superman defeated fanfiction

The pump continued sucking and the hero's cock swelled close to its full size. Cum started to spurt and ooze out of his battered ass that was filled to the brim before the orgasm ever started to fade. As his cape floated to the carpet, he bent over to pick it up so he can properly fold it. A pool of precum forced from the heros excitement as he suck cock like his life depended on it. I am going to enjoy this, Luthor said with a vicious grin. Call me Mr. J, son. He instructed winking roguishly. We should record this so Mr. Luthor can see this.. If his secret identity was made public then everyone he ever loved would be in terrible danger. Mad Hatter adjusted the cuffs and collar on his neck while occasionally groping the helpless heros hard cock. You will not be able to figure out that your mind was messed with. why is superman stronger than other kryptonians. The experience had completely broken Superman. They didnt talk during the journey which gave Superboy time to think. The muscular teen was disappointed with Superman. But It's not superman's only weakness. He makes a horse look small! Superman could feel his balls empty out onto the ship's floor. Emotionally, mentally and physically unable to be Batman after the entire Batfamily and Selina Kyle have been tortured and murdered in front of him, Bruce has come back to Gotham as a gang lord controlling the city he used to protect. What Xander did not anticipate was Superman doing the job himself. More likely it was some kind of reaction that his kryptonian heritage was playing on his body. All that mattered was getting his fix. FUCK ME!. The pressure, the suction, it feeling. It covered the arms of the tentacles, mixing with its slime, and it landed on the floor with resounding plops. they going to do to me? Screams of panic rang through the air as cars squealed to a halt crashing into one another. Joker seemed to be giggling softly from a joke that only he knew. It had a faint smell of organic matter that was pervasive and lingering. The pain quickly turned into pleasure as the massive head pummeled his neglected prostate. Stunned by the speed of the creature, the hero was slow to react. With his legs sprawled out, the tent in his overalls was blatantly obvious. If Superman was at full power, his erection would have shredded his briefs. The police were radioing for backup, but it looked like without his assistance that the men were going to get away. Read along and witness as he does stuff! The heros cock bobbed up and down with excitement as he yearned to make passionate love to the maniac. He couldnt die like this, but at the same time he couldnt reveal a fellow heros secrets. What the? He muttered as his mind cleared for the first time since he was captured. Any chance of flight was now gone. He recognized criminals high and low going to the seats and watching him like he was some kind of side show. The combination of the pain and pleasure was like a drug that was quickly addictive. To put the cherry on top, Batman says that Diana is better/faster, etc than Clark. This vicious cycle had plagued him since he fled back home. To have the weaker man in complete control of him desire his eclipsing powers sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Ready to be fucked by a real man, little boy?, Oh yes! Superboy moaned as he crawled to his hands and knees and lifted his ass in the air. Part 3, Superman, The Beginning of the End [Illustrated version.] There are two ways to unlock the Superman ending in Injustice 2. yelled the shaken Superman. The musky manly smell was enough to squash the last resistance that Superboy had. 28,520 28.5K. Even as his body toppled over, Superman continued to cum and cum. Superman is fully awake now and realizes to his horror that he is wearing a steel collar around his neck and his wrists are shackled tightly together behind his back and attached to the collar with a length of chain. Without a second thought, he started to use his tongue clean up his own seed. Although Toyman seemed like an idiot at first glance, the evil genius inventions were enough to even give Superman trouble. Then Mr. Kent finds that note, gets in touch with Superman--. Could some small part of him want to be helpless in the hands of Lex Luthor. "Have a little talk about settling our difficulties.". and twists and bucks wildly trying to break the steel chains only to be Superboy was so shocked to hear his friend swear, he almost cowered. The clown slowly circled the happy hero inspected his body. mind begins to clear ever so slowly and he is vaguely aware of whats happening Isnt that dangerous? The hero groaned as he felt himself wanting to submit. I am begging you. But Mr. Kent said Superman gave him that story. Yet some kind a damn was stopping him from orgasming. Im not going to stand here and let you feel sorry for yourself. He said forcibly. Despite being revolted by his bodys reaction, Connor just couldnt help himself. the box. Satisfied that he had covered his tracks, Xander brought everyone back out of their hypnotic state. Yet part of his body wanted this more than anything else. Im not feeling well., I dont care if you are dying! The Daily Planet Editor screamed back. Oddly enough, the Kents had suddenly vanished before an interview could be set up. That musk smell hit him right in the face, but the reaction was quite different. "You've gotten itnow let me go." he whispered hoarsely. You lied to me. Lets grease the wheels, now.. The ship was dark. His seed tore through the building destroying walls, furniture, and everything in between. Grabbing a small ear communication device and the directions to the lab, Superboy flew in the air to stop the plotting villain. Book 1 in "The Thief" series The son of the black cat and the Spider-Man joins the bread-verse in this new story. Yet his cock was still throbbing with desire. Even with Supermans reputation in tatters having control of him would be an ideal situation for him. I think you will agree to these terms, boy. He snarled in a serious tone. Why was he having a hard time controlling himself? As Superman relayed the events, Xander kept his hand gripped on the heros cock. The shock silence didnt last long as the criminals took up their count again. He lifted the dazed hero up and ripped his jeans right off his body revealing his sweat stained white briefs to the public. What made it worse was that his cock was still hard as steel. A wave of pleasure overwhelmed him as the hero fell on his knees. The surge was getting more and more powerful as it started to bubble over into his bottom of his thick invulnerable rod. Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Behind him was a hulking giant of a man with bulging muscles everywhere. I need your protection., Whatever Luthor was expecting to hear that wasnt it. A light of hope began to form. But. Clark will be right back. What do you know about it? as he feels the cold steel collar locked again around his neck and his arms are Get back to work people, He ordered while taking Lois by the arm. He could feel the heat of his own cum cooling against his skin as his cock shrunk down to a fraction of its former glory. Xander put everyone under including Superman. Kryptonite back in the lead container Supermans bodily functions should return Normally the hero would not have felt a thing, but without his powers the agony was too much to bear. The young hero could feel his cock quickly hardening as his body once again betrayed him. Never did Superman think that his first time would be here aboard an alien ship and by a gruesome creature. Superman, you will hear these insults flung at you and be able to react. The heros glazed over eyes grew wide as he flinched at the insults being flung at him. The criminals eyes widened and he looked ready to push Superboy back when Toyman stopped him. He looked down and his face went white as a ghost. Better luck next time., Green Arrow burst into tears as he leaped from his chair and clung to the clowns legs. Hey! the stature of a quivering slug lying dully exposed on the concrete floor That sweet musk scent filled his lungs again as the monster ran his large tongue across his pretty face. Normally there would be applause and cheering, but now there was only shocked silence. All you've got to do is learn what this guy is made of! The minotaur roared with pleasure as his beastial sounds echoed across the city. He didn't want to enrage it. Thank you, A computerized version of Jokers voice laughed in the panel. vegetative daze as he hears the blast door descend. Recently, in "the Lazarus Contract," Deathstroke manipulated Kid Flash, or Wally West. That is not the correct answer, The computer said back. The Warden quickly escorted Xander out of the room as the signs of a riot was getting more intense. Instead of practicing knife throwing, this time they were juggling plate. Even now he was fighting the urge to jerk himself off in front of all these people. What was this feeling? Generated in 0.46 seconds at 11:17am on Mar 01, 2023 via server web2. His mind, numbed by the What made him feel even more inadequate was the huge bulge that was covered by a flimsy loincloth. Jean herself has incredible mental strength and maybe the most powerful mutant in Marvel. He serves as the main antagonist of Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013), its comic series and the 2021 Injustice animated film, the villainous main deuteragonist-turned-final antagonist in Injustice 2 (2017) and a minor character in the comic series of the same name. The teen hero stopped in shocked when he finally reached the Tomorrow District. The towering criminal stepped right on his tented boner pressing his boot down as hard as he could. how are the united states and spain similar. The flash of cameras went off like fireworks as the press and witnesses captured every second. With a besttal cry, Ollie started to cum all over himself as his seed exploded everywhere. Superboy grinned as he turned to wave to the crowd. If Superman realized what was happening there was no indication. Superboy picked himself up feeling the rapidly reddening mark on his face. The story describes Joyie's excitement at the start of her school summer vacation. The same musky smell that caused him to lose focus was back but much stronger than before. He needed to stay focused. I wont have my papers reputation of being biased while I am in charge. The Teen of Steel nodded in agreement. It came to me care of the paper for Superman. His mouth opened slightly as he breathed as deeply as he could. Superboy felt his hand being moved until it cupped the offending thugs crotch. Listen to me carefully, Superman, Xander instructed. I tell you that nobody will believe that we killed Superman. The concern on his face transformed into a scowl that was worthy of Batman. Hum? What was wrong with them? His cock was hard again as he retold his fears of being captured by Lex Luthor. The hero saw this and immediately knew what it was meant for. If I catch you going anywhere near that Superman story, I will not only fire you, but I will make sure that no news agency in the world will hire you. Joker grabbed the hero by this thick throbbing cock and used it as a leash as he led him to the center of the tent. Green Arrow glared at the laughing Joker as he covered up his erection with his hands. The hero glared as he tried to prop himself up by his elbows. Anything! What? Otis demanded. You made Superman cream his pants! Superman quickly covered his tented red briefs with his hands, but he wasnt fast enough to hide his teeming erection. My name is The Minotaur and I am FUCKING king!, It is so good of you to volunteer your time to perform for the inmates, Warden Stevens said warmly as he escorted the guest deep in Strykers Island. His body seared with pain. Oliver Queen. Green Arrowed answered without a second thought. Controlling, Possessive, Power, Hot_guys_in_costume. rekindled. Superman made the resolve to beg the man he desires for mercy and prayed that it would be granted. What was worse was that the reservoir started to empty into the troubled hero. Even the boot of Darkseid didnt feel this heavy as the weight of the universe smashed down on his cock and balls. Hands-free hygenic toilet seats covers. CONNOR! The last shout was enough to break through the sexual cloud that turned the mighty teen hero into a submissive whore. Taking a seat across the table, the clown grinned as he stared at the nervous Green Arrow. Tsk, tsk, Joker said as he shook his finger. Connor? The large commercial airline was making its final approach to Miami International Airport. Superman looked in horror as he felt the seal lock in place. There were not struggles as the minotaur wrapped his large hands around the whimpering hero. Superman's cock grew larger as the suction from the pump increased. The crowd actually turned silent when Green Arrow began to scream on top of his lungs. Putting Robins displeasure from his mind, The Teen of Steel clenched his fights and was ready to make quick work of these thugs. Hahahaha! His dream was so close to coming true. When the minotaur finally had enough of getting his ass eaten, he stood to his feet and leered down at the dopey look on Superboys face. ache of pain. Branching out of the loincloth were tree trunk legs that were pure muscle. Let your identity come out in the open. The mighty Green Arrow was naked with the exception of his clown hat and cuffs with a throbbing erection that bounced happily as his precum flew in every direction. Despite all his efforts, the hero's resolve weakened. Green Arrow limped over to one side of the ring as Joker emerged wearing a referee shirt. Superboy sputtered with rage as he struggled to break free of the steel hold of his opponent. My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL! for any price. I merely leave him right He had no energy left as the men hoisted him and and dragged the hero over to the other side of the deck. I promise as a hero that I surrender every part of myself and my life to you. head. Moments later Superman senses the cold steel of the shackles locking his There was no going back after that. What was going on? Drained Heroes. Combined with the mocking of these low life criminal scum, the hero was completely confused. He tried desperately to focus elsewhere, but the sheer force of the pump seemed to want to suck his cum right out of him. Printed from Supermans breath caught as he felt his body start to react. Boys and psychopaths! Now that Ive had the opportunity to We were just--. Otis, why dont you come on up.. With a mighty thrust of his monster cock he started to fill the tight ass of the conquered hero. Never again would he be attracted to a woman like Lois, it was Lex Luthor who was the only man that could turn him on. The hero decided he needed to act quickly. Eventually he couldnt take it anymore, You are my Master, Otis, Superman sobbed as his body began to tremble with the huge amount of pleasure flooding his body. His body convulsed as shot after shot surged through his cock and into the vial. Im so sorry about that, The Warden apologized. Oh, I am going to like having you around, Joker cooed as he ruffled the heros hair. bullet proof even in a comatose state but I image Kryptonite fashioned into a Superboy snarled as he raised his fists. Supermans face turned red as he was pinned to the floor by Otis shoe. He now sported a very painful erection. enjoy tormenting that muscle bound kid as he gathers the samples. The sudden mover caused the giant monster to react. While he waited, the hero noticed that people were entering the tent. Green Arrow pounded on the clear walls as hard as he could to try and break free. The hero blushed furiously as he bowed his head with humiliation. There was Superman sitting in his seat in the back of the room. The hero felt agony that he never felt before. Defeated Heroes .. Superhero Central. A grief stricken wail escaped his lips as he collapsed on the floor cradling the dead body of his almost lover. One leg alone was easily just as thick as the Teen of Steel. Face it, buttercup! He taunted. The fight was on and Green Arrow was ready to end this quickly. They'd better be. I have much to Here was the most powerful alive yet a single touch made him quiver like a schoolgirl. This machine was drawing out the years of pent up cravings that were never acted upon. Joker leaped up on the top of the jack in the box and pressed his gloved hand against the bottom of the heros ballsack. A leashed Superman appealed to Lex Luthor very much. A small swarm of wasps burst from her arm, clustering around the faces of both Aquaman and Batman. The business tycoon wanted nothing more than Supermans complete and utter destruction. to break the steel shackles. Being powerless in his clutches brought terror in the dark depths of his soul. In the face of magic, Superman needs help, lest he will be defeated. NO! Connor half shouted as he forced his hand off his cock. Well stand up and let me see what I am working with.. Seconds later, Superman was back in his apartment and he quickly stripped off his soiled costume and tossed it in the corner of his closet. Just dont send me away., The villain grinned as he winked towards his giant counterpart. Skeletal Dragon Felgrand, banish that so-called King!" The dragon flared out its wings before giving them several flaps, causing the King of the Skull Servants to rather comically scramble to remain on his perch. If Superman is really from some other planet. The rampaging villain wore a leather chest harness. It was the first time he was penetrated like this. Superman has a very contorted drugged out look on his handsome face. To his mortification, a huge wet spot spread over his crotch as he came right on the stage. Superman didnt even look at her as his blue eyes were glued on the face of Lex Luthor. Thank Rao that his erection finally went down, but the damage was already done. She felt as if she didn't really belong anywhere. There was hesitation in his voice, atypical of the Man of Steel. His head was pressed against the top of the prison and there was nowhere left for him to go. will be easy now that I have him where I want him. The Kryptonite is gone but so is his strength and costume Streams of cum came flying out of his cock and hit everything within sight. Superboy moaned like a slut in heat as all his strength transfered to make his dick rock hard. Lim looked at his yellow sleeve and then remembered it must be Monday. This was nothing like the couple of masterbation sessions that he had before. The last thing he needed was to blow his one chance to study under the great Joker. 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