he said she said car accident no police report

Of course, obtaining evidence to prove liability (of either party) is going to be more challenging 2 years later than it wouldve been if the claim was made immediately after the accident. This family member refused to make a claim through insurance or have the damage appraised, and insisted that my boyfriend pay cash to settle it independently (with no set amount stated) even when he offered to take it in for repair and pay through the auto body shop. My friend then panics and leaves the scene because he had no car insurance. Sorry this happened to you. There are a few things to think about, here: First, you should never be driving without insurance. He cant get away with this this man is seeking like 300,000 in injury money and we will go bankrupt and our checks will be garnished because we dont have the money to pay. If you live in a traditional fault state and you are embroiled in a "he said, she said" claim, it's particularly important to talk to a lawyer because you'll have to prove fault before you can get compensation. Youll need to have a process server serve her with the complaint. Even the tow driver stated, no way he even applied breaks. It was a fender bender. If an officer is lying or providing false information with an intent to deceive, he or she may be prosecuted under California perjury laws. If I pay the deductible will her insurance company still come after me for more money? Any advice? Where do I go from here? The police came out but did not write a report, their was 2 witnesses plus my brother who was on the passenger side that witnesses the accident. Do I have any recourse? I know where he works and has his first and last name with his phone number? I had a destroyed rim and a lot of car damage. First of all, Im not a he and second of all, I wasnt there and wasnt driving. I wasnt even present at the scene of the accident! What are my options, My 10 year old daughter was hit while a man mad a right hand turn into a neighborhood . Typically, a person is at fault for rear-ending another vehicle. This is all valuable information that can help a court decide what actually happened. The other driver apologizes profusely. I apologize for not including everything in one post. You dont mention how much time has elapsed since this event, but you might still be able to make a police report. The police left with no report. He says its his moms car and he does not want to call the cops and does not have his drivers license on him. 3 creditable witnesse. Nothing broken but soft tissue injuries. Regardless, the first step is to call your insurance company. What should I do about it really needing help on what to do they are not corporateing with the agreement that we had. In most cases, nothing will come of it, especially if there were no reported injuries. If you were in a car accident and believe there was no damage, you'll still want to take notes and exchange information with the other driver. Sorry youre in this situation! Under Georgia law, you're required to file a police report in an accident where the following occurs: Any property damage greater than $500. Thanks for the question. The SUV had NO dents or scratches. He slowed the car as carefully as he could and was looking in the rear view and allowing cars from behind to go around him, he was trying to pull off the road and get out of the car and close the hood. Hi, Lilly. Just like paying for gas, paying for insurance should be considered a cost of having or driving a car. Hello, I was in an accident in July 2020. I would recommend meeting with an attorney in your area to discuss your options. Most likely, the driver will reach out to you and try to resolve the matter out of court. In most instances, it comes down to a he-said-she-said debate. If the father of the owner continues to demand payment, I would talk to your insurance company or an attorney. Hi there! Hi Joann that sounds like it could be tricky indeed! I really appreciate the advise provided here as I thought I was in the clear with no police report. If anyone was injured or significant property damage occurred, you need to contact the police. These are good questions for your attorney. Unfortunately, yes, you can be sued for any hit and run accident. I unfortunately had lapse in my insurance coverage due to unemployment. (The dent on HER car) SHE SAID SHE WAS SO SORRY and that its OKAY so I just left no complaints. A police report or crash report may wrongly find someone at fault for a car accident because the investigating officer is making a decision with inadequate information and training. You can read more here about statutes of limitations. Most attorneys will provide a free initial consultation. The appropriate action for the man to take is to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit. We exchanged information and took pictures of the damages and she did not file a police report or contact insurance. If you don't have a camera or aren't physically able to take pictures because you were injured in the accident, have a friend or relative take pictures of the intersection and your car as soon as possiblecertainly before you get your car repaired. That means, he is within his rights to sue you. Once I got home the police pulled up right behind me. Unless he does either of those things, I wouldnt give him any money. If theres no evidence that you caused an accident 3 years ago, theres likely not much the person can do to pursue a claim. If the other car was damaged, the owner will file a claim with their insurance company (who will then seek reimbursement from your insurance company) or they will file a claim with your insurance company directly. AlsoI looked at the damage on the seen. If youre in a no-fault state then the other driver will file a claim with her own insurance company and you may never hear from her. I texted him again amd he said he would call them vack. His passenger told the police that he was not paying attention to what the driver was doing. We exchanged information and later that day I found out my insurance lapsed. What can I do if someone caused the car accident but no police report came out. Car Accident Lawyers in Baltimore, MD. Hello while I was I was at a stop sign I bump into a guy we stopped I said sorry . Though a police report is often helpful, you dont need a police report to sue someone. Does the person's version of events seem plausible. In addition, I would send a letter to the other party (send it certified mail) requesting that they get a second estimate from a mechanic of your choosing. The guy was all mouthy and saying he knew this person and that person. I was willing to work with this man and make payments to himwhich he was agreeable to in the beginning. We didnt think much of it for he does that often when certain vehicles go by., we live on a dirt road in a rural area. Now I have texted about three times and no response. Then the plaintiffs drove away like nothing happened to their vehicle, meanwhile my daughters car pouted on over to our driveway a block away. Alyssa Milano. She said I messed up her door. She also claims I never respond when she contacts me when it is the other way around. No cops were involved. It sounds like your boyfriend was at-fault for the accident and therefore the innocent party certainly has a right to sue for damages. With that being said, it is time one would know how to write a police report in case things like these may happen. Not her insurance company is trying to come after me and saying im at fault. If your brother didnt have insurance, that can be a problem. a girl who was on probation for DUI hit my car which now needs a new bumper. As I was traveling through a intersection the semi turned his signal on and cut in front of me amd proceeded to press his brakes. Be sure to keep the information for the witness somewhere safe in case the supermarket denies your version of events. I got her license plate and damage photos. I was in a car accident about a month ago i was switching lanes and this lady came up behind me and hit me on the side we switched info i was positive i had insurances and when i was filing my claim my i found out they canceled me. There may be discrepancies between your accounts of what happened. However, it does sound like a lot of people are being uncooperative (specifically the driver and the insurance companies) and thats when its essential to have the advice of a lawyer. I was hit by a semi truck while riding my bicycle because the driver ran a red light .they did not make a police report and i was healing from my head wound that i got . Generally, the owner/police wouldnt wait so long and you would be contacted within a couple of weeks. Second, its always a good idea to get a police report at the scene. He called the drivers insurance company and found out that the insurance had not been paid in 3 months. (Florida) I was in a minor accident a month ago and the other persons car got minor damage to the back bumper. the officer may even be upset that he or she has to do the paperwork associated . What are the chances? That means the lawyer will earn a percentage of whatever damages you receive. I didnt drive anything into anything, because I WASNT THERE! I backed up into a car while at work and went to let the person know, she came outside and said not to worry about it. If you explain what happened to your insurance company, your insurance company will likely decide to fight the claim. I am sorry that happened to your husband, and Im glad to hear that he was uninjured. Then when traffic was due to move a little and my husband inched forward our trailer did do some damage to the pick up truck. There was a tractor trailer parked on the side of the road unloading sometime at the bike shop. Hes lying. I immediately questioned you called my phone?, what number did you call? He stated my correct number. At this point, youll have to appeal the decision (be sure to provide any proof you have that the accident was the other drivers fault). The driver of the other car according to my insurance company did not have insurance at the time of accident. Hi, I was recently in a minor brush with another vehicle (I say brush because it was seriously ,that) in which I was at fault in a neighboring city where I work in a government position, but dont reside in. Method No. In some states, being partially at fault prevents you from recovering damages. Well half a year goes by and we get served papers saying the man is suing us and his car was totaled!!!!! Physical evidence and surveillance footage are also ways to prove liability that extend beyond disputed versions of the facts. Heres a resource list for you to start with: https://www.enjuris.com/pdf/ (Be sure to fill out the post-accident report form while everything is fresh in your mind. I know it wasnt the right thing to do but i floored the gas peddle , a high speed race on the Hwy for about a mile and half until (we) my other 2 passangers were close enough to get the tag number. My bosses insurance is now saying they wont cover me due to an issue from 2012 I believe. Based on the information you provided, its not clear to me why your insurance company will not cover the accident. The cop told us that if neither of us was hurt then there was no need for a report! 3. Learn more about what to do after a car accident. She gave her insurance information. Best of luck it sounds like youre trying to do the right thing! She hadnt had the car long when it was hit. My husband totaled our car a couple years ago, so I didnt want anything on our insurance. I left it cus I was gonna be late to work and I didnt want to make it worse. Police officers are considered neutral and credible in the eyes of a jury and judge, so discussing the details of the accident is advised. However, its unclear whether she has filed a claim with her insurance company at this point. He called back 5 days later and said Theyre not accepting liability because he had the right of way, and due to me pulling out in front of him i was at fault. Identifying information about parties involved may . She also gave him the runaround about her license. I exchanged information like I was suppose to. Your payment would be seen as an attempt to settle rather than an admission of liability. i didnt find no police report or any information that could help me the only thing that i found was the name of a officer who called the ambulance . But my roommate was present when he did. My husband was in a small fender bender about a year ago. Also Read : 5 Health Issues You May Encounter After a Car Accident. Nevertheless, be prepared to speak with an attorney in case she decides to take legal action. The reason being, I offered at least five times to call the police and was repeatedly told No, it was not necessary there was no damage. In addition, I would continue to call the police if he shows up at your house. My bro has not seen the Quote from the auto body shop. Attorneys at Law. Can I be charged with a hit and run since I did share my information? I said well lets call my insurance first and see what they will be able to do about that and go from there. Then it becomes he said-she said situation. Hi i had an accident in Chicago . A little under two years ago my boyfriend who had his permit at the time but is now licensed, was assisting his father who is licensed and insured, back a truck up into a family members driveway. He even agrees to pay you out of his pocket for the damages to your car. Be nice. Thats all I know about the other party. i dont want to file a claim bc of family issues or what can and cant she do? Were ready to give you the help you need. Im very pleased to have been represented by Lonnie Simmons in a very confrontational lawsuit. He said hes fine, everything is fine. You might have insurance through your own company. Your attorney will be able to advise you in this regard. Do my parents should file an Ins. He also convinces you not to exchange insurance information and you agree. Youre not obligated to speak with her or return her calls. Fast forward four weeks, The officer in question had another officer that works day shift to go to my place of employment twice yesterday. I called 911 and it took them 25 mins to come by that time the driver had left. I stopped and called 911. Thanks for the comment. It was a great move to make sure you got the license plate information. Check the Police Report. she called my brother ad said she wanted more money because her window had being damaged and if he did not pay her or give her my info she was going to sue him and garnish his wages. I was not physically injured, but I am definitely emotionally rattled by this ordeal. We also took pics but unfortunately, the tag was blurry. Now shes claiming other damages .what can I do bc I had no license or insurance. Most states require both drivers to stop, exchange information, and render reasonable aid. my car was totaled. First, the fact that your daughter didnt have insurance at the time of the accident wont factor into the decision of (a) whether she caused the accident, or (2) how much damage the other party sustained. They wrote me back and said that I was stupid but they never specifically stated if there was any damage to their car. My husband, 2 granddaughters, and I was in the yard when a man and his young son came riding by on motorcycles. We also found out that HIS insurance company also denied his claim with them directly because he only had liability insurance. Minimal damage to his car and none to mine. When Do You Not Need An Attorney After An Accident? Every aspect of the crash that proves the other driver responsible should be shared in the police report. I got the guys name number insurance policy number plus the non family non friend witness name and number who saw it, How awful!! Her stepfather and his family are very well known in town for their constant criminal behavior and their numerous trips to jail for drugs, fighting, robbery, theft etc. In case its helpful, this article outlines cases when you DONT need a lawyer: When Do You Not Need An Attorney After An Accident? Dont ignore this thinking it will eventually go away. Hi, Kathleen. In those cases, it'll come down to one driver's word against the other's. To win a he said/she said car accident case, you'll need to gather evidence from: The police report. Im at a loss on how to resolve this . what do you think my chance of winning the case without police report. That is a thoughtless answer. Now no damage was really done to his vehicle just a small indenture since he was driving an old Chevy Tahoe with a heavy duty steel bumper. A death. No place immediately pullover so it took me about a mile the police showed up, then came back to me. She left before the trooper arrived. Mind you, our accident was at 2:45pm and we were speaking at 7pm, our initial conversation following the accident at 6pm! The official Denver city government website has a webpage where you can fill out and submit your request form, or print your form to mail your request. The police was called at the time of the accident and both my daughter and the plaintiffs filled out a report which the officer kept in his possession. Hello, there. We exchanged information and I later called my insurance and reported the claim. Hello, Niyah. There was no damage to other persons car. A whopping 4.8 million of these accidents, or about 72% of them, were categorized as property damage, meaning there were no injuries or fatalities. Police said Boeheim has been cooperating with the investigation. Its always best to stay at the scene, share information, and try to get a police report. Your lawyer will be familiar with the system, know how to acquire documents, and can also negotiate with the insurance company. I would recommend speaking with an attorney in your area. Decide whether the accident is the result of a rear-end collision or a left-hand turn. Police I spoke with told me that as I called them about this, it would not be hit and run. I was in a car crash last december and just received court papers that im being sued. What happen next?? They didnt want to turn it in to insurance. At Berger and Green, our car accident lawyers can order a copy of your police report, determine liability, and explore your options for compensation with you. There was no police report filed an she even signed something agreeing to pay for my damages. If you are unsuccessful, you might want to consider hiring an attorney who can negotiate with the insurance company or file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. However, you dont NEED a police report to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit. But its not imperative! I have never sued anyone as I usually am very forgiving, however I may have just hurt myself with kindness. How can I be sure that he didnt damage the car even more? Furthermore, the police are only required to forward a report to the director of public safety when there is a death, injury, or more than $1,000 in property damage. And the officer was off , no report. Its hard to offer specific suggestions without knowing all of the facts or the laws of your state. Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. I got in a minor accident in a Walgreens parking lot a person backed into me while I was parking. Shortly after the call he contacted me via text amd said he would like to go through his insurance to pay because the bill is higher than he expected. Once I was done with work I found that they wrote me back and basically called me stupid and said they took pics of my plates but never specifically stated if there was any damage to their car. It happens to everyone! I am sorry to hear that you were involved in an accident. Try to document the exact point of the collision. The insurance company was contacted immediately after the fender bender. Its probably time to involve an attorney. Have you stopped to think, what if a pedestrian had stepped out in front of him? The tow driver told us no way he ever applied his breaks. Fortunately, the first consultation is often free in these cases, so you wont have to worry about cost. We wish you the best! Obviously, you cant exchange information if the other driver does not want your information. My brother said he would pay the driver for the damage and the next day told my brother the damage was $2500. Youre free to use the Enjuris law firm directory to find a lawyer near you. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. Yes Ive insurance but no drive lience thats why I ask u guy a question is that correct a law for ago a month no report the police. But a dozen or so states follow a no-fault insurance system that requires drivers to turn to their own personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. I was on Vacation and left my car with my mother to have while watching my dog in case of an emergency. Call 1-888-404-5167. or if you prefer fill out online form and we will repond within 24 hours. You can still file a claim to get compensation. It sounds like you have a good case. I am in a lot of pain and dont know what to do since I didnt get the drivers information or file a police report or go to the hospital. 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