the angriest young men I have ever met. You have entered an incorrect email address! Morality serves to justify whatever we collectively consider an ideal: in this case self-preservation and protection of our ideals. To be free from evil thoughts is Thank you, Your email address will not be published. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." William Shakespear, Hamlet tags: philosophy Read more quotes from William Shakespeare Share this quote: Like Quote Recommend to friends Friends Who Liked This Quote To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! Some of the most famous serial killers and dictators were highly intelligent people, for example, but failed to feel any sense of compassion or sympathy for their victims. There is great wisdom in the words of Shakespeare. our soul; and clearer the thought and purer the soul, the more successful and How long before you let me down, Mateo? When asked if he played college sports, he said no, but he played linebacker on his high-school football team. Therefore good is intelligent September 4, 2007 1:19pm CST. In reality, the universe is beyond good and evil, to steal from the great psychologist Friedrich Nietzsche. This is however, not a proven fact, but it is widely proclaimed and upheld. To me it is a prison. Others believe that we should conform to those rules that reasonable persons endorse. The word sin for example came to mean against the rules and deserving of punishment, when in fact, as mentioned in a previous article on karma, sin actually means in the original biblical Hebrew language: to miss the mark. The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people. By the time we reach college, however, if not in high school, its all about winning, whatever the cost. This quote appears in Act II, Scene 2 and is spoken by Hamlet in the tragedy of the same name. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil. Required fields are marked *. Implies that what we really call evil is good in disguise. They lack wisdom. The quote means that ones perspective changes everything. Seeing as she was not worried or upset, her hands did not shake and she was able to bring it gracefully. Both were met with a similar set of circumstances. Every time I become conscious of these unpleasant beliefs which cause suffering, by opening to the realization that nothing is caused by the outside world but rather by my belief about it, I become a little more at peace and a little more the master, a little less the slave to that part of me which is constructed and not real. to do so. In fact God alone is If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! This article was co-published with Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. One persons morality can contradict another persons morality, but one persons wisdom can never contradict another persons wisdom (although many confuse their beliefs with wisdom). aim to re-shape them so that they lead you to your goals. Edmund Burke The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people. The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they dont have any. The sooner we realise that, the faster we can implement it. Now let us hear the story of James. By repeating this our thoughts around, What is thought of as immoral to one person can be seen as ethical to another, and vice versa. However, many believe that we are born good with a clean slate and that it is society of whom changes that. Cats d. Life is truly fascinating in its own way, and it's something the human mind will never fully understand. We call those decisions evil. Since there is such a variety of cultures, especially in India, there is a vast difference in the thoughts that go on in differing individual minds. Meet me in my office. He growled at John. This places everything on a scale, continuum or spectrum for categorization. This is due both to Hamlets feigned madness as well as what many readers suspect is true insanity. One mans meat is another mans poison. As such neither good no devils, A static idea of good and evil can only be accepted by a man who is static, stagnant in self-growth, and has a static permanent aim and a permanent understanding. good or bad but thinking makes it so. Hamlet:A goodly one, in which there are many confines, wards, anddungeons, Denmark being one o' th' worst. Here Is One Reason Why the World Seems Terrible. Intuitively Ive always felt that there was something wrong with the popular quote above. And insofar as everyone wants to be free of suffering, those things that tend toward freedom from suffering are objectively good. the truth, Men suffer from thinking, more than anything else.. Synthetic sentences may or, Are we inherently good or evil? It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. He was having a blast, after all. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so Meaning, There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,, Poems covered in the Educational Syllabus. through mistakes. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find. Nothing can be, One important key to success is self-confidence. James also worked with John, and he too was in the same situation. There is no reason to be human. (Hobbes) Hobbes states that Humans are naturally evil and need a powerful government to control them. The absence of complete information leads us to believe that things are either good or bad when we try to think about something. There is no restraint from the depths of evil which is in man. | The problem with words like good or evil is that they are . I was judging my sons actions very negatively and thats what was making me suffer. Dont let your own though bring you down, the future is the outcome of how we think and what we do. What an all-American thing for a dad and his son to do! After reading this article i guess i have arrived at the conclusion that giving out good as you call it wisdom will only attract more good to me, and therefore create a more fulfilling life for myself. Justice and goodness are . Prejudice and Discrimination are an all to common part of our cognitive social being, but many social psychologists believe that it can be stopped, but only with the help of social conditioning. What we choose to think about or focus on actually creates a vibration. This helps tie things together! Its just a different game of catchfetch, maybe. There is nothing truly evils, We must remember that good is a virtue, and bad is She argues that Christianity has a variety of unique tools that can meet the problem of evil more effectively when not abstracted into simply classical theism. That which we call a rose, There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. It is part of a conversation that Hamlet has with two of his acquaintances from University Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern. For example, what is moral in an Italian restaurant is immoral in a vegan one. Ali is well with the world. Of course, one can argue that bad things really do happendeath of a loved one, a tornado rips through a neighborhood, war, famineyou get the idea. 15 likes All Members Who Liked This Quote To expand upon this point in an Italian restaurant is immoral in a vegan one drugs, thank you there is no good or evil but thinking makes it so! Are naturally evil and need a powerful government to control them makes is.! Foul, his whole day went badly their everyday lives, but he played linebacker on high-school! Football team previous king, as well as by his mind being foul, his whole day went.! Expand upon this point, there are more things in this way can grind. Of having them spy on Hamlet did not shake and she was able to bring it gracefully,.! 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